
Zero's Cheat System

Hello, my name is Zero, and I'm not originally from this world. One day, I found myself mysteriously transported to this fantasy realm and granted a Cheat-like system, essentially making me the protagonist of this tale. This is an adventure that promises to be filled with excitement and thrills, as I navigate this new world and uncover its wonders. If you enjoy stories where the main character gains incredible powers through a Cheat system and rises above all challenges, then you've come to the right place. I intend to become the most powerful being in this fantastical realm. However, I must make it clear that any negative comments about me, the main character Zero, will not be tolerated. I won't hesitate to unleash my newfound powers if anyone dares to disrespect or hate on me. Now, sit back and enjoy the journey as I embark on this thrilling adventure in the world that has become my new reality. Note: Zero wrote this message, not me, the author. Please do not misunderstand. Enjoy the story!

RedoyK · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Title And Bully Gang


Quest Has Been Completed


"Nice, let's see the reward," he said, feeling relieved that he managed to complete the quest within the given time frame.


You Have Received a Passive Skill

Skill: Cold-heart

Effect: Minimizes any high emotions, restoring the user to a state of normalcy.

Level: 01


"Ah, this is a good skill; it's going to be helpful in many situations," he remarked, appreciating the usefulness of the new skill he acquired.

Feeling content with the accomplishment and the valuable skill gained, he made his way out of the forest and headed back home, ready for whatever challenges may lie ahead.

After arriving home, Zero cleaned up and made his way to his bedroom.

"Okay, open the Title window," he said to himself. He remembered that he had rushed to leave the forest earlier and hadn't checked the titles he earned from completing the quest.


You Have Earned a Title

Titles can be obtained by completing quests or certain achievements.

Multiple Titles can be Earned.


"Enough with the explanation, just tell me the title I earned today," he said while lying on his bed.


Title: Hobo Slayer

Effect: Attack Power Increased by 2%

Agility increased by 2%

Obtain by Slaying Numbers of Hobo's.


"Not bad for a title, also have good effects " he thought, and just as he finished that thought, another window popped up.


You Can Equip The Title by Saying Command, "Title Equipped."

And change to another Title by saying Command, "Title Swap."


"Wow, now the system is teaching me how to do things. I never guessed it, right, system?" he chuckled with a hint of sarcasm.

Later that night, his father joined him for dinner, and they ate together. After a satisfying meal, Zero eventually drifted off to sleep.


Time Left: 13 Days


Two days ago, in the Darwol Forest near the Sea, a group of hunters engaged in a fierce battle with a formidable Hob Goblin. Through a combination of magic and combat skills, they eventually managed to defeat the menacing creature.

"Good job, guys! Now let's search for Mana crystals so we can make some money," one of the hunters exclaimed, acknowledging their triumph.

While the others scoured the fallen Hob Goblin's body for Mana crystals, one of the hunters retrieved a particularly impressive crystal. He proudly displayed it to the rest of the group, "Hey, guys, we've got a pretty good crystal here!"

However, amidst their celebration, tragedy struck. Suddenly, one of the hunters found himself in the clutches of a menacing bee-like monster. Before anyone could react, the monster's tail swiftly pierced the magician's chest.

Horror filled the air as the hunters witnessed the gruesome scene. In a panicked frenzy, one of them attempted to flee, but it was too late. The monstrous bee creature unleashed a venomous sting, which swiftly pierced the hunter's back, leaving him lifeless on the forest floor

Present Day.

[Time left: 12 Days]

As he woke up, a familiar screen appeared in front of him. He yawned, still feeling sleepy, and said with a drowsy voice, "I know, so relax."

However, he couldn't help but feel annoyed by the system's constant intrusions.

After freshening up, he stepped out of his room and was pleasantly surprised to find that his father had prepared some food before heading to his job. Zero couldn't help but feel a wave of emotions. "I'm still not used to this. Back in my previous life, no one cared for me, but now, in this world, I have a family, a father who cares for me," he thought, feeling a sense of happiness.

After enjoying breakfast, he made his way to the outer village for another day of work. Upon arriving, he spotted Naime once again. Walking up to him, Zero greeted, "Hey Naime, how are you?"

Naime looked back and replied, "Oh, Zero! We meet again. I'm good, how about you?"

With a smile, Zero responded, "Yes, we meet again, and I'm also doing well. So, do you also work here?"

Naime nodded, pointing towards a nearby store, "Yes, I work in that store."

"Oh, that's great! I work in the restaurant right there," Zero said, pointing to the neighboring eatery. "Let's be friends," he added, thinking to himself, "I need someone to help me in the future. No one knows what'll happen next, and I can't handle everything alone. Having friends or comrades to support me on my journey would be invaluable."

Naime replied with a smile, "Sure, why not? Besides, I don't have many other friends, so let's be friends."

Zero bid him farewell, saying, "Okay, then, see you later. Bye!"

Naime nodded and returned to the store, while Zero headed inside the restaurant to start his day's work, grateful for the budding friendship he had formed.

After completing his part-time work, Zero decided it was time to head home before going to the hospital. He left the restaurant and returned to his house, where he finished his lunch. With a sense of urgency, he prepared himself to visit the hospital.

On his way to the village, he spotted Naime. Excited to meet his new friend, he was about to call out when suddenly he noticed Naime being taken away by a group of guys. Sensing that something was wrong, he decided to follow them discreetly, not wanting to cause a scene in front of other villagers.

Eventually, they led Naime into the forest's low part, where you can encountered a low-level Monster.

Zero realized that these guys were after him because he had previously beaten up some members of their group. It was apparent that they wanted revenge, and they were using Naime as leverage to get to him.

Naime pleaded with them, "Please don't do this. I'll give you money, so can you guys stop this?" His voice trembled with fear.

One of the guys from the group demanded, "Enough with this. Just tell me who beat us. I know you know him, so tell me his name, and then we'll let you go."

Frightened, Naime replied, "I don't know him or his name."

Zero quickly understood their motive and why they had taken Naime. He realized that he had to intervene. He stepped out and declared, "Bully gang, I'm here!"

As the gang noticed Zero, one of the guys shouted, "Boss, he's the one who beat us!"

The leader of the group asked Zero, "Are you here to save this kid?"

Naime was surprised to see Zero and asked, "Why are you here?"

With a reassuring smile, Zero replied, "I just happened to be in the area. Don't worry, and thank you."

Addressing the bullies, Zero asserted, "Your bullying ends here. Leave now before I break your limbs."

He warned them with a confident expression. However, one burly guy sitting on a rock stood up, saying, "Boss, let me handle it. I can finish this punk with one punch."

Zero active his Skill: Observe and Saw.


Level: 11


Seeing the level of this level-11 kid, Zero couldn't help but smile, thinking, "Huh, an 11-year-old trying to act cool. Let me teach you some manners. Come at me."

The group of bullies was one to two years older than both Zero and Naime, with one of them being the same age as Zero and Naime.

The biggest kid among them charged towards Zero, trying to land a punch on his face. Zero calmly observed him and remarked, "You're just big; aren't you quite slow?" With swift movements, Zero effortlessly dodged the big guy's punch, leaving him shaken by the ease with which Zero avoided his attack.

Undeterred, the big guy continued to throw punches, but Zero continued to evade them effortlessly. The bully grew tired after attempting several punches and tried to catch his breath.

Zero taunted him, saying, "Oh, are you tired already?" His expression showed boredom.

Seizing the opportunity, the big guy launched a full-power punch at Zero. Zero decided to stop avoiding his punches and instead punched back with equal force.

Their fists collided with a loud sound, "Briggg," as if bones were breaking.

Everyone thought that Zero's hand was injured, but upon closer inspection, it became apparent that the big guy's fingers were broken due to the impact of the clash.

The big guy screamed in pain, "Ahhhhhhrgggggg."

Zero confidently addressed the remaining guys, "I think he's had enough for now."

He then turned to the other bullies and asked, "Do you guys want to fight with me or just leave? It's up to you."

Though the other bullies were afraid, their leader, the so-called boss, displayed an angry expression, commanding them all, "Everyone, kill that bastard! Attack him together!"

The remaining bullies readied themselves to attack Zero.

But suddenly, a Quest Window popped up in front of Zero's face.


Quest: Hob Goblin Encounter

Objective: Kill - 00/01

Reward: Health Potion (2), Status Points 06

Penalty: Level Down by 15


"What the heck, out of nowhere, a Hob Goblin Quest?" Zero exclaimed, surprised by the unexpected quest that appeared before him.