
Zombie breakdown

Leo woke up from a long dream Was it a dream tho? It's more a nightmare then a dream, why you ask?? why dont you find that out yourself ? Join leo on his adventure or re-living the nightmare he wanted to escape so badly, and help him get through it safely, or not, it's your call ~♡ _____________________________________________ I plan on making this a more "you can choose what he does" kind of novel. I mean there were so many novels where I thought, oh come on you cold have written it in a different way and it would have been so much better, or, why did you do that author-sama he was such a good romance choise so why didnt you pic him/her ??!! (its my own opinion im not criticizing the authors ) And I'd like it to be a majority kind of think, like I tell you multiple possibilities that the story can develop In, or you can suggest your own ideas. But for the first few chapters it's going to be word and character building. I love you all beautiful gremlins and thanks for reading this long ass synopsis ~♡

0Zero00 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

I hate this part.

[Man if I remember correctly the plane crashed over a big lake. Everyone was so scared but at least the crasch was near the shore so we were able to leave on foot. But what happened on the plane is even worse....]

As Leo was thinking he got a big headache because of the things to come.

He remembered theat he still had around an hour and half before everything is going to happen.

So he decided to take a nap.

While napping his head rolled over to Ethan's shoulder, which at first surprised the boy and then made him slightly angry. But when he saw that Leo looks like he's in pain he decided to leave him be for the time being.

He may be a little evil but he ain't going to dirurb the only person who sat next to him on his own accord.

Around half an hour later Ethan also decided to the a nap and restet his head on Leo's.

It looked funny for the other students. At first they got scared when someone noticed that Leo fell asleep on Ethan's shoulder but after nothing happened they relaxed.

And now that both of them are sleeping like that, the whole student body started to take pictures.

Some thought that it was funny and some that is was cute. Another half an hour later Leo woke up with the headache almost gone. But then he noticed in what position he was sleeping and wanted to get up at once but he couldn't becouse Ethan was still sleeping on his head so he just stayed there and waited for him to wake up.

He still had twenty minutes before everything started when Ethan finally woke up. As he started to look around he noticed in what position he was sleeping in, and then looked at Leo who could finally sit up.

Leo: " Finally awake princess "

Ethan:" Call me that again and you're dead"

As Ethan said that Leo noticed that Ethan's ears were slightly redder.

[it can't be that this guy is embarrased about it]

As Leo thought about it he started to laugh lightly but that made Ethan even more angry and embarred at the same time.

Now even his face was slightly pink. But even so he did smile a little at Leos lought.