

For generations, Cerulean Academy has been known throughout the world as a cutthroat school. One to which that possesses political power no ordinary school should ever have, while upholding twisted and absurd values no school should ever embrace. To them, competition and rivalry is the foundation of growth. Separating the weak from the strong is the essence of life, and transforming the youth into potential elites is their whole purpose for existing. The reward at the end of it all is the right to fulfill any wish, so long as it's humanly possible. Money, fame, status and even power can all be granted. But to Dazai Crowley, such rewards were simply an afterthought. The only reason why he has come was to settle the score against a certain someone. In pursuit of the revenge that he seeks after, Dazai begins to walk down the path of a predestined fate…

Redacted_ · Fantasia
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22 Chs

The School Life of Our Dreams, Part 5

(Dazai Crowley's POV)

Cerulean Academy, Present Day

"Well then, Dazai. Make yourself at home."

"Thank you."

As I said that, I set my bag down on a table and took a look around. With that, Emmel starts giving me a warm and friendly house tour.

"So this is the kitchen over here. Oh and I already stocked the fridge and cabinets with some snacks, so feel free to help yourself to anything."

The kitchen was a little small compared to the one back home, but that's to be expected right? Well, atleast it came with both a gas and electric stove so that's something, I guess.

"—And our room's right down here."

He says "rooms", but in reality there was only one.

A single bunk bed, two desks, a microwave, a minifridge and some shelves lined the interior.

"We're sharing a room?"

"Yeah. Is that a problem?"

"No, not at all."

I'm used to sharing rooms with others. I was just hoping it would be a little different this time around. Well, there goes that, I guess.

In any case, I shouldn't try to sound ungrateful or problematic. After all, the trick to living with a roommate is to aim for a cooperative relationship.

…I think.

"By the way, I've already called dibs on the top bunk. You know, first come, first served and all that jazz."

"That's fine, I prefer the bottom bed anyways."


Emmel was taken aback by such a statement. I'm not surprised though. The bottom bunk is like the first and last slice of bread. Nobody wants it.

"Hey, teach, you didn't pair me up with some psychopath, did you?"


How rude.

"Just wait till you see what he does with his cereal."



"—Oi, you promised to keep that a secret."


I feel so betrayed.

"Oh god, this guy is definitely going to kill me in my sleep one day, isn't he…?"

"Only if you give him a good reason to."

"You're not helping!!"

Mrs. Gwein chuckles again.

She then checks her watch and notices the time.

"In any case, it's about time I get out of here. If there's a problem, just text me later or something. Until then, I'll see you kids tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, teach."


And with that, she takes her leave.

After she left however, Emmel suddenly sighs.

"Sigh, great, now I'm hungry for some reason…"

"You want me to make you something?"

"Oh, you can cook?"

"A little."

"In that case, let me help you out then."

"No, I'll be fine on my own. It'll be pretty bad if your sweat gets mixed in the food."

"—Ah, I probably should go take a shower, huh."

I nod.

After that whole exchange from earlier, it seems Emmel has forgotten the fact that he was currently drenched with sweat right now.

"Well, I'm counting on you, Dazai."

He then gathers a couple of pajamas from one of the closets and heads off to a nearby bathroom.

"Counting on me, huh…"

A strange emotion bubbled up from within me.

Was this excitement? No, not quite. But it certainly was something of that nature. Either way though, I decided to put in some extra effort into the meal that I was about to cook.

I head back into the kitchen.

"Now then, what do we have here?"

I opened the fridge and cabinets, inspecting what little ingredients we had inside.

"As expected…"

Although Emmel claimed to have gone shopping earlier today, there was hardly much to work with aside from instant prepped food and loose articles like eggs or rice. Wait a second. Rice?

I begin to formulate an idea in my head.

I check the pantry again.

"—Yes, this might just work…"

I grabbed the nearest knife and got to work.

The sounds of chopping and frying began to soon echo loudly throughout the small kitchen.

And with that, a few minutes pass.

Suddenly though, as I was busy cutting away at some vegetables, I felt my phone vibrate slightly inside my left pocket.

"A message?"

I stop for a moment to check.

[ "Are you going to be fine with Emmel?" ]

It was a text from Mrs. Gwein.

[ "I don't see why not." ], I replied.

[ "I see." ]

That was a weird question to ask…

[ "What makes you ask?" ]

[ "Well, it's because he's—…no, nevermind." ]

Don't just say something and not finish it!

[ "Look. I'm sure I don't have to tell you this, but don't let your guard down. Not even once." ]

[ "Of course not." ]

[ "Good. Well then, goodnight." ]

No further texts came after that. I wonder what that was all about. Oh well, in any case, I return back to cooking. Ten minutes have passed since then. The food was about ready, so I decided to begin plating. Around the time I was finished however, Emmel returned from his shower.

"Mmmh, something smells good in here~", he says while wiping his face and hair with a towel.

"You made it just in time. Food's ready."

I set down the last of the utensils.

"Ooh, curry!~"

Excited, he takes a seat across from me and then clasps his hand together in gratitude.

"Thank you for the food~", he says.


And with that, we eat.


Upon taking a bite, Emmel's expression changes.

I glance up at him.

"—Something wrong?"



Are those tears rolling down his face?


Taken aback by the taste, Emmel struggled to voice his surprise. Upon doing so however, he returned back to his meal with hastened vigor.

"H—hey, slow down…—if you eat too fast—"

But my warning came a little too late.


He chokes on his meal.


"Hang on a second."

I poured him a cup of tea and handed it to him. He snatches it from my hand and drinks sloppily.


He makes a hasty recovery.

Suddenly though, he claps his hands together and leans his head forward.

"Dazai, will you please marry me?"

"No thank you."

"Ah, so instant too!!"

He then shakes off the comment with a chuckle.

Clearly he wasn't being serious.

"Ahaha, no but for real though, I wasn't expecting this to taste so damn good though. Are you some sort of master chef in disguise?"

"Not really, I just practiced a lot."

—That, and I had a good instructor.

"In any case, you should finish eating before your food gets cold."

"Ah, you're right!"

We spent the rest of our dinner eating in silence.

After dinner, I began putting the plates away.

However, Emmel stops me.

"Nah, ah, ah. Let me take care of the dishes."

"You sure?"

"Of course! We're roommates, remember? It's only fair that I handle cleaning after you make dinner. Besides, you hadn't take a shower yet, right?"


"Then hurry up and go already! I've already cleaned it up for you."

"—Well, if you truly insist…"

To be honest, I wasn't expecting this since I was more than prepared to handle atleast this much.

If it was any other person however, I'm sure they would've tried forcing all of the chores on to me.

I guess that means I should be grateful.