

Andre_dunn · Fantasia
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3 Chs

Zethura Birth Of The Hero Of The North

Zen wake up in a small, dimly lit room with stone walls and a comfy straw magical mattress on the floor. As he sit up, a musty smell fills his nostrils. Outside, the faint sound of birds chirping can be heard. He notice a wooden table beside the bed with a rusted knife and a folded piece of parchment on top with a magical orb.

The parchment contains a message, written in elegant handwriting. It states that you are on a mission to kill the Urama, a notorious group of outlaws who have been terrorizing the villages. They were responsible for failing to kill the dragon priest, who still poses a threat to the kingdom. Your task is to track down the Urama and eliminate them before they can cause further harm.

As you leave the room, you find yourself in a narrow corridor with torches lining the stone walls. To your left is a staircase leading upwards, while to your right is a heavy wooden door. Alternatively, you can examine the parchment or the knife on the table.

He then walked to the end of the room and saw a door leading to outside, As he open the door he saw people standing with pitch forks and said" this is the last time we will stand those Urama's they have plagued us for the last time let's all mar h out and end them says a man with a huge sword".

The huge man then turned to Him as he glared and said "Your a swords man how about joining me with the two of us as skilled swordsman we could take the Urama's, and bring fame to our names. By the way I'm Griphamore who are you?", seeing the huge man addressing him he then said" I'm Zen and I live in this house, I have a mission to go kill the Urama's so dont worry ,I'll take care of it". He then walked away from Griphamore and though to himself " No way I'm splitting the loot as the Urama's are wealthy and the fame he'd gain would be great enough to impress the king Pagima" who rules north of Planet Zethura his kingdom was called Otara priden of the north.

Pagima's army was large and they had control of the north but the enemy of was The Easthaven as that Kingdom are of Elves and dwarves along with the ogers that kingdom is Kuma Easthaven. For years Kuma Easthaven has been in war with the Otarain's as they always have malicious feelings towards each other.

In the enchanted land of Easthaven, the majestic Elves and sturdy Dwarves coexist harmoniously amidst lush forests and sprawling mountain ranges. The region is known for its breathtaking beauty and mystical aura, as well as its rich reserves of precious gemstones and rare ores.

In the land of Easthaven, the land of Elves, you find yourself in a vibrant woodland filled with towering ancient trees and ethereal mists. Sunlight filters through the emerald leaves, casting a soft glow upon the forest floor. The air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers.

Zen then went outside the village and head towards the Urama's Camp, on his way there he saw an old friend called Simon and said " Hey Simon, how's it going catch any good loot lately?". Simon then laughed and said" Good seeing you Zen, it's been awhile since I last saw you man you've grown", after talking for hours Zen told Simon where he was going. Simon then said" Be careful as those Urama's are strong and use magic like the elves, that's why it's so hard dealing with them lot so be on your guard".

Then he saw a house and walked inside a house and saw a table with a knife and a jar of ink with a feather in side then he see the kings guard who sent the letter he then said "Apologies for the confusion. Let's continue with the mission to hunt down the Urama". Zen pick up the knife from the table, feeling its weight in his hand. The worn blade suggests its history of use.

Opening the heavy wooden door, you step into a bustling town square. Buildings with thatched roofs line the cobbled streets, and villagers go about their daily tasks. The air is filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread and the sound of merchants hawking their wares.

There are a few locals standing near a well in the center of the square. They glance at you curiously, sensing your determination. They might have some information about the whereabouts of the Urama. Alternatively, you can explore the town further, visit the local tavern, or head towards the outskirts where the forest looms. As he went to the forest loom he heard sounds of a man screaming as he ran in the direction he saw a merchant running leaving his things behind. Zen then looked ahead and then he saw them, the Urama's marched out in numbers with their leader top henchmen  at the front. Zen then said " You there I'm Zen and I'm here for your leaders head as he attacked the village and the king wants him dead".

The rude Urama's then without saying anything launch an powerful attack on him and caught him off guard as it hit him in his head with a club and knocked him out. Then then dragged him to an old ruin and left him there to die as snakes and huge rats live down there.

As He awaken in the underground ruins, He find himself surrounded by darkness. The air is stale, and the sound of dripping water echoes throughout the place. You feel a mysterious presence, beckoning you to explore. The room is dimly lit, and you notice a glowing object near you. It's the Sheikah Slate, the very same device used by the hero of legend. He then placed it in his item holder and headed back to town on his way back there, he noticed all the men coming from the east looking like they are coming from Easthaven from a war. After what seems like hours he finally reached the village as he looked for a tavern to sleep, he then saw one and went inside and at the front desk you could see a smiling lady saying" Welcome to to my Inn and the fee for one night is eight silver coin and we accept the kings token used by his army and royal familys". Zen then pulled out eight royal coins and said " Here this should cover it one night is all I need to rest up and start my training to get back at those Urama's", she then smiled and said" So they really did A number on you, why not let me take you to your room your badly hurt". Zen then went inside the room with the owner of the Inn and lay on the bed covered with white sheet, then fell asleep and started to dream. In his dream he was struggling to kill a dragon then got swelled and was inside wondering how to come out of the dragons belly then he woke up. He then walked outside remembering the letter from the King, then went to train to get stronger to face the Urama's.

Zen had been training hard for weeks now, honing his skills with a sword and learning the ways of the sellsword. He had grown his dark hair out and had put on muscle in his arms and legs. His eyes glinted with determination as he trained, always pushing himself further than he thought he could go.

Finally, the day had arrived for Zen to begin his journey to the neighboring kingdom. The king had sent him to fight against the Urama's, a band of bandits that had been causing trouble for the local villages.

Zen packed his belongings and set out, his heart thumping in his chest as he made his way through the dense forest. The road was treacherous, with steep hills and rutted paths that made travel slow and difficult.

As he made his way through the woods, he spotted the signs of the Urama's. Smoke could be seen coming from the nearby village, and the sound of loud voices could be heard. Zen knew what he had to do; he had to put an end to the Urama's terror once and for all.

With a fierce determination, Zen took off towards the village. He heard shouting as he got closer and saw the Urama's forming up in the center of the village. They were a fearsome sight, with long swords and shields that they used to defend themselves.

Zen looked at them with a grim expression, feeling a mixture of fear and excitement. He had never faced such fierce foes before, but he knew he had to take them down if he wanted to save the village.

The Urama's stood their ground as Zen approached, but they soon realized he was no ordinary sellsword. Zen was a skilled swordsman, but he had also trained in the ways of magic. He cast a spell, and suddenly a wall of flames appeared between him and the Urama's. The bandits tried to run, but they were trapped.

Zen moved in quickly, engaging the Urama's one by one. He fought with all his might, his sword swinging with precision and grace. The Urama's fought back with equal vigor, but they soon realized that they were no match for Zen. He was too skilled and too quick for them.

With each victory, Zen gained in experience and skill, his heart swelling with pride. He had never felt so alive, so proud to be what he was. He had come a long way from the young boy who left home in search of adventure, and he had finally found his true calling.

Finally, the battle came to an end, with Zen standing victorious in the center of the village. The villagers cheered as he was hailed as a hero, and he realized that he had finally found his true home.

Years later, when he looked back on that day, Zen knew that it was the moment he realized his purpose in life. He was a sellsword, a warrior who fought for what was right and fought against those who threatened innocent lives. He knew that he would face many challenges in his future, but he was ready for them all.

And so, Zen continued to battle the forces of evil, using his skills and his heart to protect the innocent and bring justice to those who needed it most. He may have started out on a journey to fight against the Urama's, but in the end, it was his heroism that gave him the title of sellsword, Zen the Sellsword.

Sellsword Zen was a man of few words. He preferred to keep his thoughts to himself and rarely spoke unless it was necessary. He was a skilled swordsman, but he preferred to use his skills for the law than for violence.

Despite his quiet nature, the King had placed a trust in him. Zen was one of the few who had the ability to reason with the elves from the forested lands of Easthavens. The elves were feared by most because of their magic and their strength, but the King saw them as a threat to their neighbors.

So, Zen had been tasked to join the army and stop the elves from gaining any more land. He knew it was a dangerous mission, but he also knew he couldn't let the elves continue to terrorize the people of the neighboring kingdoms.

Zen had trained tirelessly for the past few months. He had honed his sword skills and studied strategies on how to defeat the elves. He knew that he had to be ready for anything.

One day, the army arrived at the edge of the forest. They were met by the elves, who were armed with bows and arrows. The battle was long and bloody, but in the end, the elves were defeated.

As the army returned to their camp, Zen was approached by the King. "Zen," he said, "I am pleased with your performance. However, I feel I must warn you about a few things."

Zen tensed up, expecting another assignment.

"There are rumors that some of the soldiers of the army have been stealing from the citizens of the neighboring villages. I want you to investigate and find out if there is any truth to the rumors."

Zen nodded. He knew he had to be discreet, but he also knew that he couldn't let the army's reputation tarnish.

Over the next few weeks, Zen infiltrated the army and gathered evidence. He learned that the soldiers had been stealing from the villages to fund their own greed.

"I have gathered enough evidence," Zen said, approaching the King with a bag of gold. "I request an investigation."

The King nodded. "I will have the General assemble a team to investigate these allegations. But first, we must get revenge on the elves. They have caused us enough troubles."

Zen knew he would have to be careful. The General was notorious for his brutality, and the army was filled with soldiers who were eager for blood.

The army charged into the forest, determined to seek revenge on the elves. Zen knew it was a dangerous mission, but he also knew that he couldn't let the army continue to do harm to the people of the neighboring kingdoms.

As the days passed, the army grew more and more aggressive. They pillaged and burned villages, leaving behind nothing but ashes.

Zen knew he had to act fast. He gathered a team of soldiers who were willing to listen to his ideas and set out to find the elves.

They traveled deep into the forest, wary of traps and hidden dangers. What they found was unlike anything they had ever seen. The elves were not like the stories they had heard. They were peaceful, kind and helpful.

The soldiers were taken aback by the beauty of the forest and the elves' kindness. They talked and laughed with them, sharing food and stories.

As they got to know the elves better, they began to see that they were not the enemy. They helped the soldiers with their own unique skills, such as hunting, cooking, and gardening.

The elves showed the soldiers the true meaning of harmony and cooperation. They helped the soldiers understand that violence only breeds more violence.

Zen realized that the elves were not threats, but friends. He knew that he had to share this understanding with the army and convince them to stop their aggression.

He approached the army one last time and shared his findings. He told them about the elves' nature and their willingness to help, not harm.

However, the General refused to listen. He ordered the army to continue with their attack.

Zen knew he had to act. He pulled out his sword and charged at the General. The two battled fiercely, each using their skills in a final effort to stop the violence.

After a long and arduous battle, Zen emerged victorious. He had saved the elves from the army's wrath and had demonstrated to the army the error of their ways.

The army had learned their lesson, and their actions became more peaceful. The elves had a new friendship with the people of the neighboring kingdoms and were no longer feared as before.

Zen had once again proven his worth as a Sellsword. Not only had he fought for justice, but he had also shown compassion. He had become an example for others to follow.

The King was proud of Zen, and he knew that he had made a good decision by placing his trust in him. He knew that Zen would always choose the right path, even if it meant fighting against those close to him.

And so, Zen returned to his quiet life, but with a newfound respect and appreciation for the world around him. He knew that he had a duty to protect and defend, but he also knew that he had the power to make a difference.

You stand in the grand hall of the castle, adorned with intricate tapestries and glistening chandeliers. The scent of polished wood lingers in the air, mixed with a hint of lavender from the nearby gardens. As you take in the opulent surroundings, a tall figure approaches.

In the enchanting realm of Zethura, a planet where magical beings thrived and mystical lands stretched as far as the eye could see, a great conflict was brewing. The King of the North, a wise and just ruler, had grown weary of the constant tension between his kingdom and the Ogre King of the South.

The King of the North, known for his strategic brilliance, decided it was time to put an end to the animosity. He summoned his most trusted and skilled commander, Zen, a warrior renowned for his bravery and unwavering loyalty. Zen was a man of few words, but his actions spoke volumes.

The King of the North explained the situation to Zen, emphasizing the importance of maintaining peace and harmony in the realm of Zethura. He entrusted Zen with a sacred mission - to journey to the South and confront the Ogre King, seeking a peaceful resolution to their conflicts.

Zen embarked on his journey, traversing through dense forests, crossing treacherous rivers, and climbing towering mountains. Along the way, he encountered various magical beings who offered their assistance and guidance. Fairies illuminated his path, unicorns provided him with strength, and wise old wizards shared their wisdom.

As Zen approached the Ogre King's domain, he was met with a formidable army of ogres, their fierce eyes filled with hostility. Undeterred, Zen stood tall, his sword gleaming in the sunlight. He approached the Ogre King, who was known for his brute strength and fiery temper.

With a calm and composed demeanor, Zen addressed the Ogre King, expressing the King of the North's desire for peace. He spoke of the suffering caused by the ongoing conflict and the potential for a brighter future if they could find common ground.

The Ogre King, initially skeptical, was taken aback by Zen's sincerity and determination. He had never encountered such a noble warrior before. After a moment of contemplation, the Ogre King agreed to a truce, realizing that the endless cycle of violence had brought nothing but pain to both kingdoms.

Zen returned to the King of the North, bearing the news of the successful negotiation. The King was overjoyed, for he had hoped for a peaceful resolution all along. In honor of Zen's bravery and diplomacy, he declared a grand celebration throughout the realm of Zethura.

The celebration was a sight to behold, with magical beings from all corners of the realm coming together in harmony. The King of the North and the Ogre King stood side by side, symbolizing the newfound unity between their kingdoms.

From that day forward, the realm of Zethura flourished under the joint rule of the two kings. The magical beings reveled in the peace and prosperity that enveloped their lands. Zen, forever remembered as the hero who brought peace to Zethura, continued to serve as the King of the North's most trusted commander, ensuring that harmony prevailed in their realm for generations to come.

After ten years Zethura was in peace then the ogers started to do their dark deeds all over again as the old king had passed away and the new king was unlike the first as he was a cruel leader who aimed to conquer Zethura and make it just s planet of Ogers and theirs friends of the south which is the west where dragons roam and fenix lives.

The king got a letter from the south saying they should surrender as the south will conquer all and put and end mortal man as the gods had blessed them with prosperity and power, the Oger Gods bestowed upon us his grace and bravery so suicide surrender and dom3 into gold of the King of the south".

The king then told all his generals and commandef zen about the letter from the south.

the king, his regal stature commanding respect. With a stern expression, he addresses you as Zen, the chosen general of his main army. He informs you that your mission is to conquer the southern lands, which have been a constant threat to the kingdom's peace and prosperity.

The king hands you a scroll containing strategic information about the enemy forces and the terrain you are about to face. You can either study the scroll in the king's presence or ask for any specific details you'd like to know. Alternatively, you may choose to gather your troops and set out towards the south immediately.

You assemble your troops outside the castle gates, the sound of clashing armor filling the air. The soldiers, a mix of seasoned knights and courageous footmen, stand at attention, awaiting your command. Banners emblazoned with the kingdom's coat of arms flutter in the gentle breeze.

The king, standing beside you, delivers an inspiring speech, rallying the soldiers and reminding them of the honor and duty that lie ahead. As his words resonate through the ranks, you feel the determination and resolve strengthen within you.

With a nod from the king, you raise your sword high, signaling the start of the journey south. The army sets off, marching through the sprawling countryside. Fields of golden wheat and picturesque villages pass by as you make your way towards the enemy's territory.

Along the way, you encounter several strategic crossroads. You can choose to take the well-traveled road, potentially encountering enemy scouts but progressing faster, or you can opt for the lesser-known path, possibly facing treacherous terrain but avoiding initial confrontations.

Zen then said " Let's move on and capture on of their castles my men are in numbers on those Naznose of the south", his men them started to wave their banners and hold up their weapons high in the sky and made a empowering joyful cry and start beating their drums empowering their will and order of Zen's army and now that Zen his the king General and soon to be commander he stood in front of his army as they march.

As Zen and His army make their way along the chosen path, the dense forest begins to close in around them. The air grows heavy with anticipation, and a sense of unease settles within his ranks. Suddenly, the tranquility is shattered by the sharp sound of arrows whistling through the air.

Zen force is ambushed by a group of enemy warriors, hidden within the foliage. Arrows rain down, catching many of your soldiers off guard. Chaos erupts as your troops scramble for cover, desperately trying to launch a counterattack you flee to a village running as if this could be the end for Zen and his army.

Zen  have a few options in this dire situation. He can rally his soldiers to hold their ground and fight back in the village, attempting to overcome the ambushers with sheer force. Alternatively, Zen can order a tactical retreat, regrouping in a defensible position to reassess the situation and formulate a new plan. What will be your command, Zen? His men asked.

Then he heard a song going chu wi  chu wi in the air, Zen wondering what was that making that sound They saw a giant fenix bird flying an it use the sound of its creator to send fear in Zen's heart to fear the south then it flew west of Zethura and landed awaiting its master. A mysterious man looked at them and noticed their banner and seeing the the situation of Zen's army began to decide that he would help the King of the north as his mother lives there along with his wife.

As Kegil observe the chaos of battle, He notice that Zen's army is gradually retreating to the north, fighting fiercely as they go. It seems that they are regrouping and strategizing for a better position. The south army, sensing victory, presses the attack.

Feeling a strong sense of loyalty towards Zen, Kegil decide to join the retreat and assist in any way possible. With determination in His heart, He rush out of the corridor and into the thick of the battle.

In the midst of the chaos, you notice Zen's banner fluttering in the distance, marking the position where his army is regrouping with mask over Kegil's face protecting him from the attack he intends to use as he is a user of poison and poison gas which he would use to take down the south army that threatens Zen's army.

Kegil then called two of his friends who were standing beside him to help him Aid Zen's army, and help them conquer the south as he ran into an ambush by the south and their men.

Then then went into the village and told them of Zen's deeds and how great the North was with their honorable king who Trust Zen with his army, the people were moved and picked up swords, pitch forks and shovels and aided Kegil and marched over where Zen's army was.

Then they saw the south's army and its army Commander Called Hojiki standing in the miding fighting Zen's men then kegil decided to Attack them from behind with the men he gathered, with their weapons in hand that attack the south army from the back and Zen saw and formed a frontal attack.

With half and hour of fighting they finally destroyed the enemy and killed its commander, Zen met with Kegil and thanked him for helping him. Kegil then said let's rest up in the village and aim for The south main castle Outhest of the Ogers and Jitsui race that are smart and use deadly dark magic.

In a display of great leadership and unity, Zen and Kegil work together to rally their respective armies. The combined forces gather enough men to form a formidable army, determined to retaliate against the Ogre King and his southern forces.

As the march to the Ogre King's stronghold begins, the mood is a mix of determination and anticipation. Armored soldiers, archers, and mages move in unison, their footsteps harmonizing with the war chants that echo through the land.

The journey takes you through dense forests, treacherous mountains, and open plains. Along the way, you encounter various obstacles and skirmishes with smaller enemy groups. However, the combined strength and strategy of Zen and Kegil ensure a steady advance.

Finally, you reach the outskirts of the Ogre King's stronghold. It looms ominously, fortified with towering walls and guarded by fierce ogres. The battlefield awaits, and it is time to make a crucial decision.

What will be your approach to the attack on the Ogre King's stronghold? Kegil ask Zen, then he replied "Seek a strategic advantage by studying the enemy's defenses and finding weaknesses before initiating the attack. Then Launch a full-scale frontal assault, charging head-on with the entire army. Then after that we use Deploy a diversionary tactic to draw the Ogre King's forces away from vulnerable areas, opening up opportunities for infiltration and crush the stronghold.

Then we Utilize the element of surprise by launching a secret strike with a small, elite group with you leading Kegil while the main army remains fighting. Then make the images utilize the magical abilities at their disposal to weaken the stronghold's defenses and unleash powerful spells during the attack".

With a determined battle cry, Zen's army, joined by Kegil's men, launches a full-scale assault on the Ogre King's castle. The clash of steel fills the air as your army clashes with the ogres, pushing forward to breach the castle walls.

Amid the chaos and the thunderous clash of weapons, you see the Ogre King towering in the distance, bellowing orders to his minions. His hulking size and formidable presence make it clear that defeating him will not be an easy task.

With the sound a swords and other weapons crashing the dead bodies started to pile up as men and oger of all sort drop to the ground Kegil and Zen fought bravely but then they saw the Ogers pet beast it was huge a monster of monsters.

It glare on Zen then roared so loud it could almost def the entire army and oger castle and men.As the battle rages on, the wicked ogres unleash their dreaded pet beast, the monster of monsters, upon Zen and Kegil's men. This monstrous creature is a sight to behold, towering over the field with its imposing size and ferocious demeanor. Its roars echo through the air, striking fear into the hearts of even the bravest warriors.

The monster of monsters charges forward, its massive claws slashing through soldiers and its thunderous footsteps shaking the ground. Panic and chaos ensue within Zen and Kegil's ranks as they struggle to defend against this formidable adversary.

In the face of this dire situation, you must act swiftly and decisively or else you die. Zen then said "Rally a group of skilled fighters to create a diversion, and draw the beast away from the main battle and providing an opportunity for others to counter-attack. Then Kegil use poison gas on the monster face then the mages Use their magical abilities to unleash powerful spells against the monster, hoping to weaken or immobilize it?. Zen then used his inner chi to enchant his sword with flames then focus his attacks on distracting and weakening the monster, aiming for its vulnerable spots?

With unwavering determination and skillful coordination, Zen, Kegil, and their men combine their forces to face the wicked Ogre King's pet beast, the fearsome Monster of Monsters. They fight with unmatched valor and strategic precision, using their combined strength to face this formidable adversary head-on.

Utilizing their prowess and battle-hardened experience, Zen and Kegil's forces launch a relentless assault. They strike the monster relentlessly, targeting its vulnerable spots and weakening it with each blow. Arrows rain down upon the beast, while mages unleash powerful spells, further destabilizing its rampage.

Through the collective efforts of Zen and Kegil's men, they manage to overpower and defeat the dreadful creature. With a mighty roar, the Monster of Monsters falls from Zen and Kegil's men, its reign of terror finally brought to an end.

A resounding cheer erupts from the victorious warriors, their spirits bolstered by this significant triumph. The battle is far from over, but the defeat of the monster instills renewed hope and determination in Zen's and Kegil's army.

As they regroup and assess the situation, it is time to decide on the next course of action. Zen said to Kegil"Seize this opportunity to press the advantage and push forward, initiating a full-scale assault on the Ogre King's stronghold.", A healer came then Kegil said" Have her help and heal the others ", she and Zen then consolidate the army's position, strengthening defenses, and then told her to tending to wounded soldiers then use her magical abilities to heal the wounded, restore energy to the weary soldiers.

With a thunderous roar, Zen and Kegil's combined forces launched a relentless assault on the Ogre King's fortress. Guided by Zen's tactical expertise and Kegil's agility, they swiftly breached the castle's defenses, overwhelming the ogres standing in their way.

As the massive wooden gates splintered under the relentless onslaught, Zen and Kegil's army surged into the castle walls. The clash of blades and the crackle of spells filled the air, creating an atmosphere of chaos and determination.

Zen led the charge, his sword flashing with each deadly swing, cutting through the ranks of the Ogre King's guards. His mastery of magic supplemented his skill, allowing him to unleash powerful elemental spells that decimated any foe foolish enough to stand in his path.

Kegil's army fought alongside Zen, their seamless coordination and unwavering loyalty evident in the way they moved as one. With incredible agility, they swiftly dispatched ogres, leaping and slicing through the air like graceful predators.

As they moved deeper into the castle, the twisted corridors and grand halls became a battleground, littered with fallen enemies. Ogres fought fiercely, their brute strength evident, but Zen and Kegil's forces matched their power with skill and determination.

The clash reached its crescendo as Zen and Kegil faced off against the Ogre King himself, deep within the heart of the fortress. The towering ogre roared with fury, his massive fists crashing down with earth-shaking force. But the combined might of Zen and Kegil, fueled by the courage and unity they inspired in their soldiers, was unyielding.

Swords clashed, spells collided, and the air crackled with the intensity of their confrontation. In a display of unparalleled skill, Zen and Kegil fought with unbreakable resolve, their every movement calculated and precise.

With a final, devastating blow, Zen and Kegil overwhelmed the Ogre King, his monstrous form crashing to the ground. The castle walls echoed with the triumphant cheers of their army as victory was finally achieved.

But their quest was not yet complete. As the dust settled, Zen and Kegil knew that their true victory lay not in conquest but in the restoration of peace to the land. They turned their attention to ensuring the well-being of the kingdom, mending the scars of war, and forging a future of unity and harmony.

And so, with the castle firmly in their control, Zen and Kegil stood as symbols of courage, unity, and the indomitable spirit of the North. Inspired by their leadership, the mystical beings of Zethura once again found hope in the face of darkness, embarking on a new era of prosperity and peace.

Once upon a time, in the enchanting realm of Zethura, a mystical planet where magical beings thrived, a great conflict erupted. The King of the North, ruler of the ethereal glacial lands, found himself embroiled in a fierce war against the malevolent Ogre King of the South, who sought to claim dominion over the entire planet.

In his desperate quest to halt the Ogre King's tyranny, the King of the North dispatched his most trusted commander, Zen, a skilled warrior with a heart touched by magic. Zen led a valiant army, ready to face the monstrous forces that stood between them and peace.

On their journey to confront the dreaded Ogre King, Zen's path crossed with Kegil, a formidable warrior known for his agility and strategic prowess. Kegil commanded a fiercely loyal army, consisting of beings from different magical races, all united by their determination to defeat the Ogre King and restore balance to Zethura.

Seeing the strength and shared purpose in each other, Zen and Kegil joined forces, combining their armies and forging an unbreakable bond. Together, they became an unstoppable force, ready to crush the might of the Ogre King once and for all.

As Zen and Kegil's united army approached the southern realm, they encountered treacherous terrains imbued with dark, otherworldly magic. Twisted forests, volatile geysers, and hauntingly beautiful but dangerous creatures tested their resolve. Yet, their unwavering determination and unity prevailed, overcoming each challenge that stood in their way.

Finally, the day of reckoning arrived. Zen and Kegil's army reached the fortress of the Ogre King, a formidable stronghold guarded by ferocious ogres and imbued with sinister enchantments. The clash between the two forces was cataclysmic, the air filled with the clash of swords and the crackling of spells.

Zen, a master of both swordplay and magic, engaged the Ogre King directly, engaging in a fierce duel that shook the very foundations of the fortress. Meanwhile, Kegil's army unleashed their combined might, overwhelming the ogres and gradually gaining ground.

With every strike, Zen and Kegil's forces moved closer to victory. Their courage and unity inspired others, as magical beings from all corners of Zethura rose up against the Ogre King's tyranny, joining their cause.

At long last, the combined might of Zen, Kegil, and their courageous army overwhelmed the Ogre King and his remaining forces. The oppressive reign of the Ogre King ended, as peace and harmony were restored to Zethura.

In celebration of their hard-fought victory, Zen and Kegil were hailed as heroes, their names forever etched in the annals of Zethura's history. The unity forged between their armies became the foundation for lasting peace on the mystical planet.

And so, on the whimsical planet of Zethura, the forces of darkness were vanquished, and the light of hope prevailed, thanks to the bravery, magic, and unity of Zen, Kegil, and all the magical beings who stood alongside them.

Years had passed since Zen and Kegil had completed their mission to conquer the ogres of the south and restore peace to the planet Zethura. The scars of war had begun to heal, but the memory of their triumph still lingered within the people's hearts. As the sun set over the kingdom of the north, Zen and Kegil sat on the balcony of the castle, their eyes fixed on the horizon.

The warm breeze tousled their hair as they wondered about the mysterious west, a land rumored to be rich with power and a formidable army. "Do you think we will ever find out how powerful the west truly is?" Zen mused, his voice tinged with curiosity. Kegil leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on the distant mountains.

"I believe we will, my friend. Our journey may have ended, but a new one awaits us." Zen turned to look at Kegil, his eyes filled with determination. "And what if the west possesses a power greater than anything we have ever seen before?" A smile played on Kegil's lips as he replied, "Then we will face it together, as we have always done. The north will not be conquered easily." They sat in silence, contemplating the unknown that lay before them.

The sound of laughter and music drifted up from the feasting hall below, reminding them of the peace they had fought so hard to achieve. "Zen," Kegil said softly, breaking the stillness, "we've come a long way since that day we first set out on this journey. We've lost friends and shed blood, but we've also gained strength and forged a bond that cannot be broken." Zen nodded, his gaze now filled with gratitude. "Indeed, Kegil. Our paths crossed for a reason, and together, we were able to change the fate of our kingdom." As the stars peppered the night sky, Zen and Kegil shared a knowing glance.

The challenges that awaited them in the west may have been daunting, but they were ready to face them head-on, united in their resolve. With one last look towards the distant mountains, the two warriors rose from their seats, leaving behind a world that they had fought so hard to protect but that still held many secrets. Hand in hand, they walked back into the castle, ready to embark on a new adventure, guided by the unwavering light of their friendship and the promise of fruition.

As Zen and Kegil traveled through the rugged terrain of the North, the howling wind seemed to echo the urgency of their mission. The skies above were painted with ominous clouds, threatening rain. The two commanders rode atop their loyal steeds, their minds consumed by the tales they had heard of the mighty Kingdom of the West.

Finally reaching their destination, they were greeted by the enrapturing beauty of the West. Lush green valleys stretched out before them, while majestic mountains guarded the kingdom like ancient sentinels. It was a land immersed in prosperity, tales whispered among the common folk spoke of an invincible army led by King Quizen, a man of great strength and cunning.

Standing before the fortified entrance, Zen and Kegil were met by a platoon of well-trained soldiers, the emblem of a fierce dragon emblazoned on their armor. King Quizen himself emerged, tall and regal, his piercing eyes betraying a sense of power that enthralled those in his presence.

"Welcome, commanders of the North," the king greeted with a tone of authority. "What brings you to my realm?"

Zen, ever the eloquent one, spoke first. "We have traveled far and wide, seeking information about a rare and fabled creature-the Phoenix. It is said that such a bird has found sanctuary within your kingdom."

King Quizen arched an eyebrow, intrigued by their request. "The Phoenix, you say? A creature of legend indeed. What is it that you seek to gain from such knowledge?"

Kegil, a man of practicality and ambition, interjected. "We've heard tales that the scales of a dragon possess great power and bring fortune to its possessor. We have come to propose a truce; should you provide us with the scales of the Phoenix, we shall join our forces, ensuring the prosperity of both our kingdoms."

King Quizen chuckled, a sound as deep and booming as a storm. "Your audacity is commendable, commanders. However, the scales of the Phoenix are not so easily acquired. They are sacred relics, coveted deeply by our people. They carry not only power but also an ancient magic that safeguards our land. Handing them over would be an act of great sacrifice for my kingdom."

Zen and Kegil shared knowing glances, understanding the weight of the king's words. "Great King Quizen," Zen spoke with reverence, "we humbly request you give us a fenix feather or a dragon scale as our kingdom needs them to also flourish like the west as our mages can duplicate them and make our army powerful".

The Great King Quizen the Said" Go and tell your king I said the fenix feather and dragon scales shall remain in my kingdom, I will not share our treasured relics to anyone". Zen then nod his head then him and Kegil returned to The north to King Hezarel their proud king.

Zen and Kegil entered the grand hall of King Hezarel's castle, their faces sullen and defeated. They had returned from their journey to the west, seeking the prized fenix father or a dragon scale that the Great King Quizen had denied them.

King Hezarel, a regal figure with sharp eyes and a crown adorned with icicles, looked at them expectantly. "What news do you bring?" he asked, his voice echoing through the hall.

Zen cleared his throat, his voice heavy with disappointment. "Your Majesty, we regret to inform you that the Great King Quizen refused our request. He would not grant us the fenix father or a dragon scale."

King Hezarel's eyes narrowed, his expression betrayed both anger and resolve. "Quizen denies me once again," he muttered, his voice laced with bitterness. "But without the fenix feather or a dragon scale, our armies will not have the power to match his."

Kegil stepped forward, his voice filled with determination.

"Your Majesty, we must find another way. We cannot let Quizen's refusal halt our plans for conquest. There are other ways to gain power, other allies we can seek."

The king's gaze lingered on Kegil for a moment before he nodded slowly. "You speak true, Kegil. We shall not be deterred. Tell me, my trusted advisors, what other options do we have? How can we tip the scales in our favor?"

Zen and Kegil exchanged a glance, their minds racing with possibilities. "Your Majesty," Zen began, "we can seek the aid of enchanters, sorcerers who possess great magical prowess.

Their spells and incantations can turn the tides of any battle."

King Hezarel leaned back on his throne, his hands clasped tightly. "Yes, enchanters. That could be our solution. Gather them, Zen. Bring them here."

"As you wish, my liege," Zen replied, a spark of hope igniting in his eyes.

The Great King Quizen's refusal was merely a setback, a hurdle that they would overcome.

With enchanters by their side, King Hezarel's armies would become formidable, a force to be reckoned with. And as the darkness settled over the land, the chill of anticipation filled the air, for the power of the north would rise, casting its shadows across the west, creating a war unlike no other.

Zen, took it upon himself to train Kegil and his army. He knew that they needed to become strong enough to face the daunting threat from the west. An army was approaching, accompanied by fierce dragons and the legendary phoenix bird, capable of incinerating them with its fiery breath.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an ethereal glow over the magical landscape, Zen summoned Kegil to his side. "Kegil, my young warrior," Zen said, his voice filled with a mysterious air, "it is time for you and your army to rise to greatness. You must become the embodiment of power to protect our beloved planet."

Kegil, a determined and eager leader, stood tall before Zen, his eyes filled with a mixture of apprehension and determination. "How shall we commence this training, Zen?" Kegil asked, his voice echoing with anticipation.

Zen smiled, his eyes twinkling with wisdom. "We shall start with the basics," he replied. "You and your soldiers must learn to harness the elements. Feel the earth beneath your feet, let the winds guide your movements, and command the raging fires within."

Kegil nodded, his mind already consumed with thoughts of victory. "And what of the dragons, Master? How shall we combat their might?"

Zen's voice took on a melodic tone as he responded, "Dragons are creatures of immense power, but they also have weaknesses.

Their fire can be countered with the waters of our oceans and lakes. Your soldiers must learn to manipulate water, to summon its strength and quell the flames."

Kegil listened intently, envisioning his army honing their skills, becoming an unstoppable force. "And what of the phoenix bird, Master Zen?" he inquired, the weight of the world resting on his shoulders.

Zen's gaze turned solemn as he replied, "The phoenix is a symbol of rebirth and resurrection. It possesses great magical abilities. To face it, you must awaken the dormant magic within you. Embrace your inner strength, and you will be able to withstand the flames and emerge victorious."

Kegil's determination burned brighter than ever. He vowed to himself and his people that they would train tirelessly until their bodies were strong and their minds sharp. Their future, the fate of Zethura, relied on their ability to harness the power that lay dormant.

They then trained relentlessly each day for fix hours straight along with the army making them more powerful and before, the men got faster and stronger even capable to harness the elements and use then as weapons of destruction.

Zen and Kegil desire for power grew making them an unstable force.

Zen and Kegil trained to become more powerful to face the west army with their fenix bird and dragons that breathe fire.

They trained using magic and swords with their army making them get more experienced and more powerful . The first time that a sword was used was when they fought against the West Tamranians.

I was taken to a house of ill-fame, where I met the first of many people who were not of our faith. In the year of this birth I went to live with my father and mother, a man of great power in this country, who had a large estate.

The land was in a very bad state, the crops were poor, so the Zen and Kegil trained to become more powerful to face the west army.

Zen and Kegil were two new greatest commanders The north could ever hope for, though they shared a dream to fight for their kingdom and defend it from the wicked West army. They had heard tales of the fearsome creatures they rode, the draconic beasts that spat fire and the mysterious fenix bird, and so they set out to become masters of these powers in order to protect their kingdom.

For years, they travelled, learning the ancient secrets of magic and swordplay, till finally one day they had acquired all the skills that they would need.

As they returned to their hometown, rumours spread quickly of their prowess and greatness, and soon many more people had joined them in their quest to protect their kingdom.

With new recruits coming in, Zen and Kegil quickly become a force to be reckoned with. As they marched across the kingdom, they slowly grew in power and experience and soon learned to wield their magical abilities and swords as one.

With each clash they fought, they honed their skills and grew ever more powerful than before

Finally, after many hard years, they had managed to protect their homeland and overcome odds against them, then they decided to form a plan and brong in new strategies to their kingdom of the north.

The threat of the wicked West army was alarming so Zen and Kegil, having achieved so much, were praised by their people as heroes of their land. They knew then that it had been worth it, all the time and the hard work, for that was what it took to protect the kingdom that they loved and now was the time to march on the west as they could pick up on their numbers and increase their own.

A female Soldier walked up to Zen and said "Sir the men have to harnessing their second element, this is great news sir" after saying that Zen smiled and said "what's your name,you must be new to the army",she then replied" Merilia is the name sir" Zen then nod and said "thanks for informing Merilia and maybe we will see each other later.

Maybe stop at the tavern and get something to drink" she then smiled and said "Sure thing captain I'll be going now chaow" then she went off back to training.

After training Zen and Kegil decided to stop off at the tavern and decided to drink and be merry, then Merilia and her friend Sarah walked into the Tavern seeing both Zen and Kegil.

Zen and Kegil were two of the most respected commanding Generals in the North Army. They'd been together for years, fighting bravely in battles and supporting each other through difficult times.

The two men were close friends, and had become almost like brothers. But despite their strong bond, they'd never considered romance. That was until two new recruits joined their ranks.

The two women, Merilia and Sarah, were from different parts of the country, but they were united by their love of adventure and their desire to fight for the North Army. They were both beautiful, strong, and determined.

Zen and Kegil had been captivated by the two women's beauty and strength from the moment they had arrived. Over time, the four of them began to form a strong bond, and it wasn't long before Zen and Kegil realized that they were in love with Merilia and Sarah.

The two couples kept their relationship a secret, but soon enough, their love for each other was too strong to keep hidden. Eventually, they couldn't help but share their feelings with their comrades in the North Army.

The two couples are now happily married, and the North Army is a better place because of their love.

In the village of the north a gang of Necromancers started to do worship of idols and foriegn gods in the village near the castle they disrespected the kings name and His loyal men Zen and kegil who fights directly under he king.

A necromancer by the name of Yalderlock who was the leader of the Necromancers gang, she was pale as snow and she talked to the towns people and made them worship idols gods made of gold that they took from their crypt.

The Necromancer executed two hundred villagers who didn't believe in their sacrifice and idol gods, who didn't worship them were burned to death by the necromancers fire spells. They then summoned goblins with spells turning the village into A nightmare, few escaped and ran to the castle to inform the king of what is taking place.

After two hours, the king was informed by his men that a villager ran and told them of the necromancers and what they did to the village, he proclaimed "they burned down the houses of the people that refused to join them and worship idols and slaughtered them.

Zen of the Castle of the North had lived in the villages near the castle, it's under ground is linked to a mountain, the necromancer leader and his gang were said to dwell in forest in and under ground secret base. Zen had heard the rumors of their dark activities and knew he had to fight against them, even though he knew he was outnumbered and outgunned. He paid a visit to the local blacksmith then he saw kegil and told him ot what happened, Kegil then as asked him if he needs help but Zen declined his offer and said he need to test himself to see how powerful he was then he told the blacksmith to built a secret armor and weapon for himself. With this new equipment, he was ready to face the necromancers.

The Necromancers and their leader then made and use sleeping gas in the air and weared masked making to protect them selves , everyone in the village near the castle fell asleep.

When Zen arrived at the castle, he was surprised to see how formidable the necromancers had become. They were heavily armed and their numbers seemed to have swelled, making them a force to be reckoned with. Zen knew his only chance against them was to strike fast and hard. He charged at them and fought off wave after wave of their forces until finally, he managed to take down the leader of the necromancers and laid waste to all his minions.

By the time Zen emerged victorious, the castle was in ruins. Zen had paid a heavy price, but he had managed to rid the region of the necromancers and brought peace and security to the people. Zen was honored for his courageous deed and the villagers all thanked him for saving them. He was given the title of 'Healer of the North' in recognition of his bravery and from then on, Zen was known as a great hero.

Zen and Merilia lived together and within a year after she had a baby for Zen and named him Fuji, the name ment dweller near the river where wisteria grows. Merilia who was Zen wife said to him" What if the West strikes us we would be wide open". Zen then smiled and said "dont worry as I'm here, the army is trained even though they felled for the old sleeping gas tricks of the necromancers, they are good soldiers".

He then said " Take good care of Fuji and make sure you keep the door shut when I'm gone dont let anyone in, can't trust people these days" he then walked out the house and headed out to Kegils house.

On his way there he saw the acrobats juggling and putting on a show where lots of people came and watch, the main street full of people watching the performance. He then made his way pass the crowd and finally reached Kegils house, he then knocked on the door waiting for an answer. As he waited he saw Kegil coming out with his child in his hands, Zen then said " Long time no see, I see that little one their what's his name Kegil?".

Kegil then replied " Sarah named him Ura which mean The Heart what you think do you like it?" Zen then replied" That's a good name with a solid meaning to it"

Zen then said" I'm off to the castle, you should come too as well as we are having our ceremony today so dont forget come, leave the baby with Sarah and join me when you are ready as the ceremony is to make me into the Duke of The north and you his second in command".

Zen and Kegil had been friends since the war with the oger, they had grown up together, gone to through rigorous training and adventures, and dreamed of one day being part of the military elite. Today was that day.

They arrived at the castle, dressed in their finest uniforms and with a feeling of excitement in their chests. They were met by a young page and ushered through the grand halls. Zen saw great works of art and majestic arches surrounding them as they walked.

At last, they arrived in the Great Hall. There, they found the King and Queen seated on their thrones. To their left were a dozen soldiers and to the right a small council of advisors. At the front of the room was a long table with a tall stack of scrolls.

The King spoke in a deep commanding voice. "Zen, you have come to become the Duke of the North Army. Your second-in-command, Kegil, shall stand alongside you in all the battles ahead."

Zen and Kegil stepped forward and shared a quick private smile with each other. They bowed and packed their chests in front of the King. The King and Queen then signed the scrolls to officially make Zen the Duke of the North Army and Kegil his second-in-command.

The ceremony ended with everyone cheering in celebration and the two friends embracing each other. They had achieved their dream. Zen and Kegil had officially become part of the military elite.

After leaving the ceremony, Zen and Kegil went home to tell their wives about their promotion, as the night draw near they eat and went to bed.

The next morning the king sent a soldier to inform Zen and Kegil that he wanted to have a word with the two, as something urgent has come up and there going to need their cooperation in this mess.

They then headed for the castle and met up at the castle door, Zen then said to Kegil" By the way this sound something must be a foot" Kegil then nod responding to Zen then they made their way into the castle and down to the Great Hall awaiting their king. Within seconds the king came in along with his royal guards and then looked at them.

King: "Zen, Kegil, thank you for your bravery in the recent battle. I fear our kingdom faces a new threat from the West. Overnight, their power has grown exponentially, and their fearsome dragons can easily lay waste to our towers and buildings. We cannot afford to be caught off guard. I need you to make preparations in case of an invasion by the West and their formidable phoenix birds and dragons."

Zen: "Your Majesty, we understand the gravity of the situation. We will mobilize our resources and gather intelligence on the West's capabilities. Kegil, please assign scouts to monitor their movements and report back to us."

Kegil: "Of course, Zen. I will ensure our scouts are dispatched immediately and maintain constant surveillance on the West. We need to know their numbers, their leaders, and the weaknesses of their dragons and phoenix birds."

King: "Good. We also need to fortify the castle's defenses. Zen, I want you to gather our strongest magic-users and construct powerful enchantments around the perimeter. We must make it nearly impossible for the enemy to breach our walls."

Zen: "Understood, Your Majesty. I will assemble our finest sorcerers and channel our magic into protective spells. We will create barriers and wards that will repel any assault. Additionally, I will work on enhancing our archers' abilities to take down the dragons and phoenix birds from the sky."

King: "Excellent. Kegil, I want you to train our soldiers relentlessly. We need to improve our agility and coordination, allowing us to exploit any weaknesses we discover. Our archers and ground forces must work together seamlessly, striking down the flying threats."

Kegil: "Yes, Your Majesty. I will oversee the training personally, pushing our soldiers to their limits. We will strengthen our formations, practice anti-dragon tactics, and ensure that every soldier is capable of holding their ground."

King: "Very well. Speed is of the essence. Assemble your teams and report back to me on your progress regularly. I have faith in your abilities to protect our kingdom. The fate of our people rests in your hands."

Zen and Kegil nodded, their determination unwavering. They left the King's presence, ready to undertake the arduous task ahead. The threat of the West and their monstrous creatures loomed large, but with their skill, leadership, and the support of their allies, Zen and Kegil were determined to defend their homeland and prevail against this new peril.