
Zombie In Disguise

I still remembered that day crystal clear in my mind. I wondered how it all started, if I didn't do this, didn't do that. I would be smiling happily right now. But there's nothing as regret in the story of survival, I tied my hair in a ponytail with the red ribbon, the one that man gave to me standing on the rooftop of the abandoned Seoul with zombies crawling everywhere, even when I'm speaking, I could sense a group of zombie approaching me. Here we go again... "Luna, what are you standing so emotional there??" "Oh come on!!! I was watching the sunset!!! You, deal with them." "Nah, deal with it yourself, I'll go hunt some beast for us tonight." "Geez, this idiot..." The head of one zombie dropped on the floor as they tried to come to me. It was a clean-cut by my sharpy sword. "Let's see...who's next..."

Soun_Phavin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 2: Zombie(2)

"I'm too handsome to be a zombie, aren't I??"

"Shut up!!"

Currently, thanks to this guy. We were able to escape the zombie due to his amazing driving skill.

He kept teasing me with his words ever since we left that warehouse.

"So you come from Seoul??"

"...yeah, what about you??"

"I came from the orphanage near the warehouse??"

"You don't mean Merry orphanage, do you??"

"Yeah, that's exactly what I meant."

I always tried to avoid the topic of the orphanage ever since the zombies showed up, I was shaking to know what happened to the orphanage and to those kids but I was a scardey cat even asking him that seemed to be extremely difficult.

"The orphanage was burnt down when the zombie broke inside." I turned my head to him who was driving.


"I was the only one who could escape, the head of the orphanage was the one who helped me..."

"What happened to aunt Merry??"

"She died in the fire...along with the other kids...I...I couldn't save any one of them." his grip on the truck wheel tightened, I couldn't turn to look at him any longer. I turned my head away looking at the zombie jumping up and down on the road.

Somehow, I was kinda used to that kind of image. My tear went down looking at all those zombies.

They had been chasing us ever since the clock hit twelve again. Was there a pattern to when they showed up and disappeared??

"So what's your name?!"

"I'm Luna."

"I mean your real name."

"That's my real name!!!"

"Aren't you Korean, why was your name like that?"

"I was the one who named myself, no couple wanted to adopt me so I always stayed in the orphanage till I went to high school in Seoul."

"Then should I name myself too...since we're in a similar case??...wait...don't tell me, did you grow up in that orphanage too??" I nodded answering his question without looking at him in the eyes.

"But how did we never see each other??"

"...I never like kids my age, so always played with the older or younger kids."

"What's wrong with you?? What a coincidence HAHA~" he seemed more cheerfully than usual even seeing the zombie on the glass of the truck licking the glass wanting to eat our flesh.

Even that thing that they used to wipe the raindrop was broken by the zombie, so we couldn't shake that zombie off.

"You can call me Felix."

"...yeah whatever."

"You're a really cold person, I could guess that you aren't good with love. No boy like that kind of girl like you."

"Really?? So...do boys like sweet girls?"

"Pfft!! HAHAHA, what's the point of asking it now?? I don't know how many men survive the zombie attacks, maybe I am the last man who survives in this world."

"You were the one who started it...and don't say a thing like that."

My hope shattered when I returned to Seoul, most of the building was destroyed, blood everywhere, many store's windows were broken and as soon as we arrived, the swarm of zombies came at us from every corner of the road and building. I haven't seen a single human so far.

If it was me driving the car, I might be dead by now. Thanks to Felix, we were lucky enough to find a safe spot from the zombie, it was the abandoned school, the high school which was rumored to be the haunted school.

Felix grabbed the wood stick for safety and I picked the robe since I was somehow skilled with using the robe, we went to break the lock of the gate and opened the gate together.

Felix was the one who drove the car while I went to check the school, I stood in front of the school to see if there was any sign of zombies.

I took a long breath in relief seeing the door and window were all sealed, it was because the school was abandoned, so there were ghosts in the school.

To keep the live streamer away from the school and prevent them to go inside the school, they sealed all the doors and windows until the construction plan was made.

"The gas is nearly empty, I could drive to get us some foods in one turn...can you wait for me here?" he didn't wait for my answer even he was the one who asked, I grabbed his bloodstained shirt from behind, "Let's explore the building first."

He stopped for a while, when he turned back, a smirk appeared on his face as he looked down at me since he was way taller than me.

"Are you scared?"

"Isn't shelter what we need most right now?? For the food, I have a plan."

"Alright, but how are we gonna get in there??"

"I have no idea."

After many minutes of looking around, we were able to find the entrance of the school. It was the window upstairs.

It was breakable, so we might be able to break in easily if only it wasn't too high from the ground.

Felix started to climb as I pointed him to the one and only unsealed window.

"Be careful and take the robe with you." he got to the window and broke in, he hopped in and dropped the end of one rope to me, I used the road to climb up easily, although my hand was hurt from climbing since the rope was old.

"Should we split up? I asked him.

"No, it's good to stay together. I don't want to lose you."


"I mean the building is too big, so you might get lost." I was questioning why we needed to stay together, there might be some leftover food in the cafeteria, it would be the best choice to split up.

But why was this guy answering my question and his ears turned red?

It might be because the inside was too hot for him, since it was in the city and it was summer after all.

We didn't have a flashlight, and I didn't want to use my phone since I will need my phone, I didn't know if we could charge our phone or not since the electricity was cut off long ago.

Using the dim light from the sealed window, we barely managed to walk around from one classroom to one classroom. I was holding the end of this guy's shirt the whole time.

Looking at his wide shoulder and strong muscle somehow made me feel calm.

"Are you hungry now??"

"Yes!! I'm hungry...so much because of someone eating all my food."


"How did you--"

"I'm not that heartless." it was the chocolate bar he handed it over to me from his pocket.

Maybe he wasn't the bad guy after all. That was what I thought before we arrived at the cafeteria.

"What's all these??!!! Urgh, I don't like chocolate." I couldn't hold it anymore, I knocked his head so hard to calm down my nerve. He saved his least favorite for me, and I was thankful to him the whole time.

"I'll take all this chocolate, you can get anything else." he sighed and went to look for more food in the cafeteria.

My stomach was growling and I knew for sure this chocolate won't calm my hunger, thankfully, that guy was so lucky to find the cream bun wrapped in plastic. There were only two of them in the trashcan of the cafeteria but it was like a treasure to us.

He shared one with me and we walked to the rooftop of the school.

The zombies already arrived at the gate of the school we were in, I could see the massive amount of them surrounding the school from the rooftop.

It was windy up there, my hair was all messy the wind blew my hair.

Everyone, Kai, Aera...where are they??

I hugged myself trying to find any survivor but zombies were all I could see. There were zombies wearing police clothes, student uniforms, and all types of clothes, even designer clothes.

"That was all the food we have."

"I don't know if my guess is right...but we'll know tonight." we spent our time until midnight finding every object we could use as a weapon against the zombies in each classroom of the school.

"Luna, look here." a voice shouted behind me filled with joy, I was wondering what it was, it turned out to be lighter, and it was still usable.

"Oh my god!!! Where did you find this??" the lighter will be the best thing we could use to warm ourselves during the cold night approaching us as the sun sets down. I was smiling brightly and happily when I saw the lighter.

"In the desk of the table at the back."

"I wonder why they are there..."

"They use it to smoke cigarettes, don't you know that?? Let me find some more. You can prepare the place we have to stay tonight." I listened to what he said and choose the cleanest classroom for us to stay in tonight, I moved all the tables to the side and took down the dirty curtain, tried to get the dirt off then put it in the middle of the classroom.

That was the blanket we could use but I had no idea what we could use for the pillow as the school was abandoned, the medical room was empty with nothing left.

I didn't complain since at least we had a place to stay for the night.

"So where's my room??" he came in front of the classroom out of a sudden just when I was scared of ghosts.

"What do you mean?? This will be our room--"

Huh?? Don't tell me he wanted a separate room in the type of situation.

"Ahaha, forget what I asked." he walked in with a bunch of lighter, he gave two of them to me and I slid it inside my pocket.

"I'll be on the rooftop for patrolling, can you stay alone??"

"...don't worry, let's switch when you're sleepy." he walked upstairs to the rooftop, that was when I went to grab my bag in a hurry.

I tossed all my clothes out and escaped using the window.

I couldn't risk his life for my unconfirmed theory, as it was midnight, the only light was the moon. If he was on the rooftop, then there might be a blind spot he couldn't see.

I choose the back of the gate to get out of the abandoned school for only one purpose, food.

If my thought was correct, then I could get the food from the convenience store easily, but if it turned out wrong...

"Then, I'll be the only one dying--"

"So you really go without me, huh??"

"Kyaaa!!!!" I was scared falling to the ground when his breath touched my ear as he whispered those words to me.

"Am I that unreliable??" I got up from the ground in pain touching my bottom if it was broken and looked at him in a frown.

"We're just stranger, so why are you--"

"I see...then go on, I won't stop you." his words were cold as he turned his back at me, I also turned my back from him walking away from there.

The street was quiet and was filled with trashes and the zombies, they were sleeping in the corner in the shadow, I wasn't brave enough to walk past them so I tried to avoid them as many as I could.

I managed to find one convenient story, the glass door was already broken when I was there, when I stepped inside--

"Oh, you finally arrive..."

"Huh?? How are you--"

To be continued...!

Who did Luna run into??

Soun_Phavincreators' thoughts