
Zombo Stars

Zombo country had serious events among them a war in the galaxy is also a civil war is a revolution war, will zombo country ever have peace, just read on to find out

Gellius_Helder · Fantasia
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49 Chs


Zombo Stars

Volume 2: Galaxy Rebellion

Chapter 6: Lord Zombery, the Menace

While Ana Cruz, Rex, Nikking, Nikkomam and Formiga were in the alternate world, trying to rescue Bee Woman from Huguel's hands, they had to face a new threat. A threat that came from another world. A menace who called himself Lord Zombery.

Lord Zombery was the leader of an intergalactic empire that dominated several planets and solar systems. He was a powerful and cruel being who had the power to control the undead. He could reanimate corpses and turn them into obedient zombies. He could create armies of zombies to invade and conquer other worlds.

Lord Zombery had discovered the existence of the alternate world through one of his space probes. He had been intrigued and interested by the alternate world, which was a place where the laws of physics and logic did not apply. A place where anything was possible and nothing made sense.

He had decided to invade the alternate world and explore its mysteries and resources. He had decided to subdue the inhabitants of the alternate world and turn them into his slaves. He had decided to challenge Huguel and take power from him.

He had sent a fleet of spaceships to the alternate world, loaded with zombies and weapons. He had opened a portal in space, using advanced technology, which allowed him to travel between worlds. He had entered the portal with his ships, heading to the alternate world.

The portal opened in the alternate world's sky, surprising and frightening its inhabitants. They saw Lord Zombery's spaceships exiting the portal and approaching the planet. They saw Lord Zombery's zombies leaping from the ships and falling to the ground.

They saw Lord Zombery himself, stepping out of his flagship and landing on the ground. He was a tall, thin man with pale skin and bloodshot eyes. He wore black and red armor, with a helmet that covered half of his face. He held a sword that glowed with an ominous light.

He looked at the alternate world with a look of conquest and arrogance. He said in a deep, menacing voice:

- Hello, inhabitants of this strange world. I am Lord Zombery, lord of the undead. I have come to take your world and its power.

He then pointed his sword at Huguel's palace, which was at the center of the alternate world. He said:

- I challenge you, Huguel, the king of this world. I want your artifact that allows you to alter reality. I want your power stolen from the God of Destruction.

He then ordered his zombies to attack Huguel's palace. He said:

- Come on, my zombies. We're going to storm the palace and capture Huguel. Let's show him who is the real king of this world.

He then flew in his armor towards Huguel's palace, followed by his zombies.

Lord Zombery's threat was at work. He had invaded the alternate world with his spaceships and his zombies. He had challenged Huguel for his artifact and its power.

Would he make it to Huguel's palace? Would he be able to face Huguel? Would he be able to take his artifact and its power? These questions would be answered in the next chapter of Zombo Stars.

End of chapter 6.