
Bab 14

It's only been a day since we got back yet things are already spiralling out of control. By now, the entire island is under the assumption that we are dating. We've both tried to clarify the situation but to no avail so instead, we're choosing to go with the flow for now. Now, we're sitting together on the pier, watching the other girls doing practice runs. 

Me: I had no idea, they'd make such a big deal out of this.

Enterprise: Neither did I but I guess it's just unusual, is all. 

Me: How so?

Wales: You're the first official couple, that's how. 

We both turn to see Wales coming towards us. With her are Vestal and an army of girls. Not wanting to deal with this right now, I quickly stand and prepare to make a run for it. Enterprise notices and quickly follow suit. 

Me: Friends of yours, Wales? 

Wales: More like fans of yours. 

Vestal: Before the two of you go running off again, remember to come to your check-ups later. Okay?

Me: Kay!

Grabbing Enterprise's hand, I make a run for the outskirts of the base. At the same time, I tell my ship to send one of the J-16s on board to meet us at the airstrip. 

Me: I hope you're ready for that lesson I promised!

Enterprise: Lesson? Wait, are you serious? Right now?

Me: What better time to absorb info like a sponge than a matter of life and death?

Enterprise: That's a bit overdramatic. Surely they aren't going to kill us.

Me: Why don't you stop and find out then?

Looking behind shows a mad horde of girls all running like cheetahs after their prey. If we continue running at this speed, they'll definitely catch us. 

Me: Hold on!

Enterprise: What?

Accelerating to full speed, the world becomes a blur around us. Even with everything going on, however, the feeling of Enterprise's hands wrapping further and further around my waist as she tries to hold on removes everything else from my mind almost causing me to run right past our destination.

Me: We're here. 

Skidding to a halt, we find ourselves alongside a perfectly placed J-16. Enterprise instantly makes a move for the backseat but I stop her and point her towards the front. She hesitates for a bit but the sound of approaching girls quickly resolves her inner conflict. 

As the canopy closes around us, the girls spill onto the airfield but stop short as they see us already in the aircraft. I quickly give Enterprise the shortest run down of everything. She catches on quickly, especially since I'm only teaching her, currently, what we need to leave the ground. 

Enterprise: So full power, right? 

Me: Uh-

Before I can correct her, we're blasting towards the end of the runway. There's simply no reason to use the afterburner here given the runway is long and the aircraft isn't fully loaded.

Me: Pull up! Pull up! 

She does and the plane immediately makes a beeline for the sun. We're barely a few seconds into the flight when the first sonic boom is heard. Surprisingly, she manages to pilot it very well but as we're still going upwards using full afterburner I can't breathe easy as yet.

Me: That's it. Now reduce power like we went over before and level out. 

She does and soon we are cruising at a crisp 10,000 ft. 

Me: Not bad, for your first time. 

Enterprise: Really? It felt like you were ready to abandon ship.

Laughing, I continue teaching her about the various systems in the aircraft as we head back down towards the carrier. After all, we shouldn't have really gone this high without the proper gear. Surprisingly enough, however, it doesn't affect either of us enough to cause issues and before long we're running through how to land on the carrier. 

Enterprise: I'm not sure I can do this.

Me: There's nothing to worry about really. Even if you miss the cables you can just accelerate and go around for another try. 

Enterprise: You're making it sound easy.

Me: I'm sure you've landed on your own carrier before. Think of it like that. 

It takes a few tries and scares but she eventually gets it right. Once we come to a halt, we quickly get out and head down to change. By the time we make it back onto the carrier, the new planes are already in position but when Enterprise approaches one and realises they are single-seaters, she stops. 

Me: What? I did tell you I'd be forcing you to learn it as quickly as possible no?

Enterprise: How is one flight enough to learn how to fly? This is a completely different plane?

Me: Perhaps but similar to same systems. You'll be fine. Besides, flying a plane is the easy part. I'd be more worried about landing if I were you.

Enterprise: You are a terrible teacher. You know that?

Me: Well, we can continue that conversation if you crash. For now though, just remember not to keep using the afterburner after taking off and accelerating to the necessary speed or else you'll run out of fuel a lot faster than you expect. Also, these planes are heavier than the one you just flew and they are also fully armed so good luck!

Before she can reply, I close my canopy and wave goodbye. She hurries to climb into her own Su-57 as mine and my wingman is both launched. Instead of going vertical like before, however, I keep to a straight path for about 20 seconds before banking to the left. 

Me: [How are you doing back there?]

Enterprise: [Still trying to figure out how to take-off.]

Me: [Just say you're ready. Signalling also works. Regardless, the carrier will launch you once it knows you're ready. That being said, it won't launch you if you haven't done the prep work I mentioned while we were changing.]

I go over what she needs to do again just to be safe and after a while, she's airborne and flying alongside me. Unlike before, however, we don't stray far from the base. We're going over a few extra lessons when a distress call comes in. 

Yat Sen: [Hello! AF Base! If you can hear me this is ROC Yat Sen of the Dragon Empery and I am requesting immediate assistance. I'm being pursued by a SIREN patrol fleet and am heavily outnumbered. Pl-]

What's she doing all the way out here? I wonder if something happened while I've been gone. After all, I have indeed been gone for longer than I had planned. 

Me: [Ready to get some combat experience?]

Enterprise: [Not sure if I'll be much help but I'll try.]

Me: [Haha. It might be hard to use the missiles yes since I never showed you how to operate the weapons system but I'm sure you'll get the basics.] 

Enterprise: [Will I get a kiss if I do?]

Ignoring her comment completely, I radio Yat Sen that we're on our way. The base also dispatches a few ships to assist but I'm pretty sure none of them will get here in time besides Dalian. 

True enough, we arrive first as was to be expected. As we fly overhead, observing the battlefield beneath us, I notice that these are merely mass-production models and don't pose any significant threat so I order our escorts to eliminate most of them before taking the opportunity to teach Enterprise all she needs to know. Thanks to their intervention, Yat Sen makes it away safely but there's also a few left behind for target practice. Deciding to get back at Enterprise for her teasing comment earlier, I begin teasing her myself. 

Me: [That's all for you, my love.]

Enterprise: [It's because I asked you for a-]

Me: [Less talking and more shooting. You wouldn't want them to get away now, would you?]

Enterprise: [But you still haven't told me how to-]

Me: [Fine, fine.]

I quickly run over the necessary information that she needs but I'm not sure how effective my lesson is without me visually showing her what I'm speaking of. Still, after a bit of fiddling and one misfire, she manages to get it right and scores a series of hits against the few remaining enemies. 

Enterprise: [It's actually pretty easy.]

Me: [I told you. Once you get the basics, it basically does the rest for you.]

Enterprise: [Are you sure I can't get one of these planes?] 

Me: [I'm sure.] 

After finishing up, we both head back towards the base. Deciding not to risk it any further, Enterprise allows the plane to take over and lands safely on the flight deck. I land shortly after her and together, we rush to meet Yat Sen who's pulling into the docks. By the time we get there, Wales and the others have already gathered but decide to move to a more secluded area. Once behind closed doors, everyone asks questions but all I want to know is why she's here.

Yat Sen: The Sakura Empire is preparing for a massive offensive. We'd been having large incursions into our territory and had gone to investigate it when we found them testing what looks like a new ship. 

Wales: A new ship?

Yat Sen: Yes. It looked like a more advanced SIREN mass production model but whatever it was, it managed to destroy an entire island in one hit. 

Elizabeth: That's impossible! What weapon could possibly be that powerful?

Me: I can think of quite a few actually though all of which would spell disaster if they begin targeting our cities. How was this weapon operated? 

Yat Sen: It was fired similarly to the weapons Dalian uses. I think she called them missiles or rockets?

Dalian: Was it big?

Yat Sen: I suppose. The entire ship on a whole was a lot bigger than anything I've seen before except perhaps Miss Zhejiang's carrier and it seemed heavily protected. The rocket it fired was of a similar build and was big enough that it took up a large portion of the ship.

Dalian: Could it be an ICBM?

Me: It's possible but that'd be a large jump to make given I've never seen or heard of them using rockets, to begin with. 

Wales: ICBM? 

Dalian: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. As the name suggests, it is capable of travelling extreme distances. If this is what we think it is, they could theoretically stay within their own territory and fire at Eagle Union, Dragon Empery, Royal Navy and anywhere else they want to hit. The damage of such a weapon depends on the type of warhead it's carrying and at what point in its flight it is detonated but let's just say the ones from our own world are capable of really wiping entire nations off the face of the map. 

Illustrious: Who would ever use such a thing? 

Me: Well, in my world your side was the one who used it so...


Me: What can I say. They were different times. In fact, it was used more than once and took hundreds of thousands of lives but at the same time, it resulted in the near-immediate end of the war so... they may be looking to use it for a similar purpose. 

Elizabeth: But who would ever surrender to an enemy willing to use such weapons?

Me: You wouldn't really have a choice if they can strike you at any time and you can't intercept it. That being said, given this is a rocket, it is possible that my planes could engage it at altitude and shoot it down but I'd prefer we eliminate the threat before it comes to that.

Dalian: I agree. If it's an atomic bomb like I suspect, the fallout will spread further the higher up it detonates. 

Enterprise: So we just need to attack and destroy this ship before it fires again then.

Me: Yes, and the sooner the better. While I can intercept it if it's coming here, nothing is stopping them from firing at the other locations. 

Elizabeth: Well then. It's about time we showed these girls who they're messing with. 

Me: Perhaps. Yat Sen, thank you for bringing this to our attention. Feel free to get some rest now. You'll need it for the journey ahead. 

Yat Sen: Thank you, Your Majesty. 

As soon as she leaves the room, I turn back to the others. We'll need a plan as we can't just go rushing in blindly against odds such as these. They may see us coming so we can't depend on stealth per see unless we attack during the night but attacking during the night can also prove detrimental to these girls ability to attack. Dalian and I are both capable of both seeing and operating in pitch-black darkness but I can't say the same for them. Still, I wonder...

Me: Alright. Here's the plan.