
Zombie killer Reborn

Jones li gets reincarnated to this world that has been infested by zombies for some reason, and he tries to kill them all , kind of like attack on titan but it's zombies lol

Samod_the_Creator · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

The Party

 The carriage was quick and useful, and we got to the event fairly quickly, If this were earth, we'd probably still be amongst the crowd, with how massive that crowd was? We'd have been there for another five hours, probably.

 I noticed that even though this planet was more developed, than Earth, there were still more land cars than flying cars, my guess was that only the rich people get to use flying cars or carriages.

 I also remembered something that I forgot to ask the elder a while back, why were all my possessions vanishing in real time? Shit they probably saw me naked, damn I don't even want to think about.

"Zeist sir, your seat is inside." The white robe girl said, trying to break me away from my thoughts.

"Oh" I said

"Hey what's with this Zeist stuff by the way ?"

"Call me Jones, Jones Li."

"Oh I'm afraid I can't do that, sir Zeist, for me to call you by your name feels like I'm disrespecting you."

 That was what I expected her to say, It seems these people hold me in some kind of ancient regard, that means I probably have more power than the Elder himself. But I don't really like that Zeist stuff they call me, makes me feel weird. And by the way, this girl had the audacity to knock me out, and she can't call me by my name? She has to be trolling.

"Well that is what I prefer you call me by, and that's an order."

"Umm Are you sur-"


"Very well Sir Jones, your wish is my command." she said while giving a gentle bow, oh I could get used to this.

"oh, and I'd like to know your name."

"Very well sir."

"I am princess Maya the III of Raya"

princess? They really let a princess beat the crap out of me, what the hell is that? That's not how it's supposed to work, princesses don't do shit. The hell is this? Anyway, I must maintain composure, I think she respects me and thinks I am stronger than her.

"Maya? That's a weird name." I said.

"It's actually a very common name here." she said chuckling

"And I could say the same for you, I've never heard a name like Jones before"

I probably shouldn't have been the one to call people's names weird in another planet, in another dimension.

"you said the old man was your grandfather, so he must be the king ?"

"Yes." she said

 interesting, so If that man is her grandfather, then where are her parents? What kind of system do they use, leaving the throne by death or by retirement? Fascinating.

"How does the monarchy system work here."

"Well the king will inhabit the throne until death"

okay that explains why a seventy-year-old man is still king, kind of reminds me of England.

"ladies and gentlemen the Zeist has arrived ladies and gentlemen" said someone from a microphone from Inside the palace where the party was supposed to hold.

"That's your call sir Zeist..... I mean sir Jones" said the white robe girl, apparently her name was "Maya."

"very well."

 I moved on into the party, while I was walking through the door, screams, and chants were everywhere, damn, I have never had this much attention in my life. To be honest, I'm kind of feeling this place.

 I got Into the main hall where I had a VIP seat just for me, I had asked Maya to sit with me, she was bugging for real, it is unclear to me why I felt like she was trolling me because If you have the power to knock me out, then why are you acting all scared and stuff.

 As I got to the seat, I already had a big feast ahead of me, I also had a private butler and a private chef, whoa these people went all out, damn.

 "You guys didn't have to do all this, this is too much."

"No sir, this is the least we could do, please If there's anything you need, we are at your service."

"No there's nothing."

 With this much food, I don't think I need to ask for anything, damn I am starving.

"Thanks for the food."

 [Opens the food]

 You know how I said that I was kind of digging this place, well I kind of wanna go back home now, what kind of fucking food is this? Bro I saw purple stuff mixed with this brown stuff that might be chocolate, but I don't even want to find out. Maya seemed to be eating It like it was normal.

"You like this stuff ?"

"Yes, this is orak , a very delicious dish that we take pride in." she said.

"please, give it a try."

 That pride should be put in the gutter because this can only be delicious to weirdos, and people with broken, taste buds, I'm not allowed to have this shit.

"You don't like it sir." said the chef

"No, I'm not very familiar with it." I said.

 His face seemed sad and disappointed.

"What's wrong ?"

"um It's nothing, Just that I put a lot of time into this, I used 10 hours to make this dish, It's okay If you don't like it, I'll just make whatever you wan-"

"Say no more." I said

 The one thing I didn't like doing is making people feel bad for the efforts they put into something, so out of respect of their weird culture and the number of hours he put in to come up with this dish. I will make sure I finish my plate. Not only that, but I mean It can't be that bad, right?

 The spotlight was onto me as I was about to eat the food.

"The Zeist is about to eat our world-famous Orak dish" The MC said

 "What have I gotten myself into."


I reached for the spoon, took a scoop and put it in my mouth. I eat it and swallowed it. The crowed was looking at me in suspense, trying to find out If I liked it or not.

"So how was it." The MC asked.

[To be continued]