
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Xiaoyun was a boy born in Guangzhou, China. He had been living as an orphan since he could remember. One day, he met a girl who looked way too similar to himself. This can't be a coincidence, right? "So, can someone explain why there is a zombie apocalypse just as soon as I see my mom and sisters for the first time? And why can I create things out of thin air?" ---- Reader Advisory: This book is not meant for people who can't tell fiction from real life. Please read the tag before asking something and refrain from personal attacks on other readers or me. There is no NTR (both ways) and no system. Yuri is restricted to purely for the MC's enjoyment. Also, as a heads-up, some of the love interests are related to MC. A little note: This book is a hobby of mine. I'm not going to abandon it even if there's no reader or rush the ending. But I am currently in college, which means the upload may be infrequent. I'll try my best to upload daily. I'll be free during summer break. As of 5/28/24, updating older chapters is on pause. I'll get back to it when summer break starts. --- Edit log as of 6/5/24: 1) One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also considered as one bonus chapter. 2)If the cap of ten bonus chapters is reached, it will no longer increase until it is below ten. (This is on pause until summer, but I'll still add to the count in my Discord channel. It does not cumulative into next month if it doesn't reach that breakpoint.) 3) Congratulations on reading this far. Not many people read the edit logs. Give yourself a high five, and leave a review if you feel like it. Thank you for reading a dummy rambling in the synopsis. 4)Discord server for the book if you want to talk to me or have an idea or comment directly to me: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasia
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357 Chs

Exploring the mansions

As the clock hit two, Leyan had finally finished cooking lunch.

Seeing no one was in the living room, Leyan went upstairs to the hallway.

"Lunch is ready!" Leyan yelled.

All of the doors opened except for Xiaoyun's office room.

"Where's Xiaoyun?"

Leyan asked as the three walked to their seats, looking a little exhausted despite only being the middle of the day.

"He's in the gym. I'll go call him." Yueyue replied as she got up from her seat and left the kitchen.

A few steps later...

When Yueyue opened the gym door, she saw Xiaoyun had just finished mopping the floor.

"Lunch is ready..."

Yueyue's face was blushing red as she had completely forgotten about the mess they made in the gym.

"You can go eat first... Let me just bring this yoga mat back to the rack, and I'll be there."

Seeing Xiaoyun didn't need her help, Yueyue quickly ran back out to the kitchen.


When Xiaoyun finally finished cleaning the gym, he went back to the kitchen for lunch.

As soon as he walked into the kitchen, the whole room turned dead silent for a second.

But it was quickly resumed by Leyan's question as Xiaoyun took a seat next to Yuqi.

"Ahem, Yueyue, what were you talking about earlier?"

"So I just called to Ningjing earlier,"

"Sister Ningjing? Is she okay? Where are they at?" Nami asked curiously.

"She's doing fine for now. She and Mingxu are in the official air-raid shelter.

But they are currently running out of food, so everybody in the air shelter is going to the city to search for food."

"Going in the city? That's so dangerous. What are the military doing?" Yuqi asked as she thought back to her experience being trapped in the city.

"I heard from Sister Jingjing that the military seems to have lost contact with the government and is following their last order to protect as many people as possible.

But they are too tied up to protect people that they can't really send soldiers out to search for food, I think."

Yueyue paused to take a bit of her food, then continued.

"Also, the zombies in the city are apparently mutating. Some of them can jump high, climb walls, or be bulletproof."

As Yueyue casually brings it up, the four of them fall into shock.

"What! I thought the zombies themselves were already bad enough."

Nami's tone was becoming worrying as she thought back to the zombie game she had played.

"Yeah, I thought so too, but that is just reality now... But their head is still their main weak point."

Yueyue brought in some hope that barely comforted any of them.

As everyone thought about what to do next, Yueyue spoke up again.

"Hey, Mom, is it fine that I am going for a run with Xiaoyun and Yuqi later——"

"Huh? When did we——Ahem, yeah, we were planning to go out later."

Xiaoyun quickly changed his answer as Yueyue stepped on his foot under the table, on top of the threatening look she showed on her face.

"But isn't it still too dangerous outside? And you even just talked about those mutating zombies."

Leyan asked worryingly, as she didn't want to take any unnecessary risk, especially when Yuqi and Xiaoyun had almost just died from being outside.

"We're just scouting near the Luoping community. It's not like we are going into the city or anything. It's just going to be around the block." Yueyue pointed out.

Seeing Yueyue giving him a constant eye signal to say something, Xiaoyun spoke up next.

"We really should scout our surroundings. The last thing we want is to find out that a zombie horde is already heading in our direction, and we don't have any time to prepare...

Also, when I was coming back from the city, Yuqi and I didn't see any zombies in Luoping's street. So it should be fine if we go out to check." Xiaoyun added.

Seeing the two both arguing back against her, Leyan looked over to Yuqi to back her up.

But Yuqi sat in silence as if she was thinking about something in her mind.

"Fine... but you guys better stay safe when you are out there."

Leyan backed down as she couldn't think of a reason to argue back.

"I want to go too!"

Nami saw that the three of them were going out and wanted to join in.

"I don't think that is safe for you, Mimi," Leyan disagreed, with Yueyue agreeing to her argument as well.

"But I really want to go! I promise I will listen to brother!"

Nami suddenly kicks Xiaoyun in the knee to signal him to say something.

"Ahem, I don't see why we don't let her go. I mean, we are just running around the block to get some fresh air. The scouting part is just extra." Xiaoyun argued.

Yueyue looked towards Xiaoyun with a confused face as she never intended to let Nami go, but she decided not to speak up about it.

"Alright, fine. I guess I will stay home alone to watch over it."

Leyan backed down again as Yuqi still looked preoccupied with her thoughts and refused to answer her eye signals.

Thirty minutes later...

As Leyan was cleaning the dishes, all four of them sat at the lunch table, discussing where to run.

"If we run here... Then here... we can see if any zombies are coming from the city while being at a safe distance. This will be the perfect running trip for some nice exercise as well."

Yueyue points it on the map on her iPad.

"Is that a little too long? We are going to spend an entire afternoon just getting there... That's not including the way back."

Yuqi was finally out of her thoughts as she pointed out the destination distance and time.

"Yuqi got a point. How about we readjust from here... To here. Now it's half the distance, and we still get a somewhat good view of the road down the city."

Yueyue modified her route to only halfway to a smaller hill rather than being closer to the entrance.

"Why don't you investigate the nearby mansions? We will have a higher angle to view down the road, and we will be able to search for things we need." Nami suggested.

"No, it's too dangerous! Remember what happened when Xiaoyun went to get Yuqi? There are too many corners that could be hiding zombies."

Leyan pointed out as she sat back down on the table after finishing loading the dishes.

Both Yueyue and Yuqi nodded, agreeing with Leyan's argument as they realized the risk as well.

"Ahem, I think Nami's suggestion is pretty good... We will be able to see if anyone is trapped and help them. And since it's the same path, we still would be able to check if zombies are coming from the cities."

Xiaoyun supported Nami's idea as she gestured Leyan's and Yuqi's names with her lips.

"Fuck... I'm getting blackmailed." Xiaoyun thought to himself.

Suddenly, Yuqi switched sides as she spoke up next.

"Actually, I think Nami's idea is very good. Like, think about it. If we don't have medicine, sooner or later, we will need to find it.

And I doubt Xiaoyun could create something like a painkiller if he never used those before."

Xiaoyun proves her point by showing an empty hand.

"Here's another example. If a car breaks down, none of us can repair the car. That's like the whole tool we can use to escape the community... And imagine if we got so sick that we needed surgery.

No offense to you, Mom, but you're just a nurse, not a doctor... The fact is, we are going to need to work with other people if we want to survive in this apocalypse.

And the sooner we do it, the more people and items we can save... If we take too long, who knows how many people will still be out there and alive?"

As Yuqi finished her speech, all four of them instinctively clapped.

"Dar——Yuqi is the boss for a reason. That was such an amazing speech."

Xiaoyun quickly changed his words as he almost slipped up, calling Yuqi darling.

"Thank you, thank you." Yuqi thanked everyone as she bowed down in gratitude.

"But what if they are dangerous? Now that there is no one to enforce the law, how can we tell that they are genuine, good people? I am not going to trust a stranger living in the house." Leyan argued.

"We can test their character. You know, like a company hiring people. Obviously, it's not just going to be hiring people, but with time, I'm sure we can figure out a way.

Besides, we don't actually need them to live here. We can just let them take one of the mansions that no one lives in." Yuqi answered.

"Well, then, I guess that's the plan if nobody is objecting to it. Let's meet in the living room in twenty minutes."


Just as the other three went upstairs to prepare, Leyan held Xiaoyun back.

"Wait. When you go explore later, you need to skip the house with 301 on it, okay?

If I remember correctly, there used to be a lot of rumors that the person living there used to be an arms smuggler." Leyan warned.

"Okay, I will avoid it."

After hearing Xiaoyun agree to it, Leyan lets him go.

"Why do I always have a bad feeling? Is it because I'm worrying too much?"

Leyan stared at the empty kitchen as everyone had gone upstairs to prepare.

Fifteen minutes later...

Yueyue was wearing a white T-shirt and track pants, with a backpack and a cap.

Meanwhile, Yuqi was dressed almost the same way as Yueyue, except she was wearing blue jeans.

The two were ready to go, but Xiaoyun and Nami were still not done preparing.

After sitting on the sofa for five minutes, Xiaoyun finally came down.

Xiaoyun dressed almost like Yueyue, except he was carrying a hiking backpack that he took from the mall.

"Just in time. Where's Nami?" Xiaoyun asked as twenty minutes had just passed.

"She's still preparing," Yueyue replied.

Another five minutes passed, but Nami still didn't come down.

"Why is Nami taking so long? It's been ten minutes."

As soon as Yueyue finished complaining, Nami finally came downstairs.

Nami looked like a little girl preparing for a spring field trip rather than going to explore in a zombie apocalypse as she wore a knee skirt and a double ponytail on the back.

"Xiaoyun, are you sure this is a good idea to bring her?"

Yueyue questioned Xiaoyun's decision, with Yuqi having serious doubt on her face.

"It's fine. Let's just get moving now..."


Originally, the four of them were running to get a light exercise, but Yuqi was tired from just running for three minutes.

"Qiqi, your stamina is so poor," Yueyue complained as everybody was now forced to walk.

"Yeah, I'm just a high schooler, and I can run longer than you," Nami adds fuel to the fire.

"Where am I supposed to exercise every day in the office?"

Yuqi was panting heavily and too tired even to argue back.

"Not to mention a certain someone going that hard for my first time..." Yuqi mumbled.

After ten minutes of walking, the four finally reached their first mansion.

Xiaoyun took out a map that Leyan had given to him before he left.

"This building is 302... Um, the map says it's a mansion with an elderly couple... Where the hell did Mom get this map?" Xiaoyun asked curiously.

"I think it was when mom's friend or something," Yuqi replied.

As Xiaoyun approached the entrance, there was a padlock locking the gates together.

"Should we ring the doorbell first or go indirectly?" Xiaoyun asked as he turned over to the three.

"If we want to show that we are friendly, we probably should ring the doorbell, right?" Nami suggested.

Seeing the other two nodding in agreement, Xiaoyun rang the doorbell.

But after waiting for a few minutes, no one came to answer the door.

"This doorbell seems to have run out of batteries. Did you guys hear any sound?" Yuqi asked.


"Maybe we should just skip this one..." Yuqi suggested as she got a little scared by the mansion being completely dark inside.

"Wait, let me do it."

Nami walked over to the padlock and then took off some sort of clip from her backpack.

With a few moves and clicks, the padlock was unlocked easily with barely any work.

"Okay, now we can go in."

Zhu pulled the padlock down and pushed the iron gate.

"This skill... when did Nami learn this? Does mom know?" Xiaoyun asked.

"I don't know either. I have never seen her do this," Yueyue replied, with Yuqi nodding in agreement.

As the four walked past the gates, the front yard was full of dead leaves. A bunch of creaking sounds appeared as they walked over the leaves.

"It seems that no one has lived in it for a long time, or the people inside are too lazy to clean it," Yuqi commented.

The four of them stopped at the front door of the house.

Nami looked back at her sibling as she put her hand on top of the doorbell.

They all nodded in response, so Nami pressed it.

To their surprise, a ding came out from the inside.

After waiting for a few minutes, a banging door sound could be heard from the second floor for a second.

"You guys back away first. Let me breach this door open."

As Xiaoyun walked up to the door, Yuqi suddenly stopped Xiaoyun.

"Wait, what if it happens like last time?" Yuqi warned.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to fall for it again."

This time, a fire axe appeared in Xiaoyun's hand.

He raised the fire axe all the way up into the air and chopped it down as hard as he could.

With a loud banging sound, a small gap was bashed open.

"Man, this door is pretty tough."

Xiaoyun continued to hack the door vigorously until the gap was big enough to peek inside.

"Huh, nobody is behind the door."

Xiaoyun commented after taking a few more peeks, so he decided to turn the doorknob to open the door.

"Nami and Yuqi, I need you guys to guard outside. Yueyue and I are going to check what is inside... Yuqi, do you still have the gun I gave you?"

"I have it. You can take it back."

Yuqi took out a police pistol from her backpack, but as she tried to hand it over, Xiaoyun rejected it.

"You should keep it. I already have one in my pocket."

Xiaoyun pulled out the pistol that he had made last night.

"Also, if there are people outside, call us, okay? Try not to use the gun unless it's an emergency, okay?" Xiaoyun instructed.

After seeing Yuqi and Nami both nodding in agreement, Xiaoyun and Yueyue opened the door.

"Yueyue, take this baseball bat. I'm going to use this axe."

Xiaoyun handed Yueyue the baseball bat he had used last time as he held the fire axe in his hand.


As the two walked inside, they were faced with a pitch-dark entrance.

Yueyue took out her phone and turned the flashlight on.

After looking for a while, they found a light switch on the wall. So Xiaoyun flipped the light switch.

With a short flick, the house was finally lighted up.

"The power is still here. So they had paid their electric bills." Xiaoyun commented.

Both of them continued walking until they entered the first room.

It was a living room with a 4k screen TV full of dust, a CD player on the side, and a white sofa.

As Xiaoyun walked to the TV and looked at the CD, it had opened CDs with an animal documentary cover.

"The CD player has no dust on it. Someone had used this recently." Xiaoyun pointed out as he held up the CD.

"There seem to be a few empty potato chip bags. It's empty as if someone was so desperate that they ate every single chip crumb possible." Yueyue pointed as she walked over to the trashcan.

Seeing the signs that the house was occupied, the two got a little nervous.

After finishing checking the living room, the two moved on.

The next room was a split end. One is to go up the stairs, and the other is to continue to go forward.

"We probably should search the first floor first." Xiaoyun nodded in agreement.

The first room they walked into after the split end was a kitchen.

Xiaoyun opened the fridge only to see it empty. Yueyue meanwhile rummaged through the cabinet and found only kitchen utensils and knives.

The two kept walking, and the next few rooms were storage rooms that just had a bunch of old furniture.

They finally reached the end as they arrived at the backyard that was connected to the front yard outside the house.

The two walked back to the split end at the stairs.

"I'll go up first. You follow me,"

Xiaoyun whispered and walked up, with Yueyue following right behind.

The second floor is just a long corridor, with three rooms on the left and two rooms on the right.

And at the end was a balcony that could see people on the outside.

As Xiaoyun walked to the end of the balcony, he could see Yuqi and Nami talking to each other on the bench.

In the distance, the road where they came from is still empty.

But unfortunately, the road to the city was slightly blocked by the trees so that he couldn't get a clear view of the entrance.

The two walked back to the corridor and then knocked on the first room on the left.

Suddenly, the third room and the second room on the left side started banging on the door from the inside.

"There should be zombies in those two rooms for sure. Just stand back and watch."

Xiaoyun walked to the front of the third room and tried to turn the doorknob.

It was locked as expected, so Xiaoyun raised the ax and hacked towards the door.

A massive hole appeared in the door, and the zombies inside the room instantly rushed towards the hole.

Xiaoyun immediately took a step back, only to see the body of the zombie stuck in the doorway as the hole was too high for the zombie to move through.

Xiaoyun raised the axe and easily chopped off the zombie's head.

"Don't be afraid, okay? You are going to do the next one."

Xiaoyun reminded Yueyue as he noticed Yueyue kept looking at the blood that splattered all over the ground.

Yueyue nodded, but the expression on her face revealed that she was still frightened.

"Okay, let's go inside and have a look inside first."

Xiaoyun kicked the headless corpse to the side and opened the door from the inside.

The room was an office, with a family photo showing a similar face to the zombie Xiaoyun just chopped.

After the two looked around and found nothing valuable, they walked to the second room on the left.

"Okay, it's your turn now. When I break the door open, I am going to back off."

As Xiaoyun hacks the door open, Yueyue walks up and aims her bat at the zombie's head as it tries to rush out.

With a loud crack, the zombie's head was crushed. But it crushed way too hard as the brain instantly exploded into pieces, with blood flying everywhere.

"You don't have to hit it that hard... Their head is usually very fragile." Xiaoyun commented.

"Yeah, right..."

Yueyue seemed still in shock, and her face was slightly uncomfortable, as if she wanted to throw up.

"Remember, they are zombies. Not human. If we don't kill them, they kill us." Xiaoyun gently patted Yueyue's back.

"You're right... I need to get over this."

Yueyue was able to hold herself together as the uncomfortable face disappeared.

"Do you want to go downstairs and take a break? I can clear the room myself." Xiaoyun suggested as he felt Yueyue was still not fully recovered mentally yet.

"No, let's keep going." Yueyue's eyes looked determined as she replied.

The next room was an empty bedroom with a photo of an old couple that matched the same face that they had just killed earlier.

The next room after was another empty room, with no one in it.

"So what should we do now?" Yueyue asked as she was starting to get nauseous from the smell of the corpses.

"We need to check the rest of the rooms first."

Xiaoyun walked back out of the corridor and started turning the doorknobs.

The other two rooms on the right were restrooms, and the first room on the left was just a storage room with a bunch of cleaning products.

When the two got to the last room, Xiaoyun turned the doorknobs, and it was locked.

"Hello? Is there anyone inside? I'm here to help."

Xiaoyun knocked on the door, but there was no response. So Xiaoyun put his ear on the door.

But there was not a single sound that could be heard from the inside.

"Hello? This is your final warning. If you don't answer the door, I am going to assume there is no one in there."

Xiaoyun yelled again, but still no one responded.

"Well then, I am going to bash it open now."

Xiaoyun lifted his ax and hacked at the door, made a small hole, and looked inside.

The room was very pink, and a little girl was lying on the bed covered with a blanket.

Xiaoyun made a bigger hole, then turned the doorknob, and the two walked in.

"Uh, is she okay? Isn't she a zombie?" Yueyue asked as she looked at the girl on the bed.

"Probably not, right? I don't think a zombie will just lay on the bed like this. It seems like she is sick."

Xiaoyun noticed the little girl's face was extremely red, and when he moved his hand to check her pauses, he could feel a heartbeat.

"She is definitely still alive... Her heart is still beating. But why doesn't she wake up?" Xiaoyun murmured.

Yueyue walked to the other side of the bed and removed the blanket.

The girl was wearing pajamas, and her body looked very thin to the point that their whole body mostly consisted of bones.

"I am pretty sure she is starving. It adds up with the empty fridge and chip bags. Her lips also look very dry." Yueyue pointed out.

Seeing the dry lips, Xiaoyun took out a bottle of water from his backpack and slowly fed it into the girl's mouth.

The girl coughed several times as the water slipped into her mouth, but she still didn't wake up.

Yueyue pushed her hair aside and touched her forehead.

"She has a fever. Can you create some medicine?"

Xiaoyun created a bottle of aspirin and handed it to Yueyue.

Yueyue took out a pill and fed it with some water through the girl's lips.

"Maybe we should bring her to mom. I don't think she can stay here safely." Yueyue suggested.

Xiaoyun nodded in agreement and wrapped the girl in the blanket.

2/1/24 Edited some of the grammar and apply the new character names.

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