

Imagine a world where heroes have lost to villains. It has been years since the war between heroes and villains and someone woke up from a nap that the villain put him in.L. The person woke up after and the villain ruled the world and the people he used to know are dead, captured, or trying to start a revolution Hero or villain

kamara2005 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 6

As he was flying, he noticed how much the land had changed and saw how countless buildings were demolished. The skies were covered in darkness. It seemed like the apocalypse just happened (Gotham/ arcane underground looked). "Why is everything so different?" He said as he started to focus again before his wing went floppy. but as he was passing by, he saw a group of people with different uniforms. one of them wearing ( Saunek costume) holding a woman with a pierced hand. He was talking to the other grown men with ( Spiniensis costume) that were there. As Zilla was going to leave he saw one of the men slowly bringing up his hand while the woman was yelling as loud as she could to the child saying " RUN ". As he saw that he moved through that area as fast as he did while his wings started disordering. he brought his scabbard and sword out as he was thinking " focuses, focuses " as a spike was getting closer and closer to the kid. Zilla got faster and faster. fast enough to block the spike that was about to harm the little kid with his scabbard