
Zeref Dragneel in the Tower of God

The story of how Zeref Dragneel got into the Tower of God The Tower of God belongs to SIU and I don't have any rights to this franchise it's just fan fiction

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12 Chs

Chapter 5 More questions

Zeref and Grace were sitting on one of the stairs going up, watching as many people tried to pass through the Shinsu barrier

Zeref has already placed a Black March in his world so as not to create problems that may arise, according to Mia, who now, along with Cancer, simply looks at other chosen ones from the other side of the barrier

From the first person Mia

"Hey, blue turtle, when will we go to the black turtle and his female," said Rak with zholoboy

"Let's just see how the others will overcome the Shinsu barrier for you and me, this barrier is not particularly dangerous, "Mia said," And stop calling your comrades turtles and women, we have names if you didn't know"

"Anyone who becomes my prey is a turtle," Rak said, to which Mia simply gave up because of the stubbornness of this crocadile

While Mia put her hand to her cheek and just watched as everyone tried to cross the barrier, until she noticed a green girl with a strangely shaped green blade, and then she got excited

"Another blade for 13 months," she said, and looked in the direction of Zeref and Grace, whom Le Roro was approaching

Pov Zeref

Well, it seems that many people will not be able to pass this test, there will be a maximum of 50 left in his head, Zeref said, until he noticed the administrator Le roro, who approached them

"You are not bored, Mr. Zeref, Mrs. Grace," the test administrator addressed them."Do you mind playing a game while you're waiting for your friends"

"What kind of game is this?" Grace asked with interest, sitting down next to Zeref

"A game in which you have to decide who will pass the barrier first, and if you guess, I will answer any of your questions, but if I win, you will already have to answer my question," Le Roro said.

Grace looked at Zeref, and he nodded

"We agree," Grace said

"Okay, then I'll choose," Le Roro began to make a choice, and all three said at the same time

The one with the green skin and short hair

All three of them got lost

"And why did you choose her?" asked Le Roro, turning to the couple

"Well, she seems unusual" Grace

"A premonition," Zeref said

Then everyone turned around and saw how the green girl, aka Anak, quite simply walked through the barrier

"It looks like we have a draw," Le Roro said. - But a draw with an officer is already a feat, can you ask your questions"

"I'll give my question to Zeref," Grace said, to which the officer nodded

"Tell me what will happen when the chosen one conquers the tower," Zeref asked the officer, wanting to know what is at the top

"Well, when the chosen one conquers the tower, they officially become officers of the Zahard empires and receive various privileges, that's what awaits the chosen one at the top of the 135th floor," Le Roro said

Did Zeref consider Le Roro's words the Empire of Zahard ? On the 135th floor ? he still has few formations

"Tell me, who is the strongest in this tower?" Zeref asked the officer, who at first looked at Zeref with a strange look, but then became calmer

"Well, it seems that this information is not particularly distributed in the outer tower, the strongest in the tower is considered an illegal fantomilium," Le Roro said

Illegal, like him and Grace ?

"Illegal ?" Zeref raised an eyebrow

"Those who opened the gates of the tower and entered it without the permission of the keeper are illegal," he replied

"Illegal ones are not well received by people here in the tower ?" Zeref asked again

"Not at all, it's just that all the illegal ones, such as Fantomilium Enryu and Urek, are considered strong for the people in the tower, so they are described as monsters in the flesh," the officer replied, and then a shot rang out, which attracted everyone's attention

A man with a rifle was standing behind the barrier

"This is unfair to us, many people behind the barrier are probably stronger than the guy and the girl behind the barrier, I demand to call the director of this unequal test here," he objected and took out his pritenzia on the Officer sitting behind the barrier, who immediately got up from his seat and walked towards him through the barrier

"If necessary, I will kill you too," the man said, pointing the rifle at Le Roro, who was standing in front of him after he came out from behind the fence

"This is my last warning," Le Roro said and began to release a huge amount of Shinsu into the area next to him, and this stream also covered the man with the rifle, who began to scream in surprise

"This is about the pressure level for Shinsu after overcoming the 30th floor," Le Roro said to the chosen one, who was already breathing from such satisfaction, and everyone else was covered in cold sweat, and Zeref watched with interest as a high-ranking Officer used Shinsu

It's not like Zeref strengthens his body at all, it's more like adding magic, which Zeref often used in his home world, and now he has learned that Shinsu can be used as magic

"I thought that Shinsu strengthens the body only by absorbing Shinsu from the air, but now it turns out that it can be used as magic, what an interesting substance," Zeref mentally asked, collecting a beam of Shinsu's Energy in his right hand

Le Roro stopped putting pressure on the man, and he lost consciousness from such pressure

"I overdid it," Le Roro said, and went back to Zeref and Grace for borriere

Pov Leesoo

"Damn it, this is a complete kapets, such monsters are probably stronger than Hatsu and Anak," said Lisu, and then you saw how Hatsu easily overcame the barrier and stood next to Anak

"Uh" Lisu completely drooped, until some aunt with a short haircut called out to him

"And as soon as the Administrators allow weaklings like you to take tests," the lady said and went to the barrier. "The tower accepts only the chosen ones like me," she said, and leaned her face against the barrier

"The chosen ones," she repeated, and the blood drained from her head at the moment of contact with the barrier

"Damn it, why doesn't this wrestler let me through?" she screamed, while Lisu made a face with laughter

"Of course, the chosen ones, look how it should be," he said and leaned against the barrier just as she tried to pass it even before the blood gushed out of his head

"Well, at least he doesn't give up without a fight," Hatsu said, watching Lisu, " What do you think, Anaak Anaak ?" Hatsu asked again, but she saw that Anahak was looking at the girl with brown hair, as if her name was Grace

"Did she remind you of someone ?" Hatsu asked Anaaka

"No, she's just another weakling," Anahak said and waved her away

"Hey, Kroko, let's go, we have to go," Mia said and went to the courier

"I am the leader of Cancer, about which it is difficult to say so" was dissatisfied with his nickname Cancer

"Listen, I didn't catch your name, did I?" the guy with the red horn asked, watching the sleeping comrade, they had already overcome the barrier and were now waiting for their comrade, who was already covered in blood from the barrier

""My name is Laura," the sleeping guy replied

"And I am very happy to know your name my name is Ho," Ho replied

"Likewise," his companion replied, blowing a bubble

Rak passed through the barrier without any problems while Mia was following him

Mia went through the barrier but her bag was stuck on the other side

"That's right," Mia got drunk and stuck her bag in and went to Zeref and Grace

"YO Grace Zeref," she called out to her comrades as she walked next to Rak

"Ms. Mia Mr. Rak" Grace responded and got up with Zeref, they went to them, but Le Roro came up to Zeref and whispered so that only the two of them could hear

"I don't advise you to get involved with an exile from the Kun family," he said and went to the big door at the end of the room

"Exile ?" Zeref repeated and watched Mia talking to Grace and Rak

After the test was passed there were only 50 chosen ones who were in teams of three people but this did not apply to our 4

"If I had at least a drop of my creation magic, I would have already created a demon to scout the area and collect information, but there is no information, and now all I know is that the Tower has a king who controls everything from the 135th floor and there are also many people as strong as our administrator Le Roro, there are no such people like him in the tower there should be much much more," Zeref said to himself sitting on the chest of Rak who was dying of thirst

"I'm dying, blue turtle, get a drink out of your magic purse," crocadil complained to Mia, who also sat for a long time onalizing something about herself in her mind

"Mistress Mia" brought Mia out of the rozdumiyev Grace came up

"And Grace ?"

"Isn't the sky beautiful here," Grace said, looking at the dome directly above them

They were in a new building that was separated from the old one by a large spaciousness and places where you can wait for permission for the next stage

"The sky well, a simple coating of Shinsu makes it what it is now," Mia replied

"And yes, exactly, because the real sky can only be seen by climbing the tower," Grace replied, remembering how Zeref told her about the sky because they lived only in a cave where it could not be seen and now it's just a folshivka who managed to scare her because this is the first time when she can safely look at the sky without fear for Zeref's life and her own

"Hmm, to the top of the tower, you mean the 135th floor," Mia asked Grace

"Hmm, yes, exactly, because the 135th floor is the top of the tower, right ?"

"Ha-ha-ha" Mia laughed a little at her new friend's words

"What's so funny?" asked a puzzled Grace, watching her friend laugh that tears fell from her eyes

"The 135th floor is not the top of the tower at all The 135th floor is only one of the poked floors by Zahard himself," Mia said and struck Grace and Zeref opened one eye listening to his friend

"About 3000 years ago, the 135th floor was poked by King Zahard, but after his poking, Zahard put a ban on poking the following floors and sealed this contract with the guardians of the tower, after which he established the capital of the Empires Zahard on the 135th floor and when the chosen one gets to the 135th floor, he is given titles comparing his achievements in the tower and so the chosen one swears allegiance to Zahaud and becomes an officer of the lowest middle high or highest rank, looking at his merits and strength," Mia replied and tere Zeref was puzzled and began to digest the information received from Miy

"3000 years old I'm only 500 years old and Zakhard is 5000 years old and Le Roro, who punished the Tower for 600, is even 100 years older than me, damn it, I really don't know much yet," Zeref said in his head

Ahhh !!!

From the testing room came a piercing cry of pain that brought Mia and Zeref out of their state of reflection

"Screams" said Grace sitting next to Zeref right on the Rak and it seems that krokadil did not mind

"I ask the following team to go to the test zone," said a girl with golden hair and a black mask on her head

"This is already the 5th team that passes the test with screams and it seems that now they are not alive," Mia said, watching another group of chosen ones enter

"We should be the next one," Grace said, looking at the other participants who had badges with entrance numbers if team 6 went now, then they are team number 7 will go next

"7 is a lucky number, maybe we will be lucky," Zeref said with a smile, crossing his legs and focusing on his inner world

"And it's true, isn't it already lucky that we have a lucky number on our badge?" asked Grace, looking at her Badge

"You can't always rely on luck," Mia said, looking at the Badge, but then someone called out to her

"That's right, this is exactly the thinking of the Kun family," a huge humanoid balloon of pink color spoke directly from the back

"What !!" Mia immediately jumped back and stood next to Grace who was amazed at what kind of creature it was

"It seems that you are puzzled by this test, I can give you a decent hint on how to pass this test," the politelen package replied

"Really," Grace was surprised, but she was calmed by the gesture of the package

"Hush, hush, others can hear," he said, watching the others

"How do you know anything about it?" Mia asked skippily next to Grace

"Elementary is a detuction and the most important clue here is time," he replied

"Time ?" the two girls were puzzled

"Look, all the teams that did not shout passed the test and did it in at least 5: 00 minutes," he replied

"Then we also have to pass the test in 5 minutes"

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