

For generations, Cerulean Academy has been known throughout the world as a cutthroat school. One to which that possesses political power no ordinary school should ever have, while upholding twisted and absurd values no school should ever embrace. To them, competition and rivalry is the foundation of growth. Separating the weak from the strong is the essence of life, and transforming the youth into potential elites is their whole purpose for existing. The reward at the end of it all is the right to fulfill any wish, so long as it's humanly possible. Money, fame, status and even power can all be granted. But to Dazai Crowley, such rewards were simply an afterthought. The only reason why he has come was to settle the score against a certain someone. In pursuit of the revenge that he seeks after, Dazai begins to walk down the path of a predestined fate…

Redacted_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

The Circumstances of Class D, Part 6

(Dazai Crowley's POV)

Cerulean Academy, Present Day

After the details over the school trial had officially been discussed, class continued on as per usual.

And before we knew it, class was over for the day.

Once we were dismissed by our teacher, I grabbed my bag and got up from my seat. Ester did the same.

"You ready?"

She nods silently.

"Alright, let's go."

Late last night, we made plans to visit the school library. So that's what we were going to do today.

Together, we left class and made our way there.

As a large and prestigious boarding school, Cerulean Academy naturally has multiple libraries located on campus. Some of the minor ones are located inside the main building, while others, located outside.

However the one we were heading for in particular was one of the latter—The Grand Study Hall.

As the name may suggest, The Grand Study Hall is by far the biggest library built on campus with nearly three times the average storage capacity.

In addition to that, they also receive numerous, and rather generous, contributions and donations from famous authors and artists from all over the world.

Such donations were—but certainly not limited to—ironically enough—limited edition novels, magic tomes, forbidden grimoires, old adventure diaries, tattered logs, ancient maps, and so forth.

In short, it would be no understatement, if one was to say that every book in the world had existed here.

And that was precisely why we came here today, albeit with no real intention other than sightseeing.

Shortly after a little bit of walking, we soon arrived.

A large golden building decorated with stone and marble towered over us. On the outside, the word "Grand" was an understatement to say the least.

—Impressed with the design, we entered inside.


Even I couldn't help but murmur a little in awe.

From just a glance, I could tell that this place wasn't "just" some mere library. No, it was more like a fantastical wonderland filled to the brim with knowledge. One open for all to see and learn.

Books, both new and old, were stacked upon layers of shelves whose cases reached several meters high. Gorgeously well crafted statues lined along the ground, depicting ancient gods and deities of old.

And this peculiar smell of nature—which I'm assuming was replicated through burning incense?—wasn't too strong, and was actually quite lovely in fact.

To Ester however, the details of our environment was irrelevant and instead continued on ahead.

She then approached a nearby staff only desk.

There, a certain girl was sitting down quietly, yet leisurely, reading a book alone and in peace.

According to the nameplate on her apron, apparently the girl's full name was "Noah Tohru".

"Excuse me."


The girl looks up.

She then furrows her brow.

"You two don't look familiar. Is this your first time here at this library by chance?", she asked.

"Yes, we're new students", Ester replied.

"New students, huh? I see. Well, uh, welcome."

"Thank you. I assume you are the librarian here?"

"Huh? O—oh, uh, yes! How can I help you?"

As getting into character, she adjusted her glasses and swept aside some of her loose hanging bangs.

"—I'm looking for a certain book."

"Ah, okay then."

Putting aside her book for a moment, the girl, Noah, then turns the nearby computer on and types for a second. Most likely trying to log in or something.

Given the sheer size of the library, naturally we couldn't expect her to memorize every book in here.

"And, which one are you looking for exactly?"

"The Legend of Thunderblade Olberic, I believe. Hopefully Volume 7, if possible, please."

The Legends of Thunderblade Olberic.

I think I've heard of that series somewhere before.

If I remember correctly, I believe Sir Olberic was once a famous freelancer who wandered the world in search of excitement. His stories are quite popular.

"—Alright, just one second."

Noah then types those words into the computer and then scrolls through what I assumed were the logs.

"I didn't know you were into those types of books."

"It's informative."


More research, huh.

"Okay then, it looks like it'll be located somewhere in aisle eighteen, down the Hall of Heroes section."

"And the volume?"

"Hmm…—It looks like you're in luck. Apparently the whole saga, volume one through twelve, is in stock."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Grateful, Ester takes her leave.

"Oh, and one last thing!"


We turn around.

"—Please be careful when climbing the ladders. There's been a couple of accidents with them lately."

"I'll keep that in mind."

With that said, we head off towards the Hall of Heroes section. Well, wherever that was exactly.

In all honesty, this library was more like one giant maze. Even me and Ester would probably have gotten lost, had it not been for all the signs and maps.

Hmm, I wonder if something like that has ever happened before. A student getting lost in a library.

That would make for a pretty funny story…—Probably.

Eventually, we arrived.

—The Hall of Heroes.

As the name suggested, this particular isle was a sort of hall of fame attested towards heroes and legends of old. To be perfectly honest though, it was more like a museum of sorts, but with shelves of books.

"Let's see…—she said aisle eighteen, right?"

"I got it."

Suddenly, Ester started levitating using magic.

It wasn't flashy or anything.

It was simply as if her whole body had now started floating through zero gravity.

"Be right back."

Saying only that, she flew through the air while slowly scanning through each of the bookshelves.

Knowing her though, I'm sure she'll probably find it soon enough. Until then, I decided to kill some time and pick out a couple books that caught my eye.

A couple minutes had passed since then.

Suddenly though, I felt something off about the crowd, so I decided to shoot a glance behind me.

Dozens of students—both belonging to different classes and grades—were walking to and fro past us.

However, there was a certain group of people in particular standing nearby that caught my attention.


I memorized their faces before continuing on.

Shortly after walking up ahead for a second, I later noticed Ester, who had suspended herself in midair, looking through one large bookshelf in particular.

She then pulls out a certain familiar looking book from the shelf before flying back down to me.

"Found it."

Saying only that, she then hands the book over to me, the cover depicting a young man fighting against a certain horrifying looking monster.

"Must be quite an interesting story, huh."

"I suppose."

I handed the book back to her.

"So was that everything you were looking for?"


"Alright, let's go have a seat down somewhere then."

She nods in agreement.