In a world filled with heroes and villains a young hero uses the powers of the 12 zodiac talismans to leave his mark in the whirlpool of madness called the DC universe. SI in the DC universe # Superpowers # 12 Talismans # Martial Arts # Justice League # Young Justice (AU) # The Titans
" You crazy bitch. That really hurt..."
I slowly got off the ground, and my head was spinning. She had no way of knowing that my body was more durable than the average person, so that explosion could have easily killed me if I was just a baseline human.
Thankfully, the Ox Talisman gave me a degree of durability, which was necessary since super strength required the users body to be reinforced so that it could handle the extra force produced by the body.
My right hand inched towards my belt, but I could see her eyes watching me like a hawk ready to fill me with arrows. I had no idea if me durability would hold up to sharp penetrative damage as it did to blunt force trauma, and now wasn't the time to test it. I quickly grabbed onto the dog talisman just in time for three arrows to hit me in the chest.
A small grunt escaped my mouth as I took a step back. The air felt like it was being forced out of my lungs with each hit,'The dog talisman doesn't eliminate pain and only protects the body from fatal damage, which meant every hit was felt.'
Her eyes immediately widened so I took advantage of her surprise to grab the rabbit talisman. I immediately rushed forward with the intention to slam into her, but she had been prepared and jumped backward. It seemed she wasn't going to risk letting me close enough to touch her without some sort of distraction.
In a stroke of inspiration I grabbed a piece of rock debris lying on the floor and threw it at her. My aim was good, and it connected with the side of her left foot. It wasn't a lethal blow, not even remotely close, but her foot buckled under the impact.
" Shit!" She cursed silently as I watched her fall to the ground.
"You think this is over? Oh, you're wrong. This is nothing compared to what I'm about to do," She gritted through her teeth, clenching her fists as if preparing for round two.
Instead of saying anything I just chuckled and shook my head. What was with this woman?!
"You really think that a measly little rock can stop me? I'm not scared of you! I'm the Queen of Hearts. You can't stop me!" she yelled, trying to sound confident, but failed miserably as sweat dripped down her forehead. I noticed she kept moving away from me, obviously worried that I might try something with the talisman still firmly clutched in my grip.
I saw she was attempting to retreat in order to get some cover, so I took a step forward. Unfortunately, her reflexes were quick and her hand shot forward as if propelled by an invisible force, quickly letting loose the knife she had hidden in her sleeve.
I tried to move my head out of its trajectory, but it was too late and she nailed me in the eye. Pain unlike anything I have ever felt shot to my brain. I let out an agonizing shout and had my hand over my right eye.
Luckily, I was still channeling the dog talismans power or else I would be missing an eye right now. But, this didn't stop me from feeling what a throwing knife shot directly into your eyes felt like. My left hand quickly found the horse talismans and focused on channeling its healing power. The pain seemed to ebb slowly and before I knew it I was standing tall once again. But, this time a furious expression could be seen on my face.
Any semblance of a technique was forgotten as I focused on taking her down as fast as possible as I barreled towards her. She was trying to escape having recognized that she couldn't win but judging by her slight limp she wasn't fast enough to do it.
I slammed into her and the first thing I did was break her bow. " No!" she shouted.
Before she could do anything else I pinned her to the ground using my super strength. She started struggling and cursing at me to let her go, but I ignored her and focused on my surroundings.
It seems Wonderwoman was about done with the robbers, since I could see her tying up the last of them using some zip ties she apparently had on her.
' Note to self have some zip ties incase you run into trouble.' I quickly thought.
She walked up to me all relaxed and gave me a slight grin. " Quite the catch, especially on your first official outing."
I smiled, " Well, I guess I just have the knack for it."
" Let me go you son of a bitch, before I fu..."
" That's enough Cupid! Even if he lets you go, you have no where to go. The place is surrounded so just give it up. You lost. "
Cupid stopped struggling and growled in frustration." Just my luck to run into wonderbitch and a speedster. " but contrary to her words, she seemed to give up and slumbed down in defeat.
The next half hour consisted of giving statements and thankfully Diana handled most of it. We were soon off to complete our patrol, and we ended up stopping a few muggings and a gang fight. A few hours later we were finally done.
Later that night two figures could be seen chatting amicably in the cafeteria.
" So, tell me, how do you feel? Did you find it was everything you imagined? Not many get to stop a bank robbery for their debut."
I shrugged, " Except for the fight with Cupid things were a lot less intense than Gotham. You would be hard pressed to find a quite night at Crime Alley. "
She nodded," I do admit Gotham is a special case. Personally I don't know how Batman does it. "
" Speaking of which I don't think I have ever heard of any of you guys going there. The place could really use a clean up. " I said.
She sighed, " Believe me we tried but Batman seems adamant that our involvement would only cause the criminals to escalate and that it would only make things much worse. "
I hummed," I guess I could see his point. But, things are already going down hill. It's already pretty bad and it isn't all that far from getting worse. But, to each their own I guess. "
We chatted for a few more minutes and after we were done eating. She bade me farewell and said she had some duties to attend to.
I headed back to my room to chill since I wasn't in the mood to do any training this late at night and before I knew it I was out like a light.
(Chapter End)
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