
Zombo Stars ( The beginning

The webnovel "Zombo Stars: The Beginning" tells the story of Huguel, a dark angel who created the Victors and the world of Zerk. However, over time, the Victors began to commit serious sins such as violence, lack of compassion, empathy and blasphemy. Concerned about the conduct of his creation, Huguel decides to completely destroy them and create a new race that does not sin. However, his brother, the angel of lights named Hugel, does not agree with this idea. He believes that the Victors still have a chance for redemption and salvation. Hugel tries to persuade Huguel to change his mind, but he refuses and the two end up fighting for 50 years. At the end of this epic battle, Hugel emerges victorious and Huguel is cast out of the heavens, falling into the world of his own creation, the world of Zerk. He is reborn in a country called Zombo, in a favela called Jacaré Sul, as the son of a random mother. From that point on, Huguel must learn to live among his creation, without his cosmic powers. Curiosity sets in: will he seek redemption for his past actions, trying to regain the Victors' trust, or will he seek revenge against his creation and his brother, creating a new race to inhabit Zerk's world? To discover Huguel's destiny, his choices and the unfolding of this incredible story, you will need to read the web novel "Zombo Stars: The Beginning".

Zombieplay_studios · Fantasia
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1 Chs


Before the world Zerk was created there was an angel who dominated himself Huguel the angel of darkness, Huguel were planning to create a world Zerk is a new creation of race inhabited in this world of his own creation, Huguel created the world Zerk in 100 days is 1 day of neglect day by day, Huguel wanted the Zerk world to be as perfect as possible for his new creation race to be created, in the year 5 Huguel created his first race creation based on his mental but not bodily characteristics, Huguel wanted his race had a skin color different from theirs, the Victors' skin color was chosen as green and Huguel also gave them four arms so that they could be very resistant in their fights, Huguel then built the Victor beings by the tip of their cosmic skin as resistance, strength, compassion, it is intelligence, Huguel spent 500 days making his race perfect without any defects, then finally the day arrived for the Victors to begin their lives in the world Zerk for all eternity with compassion is love for others, Huguel then placed the beings Victors in the world along with two other races that Huguel created to inhabit equally with the Victors beings, the Cirokos, and Zombians, so with his laborious work of creating the world and beings had finally ended, Huguel sat on his throne as a creator angel he is an angel of darkness and he looked on happily and contentedly at his creation Victors, Cirokos, and Zombians progressing in the world he had created with so much love is hard work of divine perfection.