

GodOFGames12 · História
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38 Chs


151Chapter 41


Jane looks at me and starts to smile. With Edward and Aro not being able to read my mind, I assumed that nothing would happen to me. Alex's power didn't even work on me. I didn't know what exactly I was. Maybe I was a shield with heightened powers.

My thoughts of me being unharmed goes out the window when I feel the pain. The pain was excruciating, which meant one thing. Jane's power worked on me.

Pain. That is the only thing that I was feeling at the moment. The pain started at my toes and went all the way to my head. I felt like I was being lit on fire over and over again. It was twice as worse than the bite that James gave me.

I let out a scream and fell to the ground. Everything started to fade, all I could pay attention to was the pain that Jane was inflicting on me. I barely heard my family yelling in shock. I barely managed seeing members of the Volturi guard restraining my family so that they couldn't get to me. They didn't want them to help me. They just let Jane continue torturing me. Jane had a pretty smile on her face. Enjoying the fact that she was causing me so much pain. These people were really cruel. They were more terrifying than their book descriptions.

I wanted this pain to stop. No, it needed to stop. I screamed in pain again. "Stop it." My voice came out as a whisper. The pain then intensified. That was enough. I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my hands into fists.

"STOP IT!" I screamed as loud as I could. That's when something unusual happened. I felt my body lifting off of the ground. I floated a couple of inches off of the ground before a force exploded out of my body.

I screamed as an unknown force came from my body. The force pushed everyone away from me. Everyone was knocked off of their feet. The only two people that didn't fall down was Caius and Marcus because they were sitting on their thrones.

I then slammed back onto the floor. I breathed heavily, suddenly exhausted from the energy that had left my body. The unknown force acted as a shield for me. To protect me from the pain that Jane was inflicting on me.

Alex was soon at my side. I guess when the force hit everyone, Felix lost his grip on him. I turn my head slowly to see Edward holding Bella in his arms. Good, she's ok. Edward looked at me in worry. He was worried about my well being and wanted to see that I was ok. This was a shock for all of us.

It was at that moment that it hit me. Everything was quiet. No one was saying a word. Alex helped me to sit up. I was leaning on him the whole time though. I was so weak that I couldn't sit up on my own. I managed to look around me and saw everyone's expressions. Everyone was in shock. Even Caius and Marcus were at a loss for words. Every eye in the room was centered on me. I felt like a frog that was about to be dissected.

I look over to see Alec helping Aro up from the floor. Aro looked at me intrigued. He looked like a kid in a candy store. "Oh my. Wasn't that fascinating." Aro makes his way over to me. Alex pulls me into his side as I remain sitting on the floor. All of my energy was gone.

Aro knelt down in front of me. "In all of my years. I have never seen anything like that. You are extremely gifted Sophie." I remain quiet. I look at him uneasy as he continues to stare at me. I was in deep trouble. I wish that I had remained in Forks. I should have listened to Alice and Alex about staying home and not coming here.

Aro stands up and turns around to walk towards his throne. "Yes, very interesting. Jane's gift has no effect on Bella but it effects Sophie. Yet Sophie has a power that acts as a barrier, as if it protects her. They both confound us. But what do we do with you now?" He turns and looks at the five of us.

"They are a liability Aro. They know too much. Not to mention that one of them lives with them."

Aro sighs sadly. He looks at me while he ponders. "Your right Caius. Felix." All the blood drains from my face. I turn to see Felix heading towards Bella and Edward.

Edward growls and launches himself at Felix. I can't do anything but watch as everything unfolds. I still don't have enough energy to move. Alex pulls me further into him. He was crouching over me, to protect me from harm. I watch in terror as everything unfolds around me.

I turn my head in time to see Edward being thrown into the marble wall. It crumbles when Edward makes contact with it. Edward gets up and runs into Felix. The both of them soon turned into blurs. I couldn't keep my eyes on them. They were just blurs and it was starting to make me dizzy. I closed my eyes and took some deep breaths. Trying to calm myself down.

"Stop it! Stop it please! Kill me, not him." I hear Bella screaming. I look over and see that Edward is being held down by Felix. Felix is about to rip Edward's head off.

"No, Edward." Everything comes out as a whisper. I wanted to crawl over to stop everything but with Alex crouching over me and having no energy, prevented me from doing so.

Aro held his hand up to stop Felix from killing Edward. He walks over to Bella who keeps pleading for Edward's life. "You would save his life. Someone who doesn't have a soul."

"You don't know anything about his soul," replies Bella.

"You know, you and Sophie are a lot alike. It's too bad that he won't change you." Aro leans in to bite Bella. To end her life.

"Wait! Bella will become one of us. I've seen it. I'll change her myself." Alice lifts her hand out towards Aro.

"Alice what..." Edward trails off as Felix pulls him back.

Aro waves Alice forward and Demetri let's her go. She walks to Aro and places her hand in his. It's only for a minute or two and he releases her hand and smiles. "Oh my. To have seen what you see before it even happens. Very well, Bella will need to be turned. Preferably soon. You may all go to make your preparations."

"We will be visiting you soon to make sure you go through on your end. It would be wise that you follow these orders. We do not give second chances," says Caius.

Alex helps me up and scoops me into his arms. I'm grateful because I don't feel that I have enough energy to even walk. Alex meets Edward, Alice, and Bella in the middle of the room as we start to walk out of the room. That's when Aro stops us.

"Before you all leave, I would like to say something to Sophie." We all turn around as I stare at Aro incredulously. A feeling of dread overcomes me. Please don't tell me that he's going to make me stay here.

I stare into his red eyes as he smiles. "I am so intrigued about what happened with you Sophie. I would like to invite you to join us. Alex can stay here with you of course." He can't be serious.

I take a breath and try to smile at him. "Thank you for the offer but I will have to kindly decline. I want to remain with my family." Aro let out a sigh. He smiled but I could tell that he was disappointed.

"That is very disappointing. I had really hoped that this wouldn't get messy." Realization then hit me full force, Aro never had the intention of letting us all go. Once that force came out of me, he had decided that I would stay here. That's why no one attacked Alex to get to me. They knew that Aro wanted to keep me here. Alex pulled me closer into him while I looked at everyone around me. Demetri, Felix, and Jane all had smirks on their faces. A mist started to appear at Alec's fingertips. All of them were waiting for the word from Aro so that they could take me by force. They were itching for a fight.

Dread was overtaking me. "Aro, please don't hurt them." I pleadingly looked into Aro's eyes. I didn't want to stay here but if it was a life or death situation then I would. I would stay here in Volterra just to protect my family.

He opened his mouth to say something when Marcus suddenly appeared beside him. "Aro." He extended his hand and Aro immediately took it.

Aro then smiled and looked at Marcus. "Thank you Marcus, that was very enlightening." Without a glance, Marcus glides back to his chair.

"Marcus can see relationships between individuals if you remember correctly. Sophie, you have strong ties with Edward and Alice. You share a strong sibling bond. I haven't seen a strong tie like that before between family members. Extraordinary though, it seems like you are Alex's mate. After all this time Alex has finally found someone to love. Edward and Bella have a very strong bond as well but not as strong as you and Alex. It's amazing how strong all of these ties are. They are so strong that if they were severed then there would be significant damage. I can tell that you would like to go back to Forks so you may all go. However, we will be keeping an eye on Sophie. I believe in the next year or two she will be turned into one of us. She shows great potential. Farewell my friends." I didn't say anything. Alex immediately started walking towards the door. I let out a little sigh of relief.

Demetri leads us out of the room and walks ahead of us in the hallway. We all follow behind him when I start to see a crowd approaching us. I know what is about to happen. Heidi is leading the group towards the room that we just left. Demetri looks at her and smirks. "Nice fishing Heidi."

She smiles at him and looks at us curiously. "Thanks. They do look rather appetizing." Her gaze flickers to all of us and narrows at the site of Alex. I'm still in his arms and this causes her to scowl. "Alex," she hisses under her breath.

Alex grips me tighter into his arms. "Heidi." He doesn't say anything else to her.

Demetri turns his head to Heidi as we pass her. "Save some for me will you." She gives him a smile before leading the crowd into the throne room.

"Welcome guests! Welcome to Volterra!" I could hear Aro sing from the room. Edward gripped Bella into him tighter as we quickened our pace. Realization hit her about what was happening once the screaming started. I just buried my head into Alex's shoulder to try and tune out the screams of terror.

Demetri left us in the reception area so that he could go have his meal. The thought caused me to shudder. We waited until dark and left as soon as Alec told us we were free to go. Everything after that was a blur to me. I started to slowly gain my energy back and I was able to walk onto our plane going back to the United States. We first landed in Atlanta and then took a connecting flight to Seattle. I slept most of the way there. I said a couple of words to Alex but remained quiet mostly. I was shaken awake as we started to land in Seattle. I got up and grabbed my bag and followed everyone off of the plane. As expected, my family was waiting for us. I think the only person that was surprised by this was Bella.

Jasper was the first one that I saw. Alice immediately went to him and they stood next to each other. They stared into each others eyes and I felt that they were having an intimate moment.

Esme grabbed Bella and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you so much." She then threw her arms around me. "Don't you dare put me through that again. That goes for the both of you." She pulled away from me and looked at Edward.

Me and Edward both give her a small smile. "Sorry mom," we say in unison.

"Thank you Bella. We owe you," says Carlisle.

"No you don't," replies Bella.

Carlisle turns to me and gives me a hug. "Do you have any idea how worried we all were. You just disappeared without telling anyone where you were going. Your grounded until further notice. Thank you though for going to save your brother." I give him a small smile and nod. I was in deep trouble, not that I could blame them. I did put them through a nightmare.

We all exit the airport and headed to the parking garage. I stopped walking when I saw Rosalie and Emmett leaning against a black sedan. Edward instantly stiffened while I just stared at her.

"Don't," interjects Esme. "She feels terrible."

"As she should," replies Edward. I ignore everyone talking as I stare into Rosalie's eyes. So many emotions started going through me. I was relieved to see her but angry about what she had done.

"Sophie..." she starts to say.

I just shake my head at her. "Not right now Rosalie." I turn and follow Alice and Jasper to Carlisle's car. I needed some space from Rosalie. I needed time to think.

Alice and Jasper decided to run home since Carlisle's car couldn't fit all of us.

"Sophie. I understand why you left but please don't ever do anything like that ever again. You didn't even leave a note behind. All of us kept thinking the worst." Carlisle kept driving but he was looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"Sorry dad. It won't happen again."

"Until further notice you are under curfew. You will be going back to Forks High School. After school you will come straight home. You are not to be left alone when we need to go hunt. Someone will stay with you. Oh and no video games for two weeks." Great. I had to stop myself from complaining. I wanted to voice my objections but I did deserve to be grounded.

I let out a huff. "Fine."

"I hope you understand why I am doing this Sophie. We love you. We don't want to ever lose you." I smile at Carlisle and Esme.

"I know. I love you guys too. I promise that I won't do anything like that again." The rest of the car ride was silent. When we pulled in front of our house I immediately got out. I smiled at the house, our home.

"Well, are you going to show me around?" I grimace and look at Alex. I almost forgot that he was still here.

"Just because Aro said we are mates doesn't mean we are together. We shared one kiss, that doesn't mean that we are dating or anything. I don't even like you." That last part was a lie. I'm pretty sure that he can see through my lie.

Alex just smiles at me. "I'm glad that you haven't lost your spunk. One of the many things I like about you. Don't worry, you'll come around eventually." I give him a smile before heading into our house.

All of the sheets that had been around our furniture had been removed. It was like we never left. I looked at everything around me before heading to my room. My room looked the same. I smiled as I walked to my bed to unpack my things.

I picked up a book and started to read it after I was done unpacking. I was just finishing a chapter when I heard a knock at my door. I looked up in time to see Rosalie entering the room. I just stared at her, I didn't know what to say.

"Hi. Do you mind if I come in?" I could tell that Rosalie was nervous. I looked at her for a moment before sighing.

"I don't mind. Come in." I closed my book and scooted over on my bed so that Rosalie could sit down. We didn't say anything for a little while. We just stared at each other, not knowing what to say.

Rosalie was the first one to speak. "I can't tell you how sorry I am. When Jasper told us...I wasn't thinking straight. I should have called Alice first but I didn't. I wasn't really thinking straight when Jasper told me why Alice was in Forks. I was so upset that I called to tell Edward and then Alex without thinking. I didn't know that Edward was going to go to the Volturi. That's no excuse though. When I told him what happened...I'm glad that you didn't hear our conversation. I can't begin to explain how sorry I am Sophie. I put everyone in danger." I stared at Rosalie as she spoke. I didn't say anything for a while.

"I wish that you had called. You should have called Alice or called me. I would have answered the phone. I know that you dislike Bella, but telling Edward that we can be a family again with her being gone is terrible. I know that I should have stayed in Denali or at least left a note. I know you didn't mean to, but our lives were in danger. Aro almost kept me there in Volterra. I was going to be forced to stay until Marcus showed Aro the ties that I have with everyone. I've never been that scared in my life."

I pause and look at Rosalie. "I am sorry though. For running off and scaring you. I promise I won't do anything like that again." She smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"I love you Sophie." I smile and pull away.

"I love you too." We are then interrupted by a knock. I turn to see Emmett looking at us.

"Hey we need to go downstairs. Bella's here." I look outside to see that it's dark outside. I didn't realize how late it had gotten.

I get up and follow Rosalie downstairs. For once she's not glaring or scowling at Bella. I walk and stand beside Alex. I look up to see Bella standing in front of the room looking at all of us. Edward was standing by the stairs looking miserable.

"Hi. So I'm going to get to the point. You all know what I want. I know what I'm asking is a lot. With everything that happened in Volterra, the only thing that I can think of is to vote."

"You don't know what your asking. This is completely unnecessary," interjected Edward.

Bella turns to Edward. "Shut up." She turns back to all of us. "Alice?"

Alice is instantly smiling. She runs up to her and embraces Bella into a hug. "I already consider you as a sister. Yes."

"I'll vote yes too. It would be nice to not wanting to kill you all the time." I cracked a smile at Jasper's answer.

"I vote hell yeah." Emmett bounded over to Bella and embraced her into a hug.

Bella smiled at Emmett and then turned to Rosalie.

"I'm sorry about what I put you through. What I put all of you through. I cannot thank you enough for going to save my brother. But this isn't the life that I would have chosen. I wish that there was someone to vote no for me. So my answer is no." Bella just stared at her. I don't think she was really surprised at her answer.

Bella then looked at me. I raised my eyebrow at her. "I get to vote? I'm only human Bella."

"I know but you are a Cullen. You are Edward's sister." I smiled at her comment.

"Then my answer is yes. It looks like I will be joining you soon anyways." I chose to ignore the grumbling coming from Rosalie and Edward.

"My vote is no. I'm with Rosalie. It's not a life I would have chosen and I don't relish the thought of Sophie being in danger." I turn to Alex and gave him a look.

"Since when were you included in this conversation?" Alex flashed me a smile.

"Since I've officially joined all of you. I've decided to stay here with you permanently."

"What! Who told you that you could do that!"

"Carlisle and Esme did actually." I whirled my head over to Esme and Carlisle.

"He asked and we accepted his request Sophie." I grumbled under my breath but didn't say anything.

Esme and Carlisle then turned to Bella. "I already consider you as a daughter. My vote is yes." Bella smiled at Esme.

"Thank you." Carlisle didn't say anything as he walked closer to Edward.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"You've made it clear that you can't live without her. That you won't live without her. I'm not about to lose a son."

Edward grimaced and looked at Bella. She smiled at him slightly. He knew he was defeated but I knew he had something else up his sleeve. He soon left to take Bella back home.

Once they left I let out a yawn and turned to Alex. He looked at me and chuckled. "I guess that's the signal for you to get some sleep."

I give him a smile before heading to my bedroom. I get to my door and turn around to look at Alex.

"I know going back to Volterra was hard for you. I want to thank you. I'm not really sure what I would have done if you weren't there."

Alex gave me a smile. Not one of his cocky smiles, he gave me a genuine smile. "Your welcome. I'm not sure what I would have done if anything happened to you. I plan on staying here Sophie. I'm never going to leave you."

"Please don't ruin this. Your starting to sound like a stalker."

Alex chuckles. "Good night Sophie."

"Night Alex."After everything that has happened I would think that my life would get a little simpler. Being sent into the Twilight Universe was never something that would have come to my mind. I never even asked to be sent here in the first place. I couldn't regret being sent here though. I gained another family in the process. A family that would protect me no matter what.

Which led me to this moment. A moment where he was prepared to defend me no matter the cost. All of our efforts to prevent everything from happening had been in vain. We were all out numbered, I didn't even know who was winning. Who were the winners and who were the losers?

I looked into the black eyes of the creature that craved for my death. That craved for my blood. Waiting for the opportune moment when my protectors eyes would be diverted. Looking for the perfect window to pounce on me. To end my life once and for all. We were outnumbered and we all knew it. Though, he would defend and protect me until the very end.

I took a breath as I watched the creature. Like fire and ice. Somewhere, far, far away in the forest, a wolf started howling.44

In my lifetime so far, a lot of things have changed. Such as my likes and dislikes. For example, to like a type of food one day and then hating it later on. My taste in sports and video games have changed also. Though there has always been a constant dislike that would never change, school. I always hated school, even in my other world I hated school. Which led to me sitting in agony in my Calculus class. Probably my least favorite subject was math. I was passing the class but I always found the subject matter boring. I kept my eyes on the clock as the teacher droned on and on. As soon as the bell rang, I was already grabbing my bag and racing out of the classroom. I was soon in the hallway pushing my way through the crowd to get to the lunchroom.

I walk into the cafeteria to already find Bella, Edward, and Alice sitting with Bella's friends. I let out a breath. I never disliked Jessica or anybody really but it was awkward to talk to them. We never interacted with anyone until Bella arrived. I walk over to them and sit in between Edward and Alice. Emmett and Rosalie graduated last year and the story was that Jasper graduated early while we were away. So it was just me, Edward, and Alice at Forks High School. Nobody knew about Alex just yet. Alex was technically 19 and he looked like he could be a freshman or sophomore in college. So he decided to not attend Forks High to prevent unwanted attention. Not to mention it would cause everyone to talk. A new member to the Cullen family. Me and Alex weren't dating yet but my family could tell it was only a matter of time. The both of us grew closer once we got back from Italy. I think the fact that he went back to protect me made me start to trust him more. I didn't want to rush into anything just yet and Alex respected my decision which I was grateful for. Though, we were always around each other. As soon as I got home from school he was in the house waiting for me. He was always the first person that I would see when I walked into the house.

"Hey Soph." I smile and look at Edward.


"How was Calculus?" I give him my best hard stare. He knew how much I hated that class.

"Boring as always."

"Well at least your passing it." I look across the table to look at Mike. I give him a small smile.

"It does help to have siblings that have taken the class before."

"I still can't understand how none of you made valedictorian. All of you are the smartest people in the school," replies Mike while looking at me, Edward, and Alice.

"Thanks dude, I appreciate the support," interjects Eric. Mike instantly goes red and tries to cover his slip-up. I just let out a chuckle while my siblings smile. We could have made valedictorian but we didn't want the attention. It was really easy to put wrong answers on tests in order for someone else to become valedictorian.

I start to tune everyone out while I start to eat my lunch. Bella volunteered to help Angela write her graduation letters to family and friends. I knew Charlie would be happy for Bella to spend more time with her other friends. He liked me and Alice but I knew how much he disliked Edward. Charlie preferred Jacob and I knew it was only a matter of time before Bella would be talking to him again. Despite Edward's best efforts to prevent Bella from seeing him, it wouldn't work. She would find a way to see him and vice versa.

I'm taken out of my thoughts when Alice decides to say something that causes everyone to stop what they are doing. "I've decided to throw a graduation party for everyone."

I stare at her before looking at everyone else. Jessica, Mike, Eric, and Angela all looked shocked.

"Like at your house?"

"I've never seen your house before," says Jessica.

"No one has seen their house before," replies Eric.

"Another party Alice?" Edward does not look thrilled about the idea. I can't really blame him. The last party didn't exactly end too well.

"Oh come on. It will be fun."

"That's what you said the last time," replies Bella. She didn't seem happy about the idea either. I know the memory of us leaving still bothered her.

I sigh. "Alice..." I look at Alice only to stop what I am about to say. Alice is staring off into space. She is no doubt having a vision. Edward looks at her surprised about what she is seeing. I knew what her vision was. Victoria was coming to Forks soon to try to kill Bella.

I turn to everyone and start to talk to Mike and Jessica while Bella talked to Angela. The both of us were trying to make sure that they didn't notice Alice spacing out and our efforts seemed to work. I glanced at Edward and Alice and they were both having a staring contest.

I knew that Edward was planning on taking Bella to Jacksonville in order to get her out of town. This led me to one thought. We would have to contact the wolves about Victoria coming back. Before long, it was time to go back to class.

The rest of the day went by at an agonizing slow pace. The whole rest of the day I spent worrying about Victoria. I couldn't concentrate on anything else. Victoria coming back and her newborn army was going to cause whole bunch of problems for all of us. Once the final bell rang, I grabbed my bag and walked outside. Once I walked outside I looked around me until I found my siblings already standing by Edward's car. Alice and Edward where talking to each other and I didn't miss the sideways glances that they were sending Bella's way. It was pretty obvious to me what they were talking about. I started to walk towards them when two figures appeared in front of me.

"Hey Sophie." I look at Mike and Eric confusingly.

"Hi guys. Can I help you?"

"Yeah actually we wanted to ask you a question."

"Ok?" I already had an idea about what they wanted to ask me. I didn't miss the looks that they would send my way. I was already dreading what was about to happen.

"Well we know that your sister is throwing a graduation party. We thought that maybe..." Before they could finish their sentence, an engine interrupted them. A loud engine revved up and soon a red corvette pulled in front of the school. I knew immediately who the driver was.

His blonde hair was perfectly in place as he came to a stop in front of me. Mike and Eric took a step back and stared at the mystery driver. Everyone in the parking lot stopped to stare at the driver. I looked to see Alice and Edward both had a smirk on their faces.

"Hey, need a ride?" I look at Alex and give him a smile. I quickly look at Eric and Mike and said goodbye. They just raised their hands to wave goodbye as they stared at me as I walked to Alex.

I open the car door and get inside. Alex brushes my brown hair out of my face and drapes his arm over my shoulders. He then gives Eric and Mike a big smile. He's clearly telling them to back off.

"What are you doing here?" Alex turns his head to me and smiles.

"Alice might have called me and said you needed some help after school. So being the gentleman I am, I decided to come help." I raised my eyebrows.

"You being a gentleman? Since when? Thank you by the way. I was dreading about what to tell them. It looks like the whole school is wondering who you are."

Alex glanced around us and noticed everyone staring. Jessica was practically drooling at the sight of Alex. He smirked and turned to me. "What can I say, all the ladies love me." I let out a snort.

"Yes your acting like a true gentleman." Alex smiled and leaned over to kiss my cheek. I instantly went red at the feeling of his lips on my skin. I looked around and could practically feel all of the stares coming my way. No doubt word about this encounter would go around the school like wildfire.

"Come on, I'll take you home." I stared at him and nodded. I put my seat belt on just as he started to pull out of the school's parking lot.

"Was that really necessary?"

"What, I can't let some guy talk to you so freely. They need to know when someone is taken." I looked at him not amused.

"Who said I was taken? We aren't anything. We are not dating or are we lovers."

Alex then started laughing. "No we aren't. Not yet at least."

I just smiled at him. There were plenty of comebacks that I could say to him but I didn't want to. Even I could sense the changes that were happening between us. We soon arrived back to the house. Alice and Edward arrived soon after.

I looked at Alice as we were heading into the house. "So you called him?" Alice gave me a smile.

"You are thanking me. Even without my vision I could tell how uncomfortable you were feeling."

"Thanks Alice. Though I know that Alex is now the talk at school."

"You have no idea." I turn to look at Edward with my eyebrows raised. "The guys were wondering who he was and how he managed to get you and not them. Some of the girls are curious while others are jealous and want to make out with him. A bunch of them are already planning on ambushing you tomorrow to find out who he is."

I let out a groan. Great, more unwanted attention that I didn't want or need. I walk into the living room and see Emmett, Jasper, and Carlisle all looking at the television.

"What's going on?" I look at the tv to see what they were watching. On the television was a news reporter talking about the disappearances of people in Seattle. She started talking about a serial killer being on the loose.

I grew quiet and looked at everyone. Everyone's faces looked grim as they watched the news report. They already knew what was really going on. It wasn't a serial killer exactly. There were vampires causing a scene in Seattle. But what they didn't know was that Victoria is behind the whole thing. Which gives me a question that I keep asking myself. Should I tell them everything?

Do you really think this is a good idea?" I stare at Edward as he starts packing a bag. Edward had told everyone about Alice's vision. Victoria would be here on Saturday so Edward was taking Bella down to Jacksonville to see her mother.

"Honestly, I'm not sure but I have to do something. Victoria will be here so in order to protect Bella we need to go to Jacksonville. It's only a short visit."

"I understand that you need to protect Bella, but your not planning on telling her the real reason why you are leaving."

"She would only worry if I told her. The less she knows the better it is for her."

"She's not going to be happy once she finds out that you kept this from her. Your only going there to get her out of town. Seeing her mother is just an excuse."

"If she finds out and she won't. You aren't telling her, none of us are." I just let out a huff. He was so stubborn sometimes. I watch as he finishes packing and zips his bag shut. I follow after him as he leaves the bedroom. "Everything will be fine. Carlisle already called the wolves and they will be on the watch for Victoria. Carlisle and everyone will be working with the wolves to catch her on Saturday."

"Does that mean I will be at the house alone?"

"Of course not. I'm staying here with you to make sure she doesn't come looking for you." I turn to see Alex walking over to us.

"Oh joy," I reply dryly. I turn back to Edward just as he is opening up the door. "Be careful Edward."

He gives me a small smile and nods his head. He then closes the door behind him to go pick up Bella so that they can go to Jacksonville.

My nerves couldn't calm me down. I spaced in and out that night and the next day. It was only when my family was leaving that I snapped out of whatever head space I was in.

I hugged Esme and looked at everyone. "Be careful please. I don't know what I would do if you got hurt." She gave me a smile.

"Don't worry. We will be ok." I nodded as they walked out of the door. A thought then popped into my head.

"Oh Emmett." He stops and turns to look at me. "Please don't do anything stupid. Like going onto Quileute land to try and catch Victoria. If she goes on their land, don't go after her." Emmett smiles.

"I'll do my best." He leaves and I sigh after him.

"That's what I'm afraid of." An arm then lands on top of my shoulders.

"Don't worry, they will be fine." I turn and shrug off Alex's arm.

"I know but I can't help it though." I walk over to the couch and sit down. I'm lost in thought as I look at him. "Can I ask you something?"

Alex sits down on the couch next to me. "You can ask me anything." I stare at him before replying.

"I've been wondering about this but why did you decide to stay. I mean like really stay with us. You were with the Denali's for a while and then you left to stay with us. You lived with us in Ithaca but you always said that it would be temporary. You seemed really happy when we went to visit everyone in Denali. I thought you would go back to living with them. Is it because of what Aro said about us. Is that why you decided to stay?" Alex sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"No, it wasn't because of what Aro said. Yes, I was happy when I found out we were mates but that wasn't why. When I first saw you, I couldn't take my eyes off of you. I felt this connection and when you looked at me, everything just came into place. I was alone for so long and only used women to get what I wanted. Everything faded away and I felt that everything I had been searching for was right in front of me. I put up a front at first but I always felt drawn to you. My instincts were to protect you and I wanted to get to know you better. I wanted to be around you because it feels like I'm drowning when I'm away from you. That's why I always immediately come to you when you get home from school. You ground me. I decided to stay because I'm falling for you." This was one of those moments that I'm not prepared for. Alex had feelings for me and I would be lying if I said I didn't.

"I'll admit, I didn't like you when we first met. You were annoying and self-centered. Not to mention you always pulled pranks on me." Alex started laughing.

"I only did that to get a reaction from you. I didn't think you would talk to me so I would do anything for you to talk to me. Even if it meant you screaming at me."

I smiled at him. "Well it worked. Aside from all that, you are a comfort to me. I always feel safe when I'm around you. I was trying to deny it but my eyes started opening when we went to Italy. You going back there to protect me despite everything that happened to you. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm falling for you too."

Alex gave me a breathtaking smile. I never thought about dating anyone of falling in love. Everything was changing. This man was everything to me and I didn't want to run away from him any longer. Alex put both of his hands on my face and started to lean in. I leaned in and closed my eyes. I waited but nothing happened. No kiss.

I opened my eyes to see Alex staring at the window. He let go of my face and walked over to the window. I could tell that he was scanning the vicinity.

"What is it?" I got up and walked over to him. He kept looking at the trees and squinted his eyes.

"I'm not sure. I feel that something is out there but I can't see what or who." I looked at him and could tell that he was on high alert. I knew we would have to pick up on our conversation later. I started to grow uneasy. A feeling of dread instantly came over me. Whatever was out there, it wasn't good.

Alex moved away from the window and towards the other side of the room. He walked to the other window and stared down into the trees. Something was wrong.

I turned and looked at him. An uneasy feeling was forming in my stomach. I took a step in his direction, wanting to be closer to him. That's when everything started to go downhill. I heard the noise before I felt anything.

There was an explosion from the window right behind me. Glass rained down all around me. I didn't know what was happening. Fear started to come over me and I couldn't move. Alex whirled around towards me in a panic. "Sophie!"

It was at that moment that I felt arms snake around my waist. I looked into Alex's eyes in fear. I couldn't say anything before the arms yanked me backwards out of the window. I felt myself plummeting to the ground. I let out a scream as I was falling. Was this how everything was going to end? I then felt the arms of my captor disappear before new ones caught me in time before I hit the ground.

I looked around me in fright as Alex held me in his arms. I then turned and wrapped my arms around him. I buried my head into his chest refusing to let go. I don't know how long we stayed like that before he let me down. I looked around us but didn't see anyone.

"Are they gone?" Alex kept his arms around me as he scanned the forest.

"Yes. Whoever it was decided not to linger."

"Who was it?"

Alex started shaking his head. "I don't know."

"Was it Victoria?"

"No. It was a male. I've never seen him before." I was then consumed into my own thoughts. Riley Biers. That was the only person that would do this. This incident led me to a realization. Victoria wasn't just after Bella, she was after me too.

Alex took my hand. "Come on. I'm taking you back inside. Your family should be back shortly." I nodded as Alex led me back into the house. I walked up the stairs to the living room and stared at the broken window. I never imagined that anything like this would happen. I was still in shock that Riley jumped through the window only to drag me outside.

I sat down on the couch as Alex came back over to me. "Here, drink this." I gladly took the cup of water from him and took a sip. I just sat in the room in silence. I was shaken up by the whole ordeal. I kept staring at the broken window. Images of me being pulled through the window kept playing in my head.

I was glad Alex was here with me. I felt a little better knowing that he was here. Alex stayed close to me. He would scan the yard but made sure to be as close to me as possible. I think he was afraid that Riley would come back for me.

I started to relax when my family came home. "Sophie!" I looked up to see Rosalie making her way over to me. I stood up and wrapped my arms around her. I buried my head into her shoulder. "Are you ok?"

I pulled back and nodded my head. "I'm fine." Rosalie smiled at me sympathetically. They obviously knew what had happened. Carlisle comes to me next and looks me over. His doctor skills are kicking in.

He hugged me after he seemed satisfied that I was ok. "I thought the worst when Alice told us about her vision." Carlisle broke away and looked at Alex. "Thank you Alex. You saved her and I cannot express how grateful I am."

Alex smiled and waved him off. "It's nothing. I'm just glad that she's ok." I looked at my family since they were all here. My eyes narrowed at Emmett, seeing that he was wet.

"Emmett, why are you wet?" Emmett sighed and rubbed the back of his head.

"Victoria was pretty much dancing on the line between the two lands. I think she figured out that we can't go onto their territory. Well, she was on our side and I got close to her. She then jumped onto the Quileute land. My ego got the better of me and I jumped over the line onto their lands. One of the wolves attacked me and I landed in a stream that was right behind me."

I knew it. I knew that this would happen. "Emmett! I told you to be careful. How are you even here?"

Jasper sighed."It was at that moment that Alice had her vision. She said Sophie and the whole pack turned to her. She said that you were in danger and that we needed to get home. Sam phased back and said that we could go. He did warn us about not doing anything like that again. He said next time they wouldn't be so lenient."

I ran my hand through my hair. I looked at Emmett. "You need to be more careful. I don't know what I would do if we lost you." Emmett smiled and ruffled my hair.

"Ok short stack." I scowled at his nickname that he gave me.

I turn and looked at Alice. "What exactly did you see?"

"I saw you standing by the window looking at Alex who was across the room. I saw the glass exploding and this vampire's arms wrapping around your waist. You were pulled out of the window and plummeted towards the ground. That's where my vision ended. I didn't know if Alex got to you in time. We all thought that the worst had happened. Thankfully the wolves let us leave."

I nodded my head and saw Carlisle studying the broken window. "I will get this fixed tomorrow. We will need to be more careful about Sophie's safety. I don't know why someone would go after Sophie." I let out a sigh and made a decision.

"It was Victoria." Alex and Carlisle both shook their heads.

"It couldn't have been. Victoria was with your family and the wolves. I told you that it was a man that attacked you," replied Alex. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I hope I was making the right decision.

"That's not what I meant. I know it was a guy but if you think about it, Victoria is behind this. She obviously has someone working with her."

Everyone looks at me confused. "Why would someone be working with Victoria," questioned Esme.

"Think about it. James was after me and Bella. Edward killed James so she wants revenge. She probably didn't come after me before because I was with all of you. That would be a suicide mission. She probably assumed that I would be at the house alone or not as protected. She had someone come here in her place to inact her revenge. She probably turned someone to get them to help her." It was like a pin dropped. No one was saying anything.

"That would make sense," answered Jasper. "We thought it was only Bella. She wants us to hurt by losing Sophie. Sophie was the one that James wanted the most."

Carlisle sighed. "We don't know about this for sure but it would be best to take extra precautions."

I looked at my family and Alex. Everyone looked to be on edge. There was no telling what Edward would do once he learned about this revelation. I then knew what I needed to do. I was going to have to tell them everything and I needed to do it soon.

So what do you think? I wanted Sophie to be a little more vulnerable now. I wanted to create this incident because I believe it strengthens the relationship between Sophie and Alex. Do you all want Sophie to tell everyone her secret? I'm trying to decide when or if I should do it. I am leaning towards her telling them but I want it to be at the right moment. Please tell me your thoughts. Until next time!