
God Relam

----------Flash back--------------

???: OK I guess these soul goes here and these soul go there.

Angel: destiny-sama all the 35 people are over.

(destiny goddess):ok with these my work with outworlder is done.

Suddenly a bright light Flashed

(destiny goddess): what happ--

Angle: destiny-Sama there is a another soul

(destiny goddess):What?(Didn't oni-sama tell they were only 35. no more I want rest I have not took a break 10000 year. I guss i will drink a cup of Devine coffee which might help me work for more 1000 year. after the outworlder I need to prepare for the great demonking and Mortal problem and god exam that I must write 10000000000000 words in a spell casting and guide line for the Angel then------)

Angel: destiny-Sama

(destiny goddess):-----(and some more work here and-----)

Angel: destiny-Sama

(destiny goddess):huh what?

Angel:The last soul

angel gives th soul to the destiny goddess after that her eye turned dark

(destiny goddess):???(That foolish soul)

Destiny goddess just throwed the soul without giving a eye him and lessened is luck.

(destiny goddess):(That what you get can't you come faster. go die again )

Angel:Is that soul finished checking.

destiny goddess dark eye came back normal and just realized what she done.

(destiny goddess):Y-Y-YES I just sended him.

Angel: ok with these my work is done I will return back.

after the Angel left destiny goddess panicked

(destiny goddess):What have I done. hmm it's fine I will just give him skill when he goes to some temple.

(destiny goddess):ok now let forget that and start my work now 10000000000000 spell word on spell casting and then-----.

The heaven destiny goddess temple (real name the angel and god kept hell Slave working zone. keep away)

creation god: with these my work should be done. hmm I will return your luck which the girl took. i must say my beloved place turned into like these huh.

The god dissappear silently.