
Zero Point

After a road accident ,a 15 year old boy finds himself in purgatory with no memories of his past life at all. He meets a mysterious white man, which sends him into another world. There he is given the name "Jordan Glowthorne", learns about the world around him. However, there might be more to the world than he was told.

Ra1jinZ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


"Where..am I?"

I opened my eyes, waking up to a blank,white room. I lifted my body off the ground,my eyes meeting with a strange white figure. It had the body structure of a man,but it was featureless, no face, no genitalia,but just plain white. Comparable to a mannequin,in one of those clothes shops.

"Oh wow, you're awake!"

"Where am I?"

"Welcome to Purgatory, kid. You took a pretty bad hit there!"

Purgatory?Hit? Did I..die? I don't remember anything prior to my arrival here. I can't remember who I am, where I was born, who I've met,nothing at all. However,the strange creature's voice sounds..oddly familiar. Like I've heard him somewhere before.

"So this is purgatory,huh? That must mean I died."

"Bingo! That's right. You were hit by a van,while crossing the road."

"Why don't I remember anything?"

"Can't tell you that."


"You'll see. Now,I'll tell you why you're here."

"Go on."

"Now,considering the fact that you're 15 and a good kid,we've decided to give you a second chance."

"Alright,stop there for a moment. We? Second chance? What the hell are you talking about?"

"We,as in,the high council. You'll understand everything when you get there. When you do get there,your legal name will be 'Jordan Glowthorne.' Make your way north to the Grythelean Kingdom. There,you'll figure out everything."

"Wait,you still need to-"

"Good luck...Jordan."

Just then,in a flash,I was on the ground once again. Around me was a vast field of green grass,with about 3 or 4 trees around me. I lifted myself off the ground,looking on myself,finding out that I had been given new clothes and a bag. I was wearing what seems to be a white,long-sleeved shirt underneath a black vest. I then opened my satchel, finding a few packets of beef jerky,a water flask,and a compass. I took the water and compass out,and started walking north. That...guy,I guess,told me to make my way over to Grythelean,I think? At the moment,I didn't think much of anything. I trusted him,considering my circumstances. I don't know who I am,where I am,or where I came from. After a few hours,which honestly felt like days,I arrived at the fabled Grythelean Kingdom. I stopped at a nearby inn,hoping to catch my bearings before I head off to a bar or something,to find out more about this...place.

"Room for 1?",said the Receptionist,in a light tone.




"Alright Mr.Glowthorne,here are the keys for your room. Enjoy your stay!"



It's officially been one day since I arrived in this world. I was surprised that they speak English here,actually. That makes this quest a lot easier for me. As I woke up from the Inn's bed,I packed up my things and checked out. I walked a bit further into the town,finding myself at a bar. I sat down and ordered a glass of water,while I figured out what my next step should be. As I kept drinking,my thoughts pondered on what the white man said to me. 'High Council','Second Chance…'What does it all mean? Was I being watched when I was still alive? Is this all a dream? However,my thoughts were interrupted when I heard somebody talking to me.

"Hey kid,why the glum face?"

He said to me.

It was a large,dark-skinned man,about 7 feet tall,looking down at me. He was apparently half-dressed,wearing only a small jacket over his bare skin,and pants with a few small pouches attached to them. He also seemed to have a huge greatsword swung across his back. He seemed intimidating,but not particularly hostile.

"Huh?Oh,no,I was just wondering what to do next. I just moved here."

"Hmm..you got a blade?"


"Come with me."

And just like that,I followed the man out of the bar instantly. I,for some reason,had no fear of him mugging me or possibly murdering me moments after I had just been reborn. Rebirth...that was the conclusion I had come to. After I died,the "Second Chance" the white man talked about was my reincarnation,albeit,not in my original world. After walking for about 10 minutes without muttering a single word to each other,we'd come to a stop at what seems to be a blacksmith.

"We're here."

"What are we supposed to do here,anyways?"

"We're going to get you a blade. Then you'll become an adventurer."


"For us men,the best way to make a living is to become an adventurer. Was it not like that in your hometown?"

"No,I guess not.."

"I see. Whatever. Let's head inside."

We headed into the blacksmith,and to be honest,I was astonished with the sights in there. I expected the blacksmith to be a dark,suffocating,dirty workspace. However,that didn't seem to be the case at all. It was brightly lit,with a few furnaces and anvils sitting in the back instead of out in the open. It had different weapons encased in glass,ranging from swords and bows,to even axes. It looked like a weapons shop,more than anything. A small,old man then walked out of the back room with a grin on his face and black goggles on his eyes,making it so you couldn't see his eyes. He was wearing dirty clothes,consisting of a white shirt and an orange vest.

"Ah,Neytmir!Long time no see! Who've you brought with you here?"

"Uh..My name is Jordan Glowthorne. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"I saw the kid slugging at the bar. Asked him a few questions,and decided to make him an adventurer."

"I see..You're pretty polite,for a child!I'm Bewock,Smith of the Dwarves. Nice to meet you!"

So the large man's name was Neytmir,and the..dwarf was Bewock. Not like I'll see them after this,but it was good to have acquaintances when I know no one here.

"So,what 'cha need? Ol' Bertha failed you?"

Bewock said,looking over to Neytmir.

"No,the sword is fine. We're here looking for a blade for Jordan here."

"Ah,I see! Well,pick something out!"

This was the first time I had experienced something like this. Not only am I talking to other people,but they were incredibly nice to me. That's a first,for someone like me.

"Do you take requests?"

"Sure..what do you want?"

I took out a piece of paper and grabbed a pencil from a nearby table,and started sketching out the sword that I wanted. It had a full black blocky handle and sheath,with a silver,single edged blade,reminiscent of a japanese katana. "Neytmir,you're paying for this,right?"

"Heh. Whatever you want,kid."

Unknowingly to me,at that moment,I had a smile on my face. I didn't know why I smiled then. It could've been the fact that I finally spoke to people after a long time,or the fact that I was finally excited to do something for once in my life.

"Bewock,how much for this,made with your best materials?"

"Well,normally,I'd charge about 50 gold pieces,but since you're ecstatic about this and it's your first blade,I'll lower it to 15. Do we have a deal?"

"Here. And if you don't mind,please make it as quick as you can. Jordan and I have somewhere to go."

"Where are we going after this?"

"Back to the bar. I'll explain everything there."

And after a few hours,Bewock had my blade ready for me. As Neytmir and I exited the blacksmith,the sky had already turned black,and it had already turned to night. We headed back to the bar,with my new blade swung behind my hip. As we entered,I followed Neytmir to the receptionist,as I heard him add my name to his party. He was apparently a lone wolf,and our party consisted of only the two of us. We then headed out of the bar and in front,where he explained to me his plans.

"You're 15 right,Jordan?"


"Until you turn 18,you will be living and adventuring with me. I will be the one to train you,feed you,and take care of you respectively. Once you turn 18,you will then be able to leave and go off on your own. Understand?"

To be 100% honest,I didn't understand. What I did understand,however,was if I wanted to live in this world,staying with him for a bit was my safest option.

"Y-Yes sir!"

And thus begins my 2 year long adventure with Neytmir. I don't know what exactly will happen now. I don't know if I'll even make it two years without dying first. But one thing I am certain with..

I won't waste this chance to restart my life from Zero!