
Zeref Dragneel in the Tower of God

The story of how Zeref Dragneel got into the Tower of God The Tower of God belongs to SIU and I don't have any rights to this franchise it's just fan fiction

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12 Chs

Chapter 4 The Lucky Four

"What kind of Natsu am I, the LEADER OF Rak!!" Rak shouted again in front of the trio

"If you are the leader, then where is your pack ?"Mia asked her question, turning to Cancer

"Uh, well, she's like: stop, stop shaving my brains, blue turtle, go away and don't stop me from fighting with the black turtle," Rak replied and threw a spear at Zeref

"Then we have no other choice," Mia said and took a fighting stance, but Zeref stopped her

"Wait, I like him, why not take him on the team," Zeref said to Mia, who stopped and looked at Zeref

"What are you talking about, we have already gathered 2 friends, so we will not be able to recruit even more friends," Mia said, already thinking that Zeref would prefer a team with cancer rather than with her, but she was interrupted

"Didn't you hear the announcer, she said that we should find allies, but not less than 2, but she didn't allow him to block in order to gather more allies," Zeref said, raising his finger in the air, and then Mia began to think, but the truth of the announcer did not say anything about more allies, but only that less than 2 is impossible

"That's why I want you to become our ally, Rak," Zeref said and stretched out his hand in the direction of Rak

"Don't think that I am the Leader of the Rak will make friends with weaklings like you, you are my prey, and I will eat you all," he shouted

"But there is prey stronger than us at the top of the Tower, why don't we team up and climb higher together, and then you will find prey even stronger," Mia said, and then Rak's head began to smoke from so many words

"He looks more and more like Natsu," Zeref said in his head

"NO, NO, NO" Rak began to stamp his foot, from which the whole trio of Grace Zeref and Mia jumped on the spot like chibiki

"I want to fight you now, owner of the black weapon, come here and prove that you can walk next to me," Rak said, preparing to strike

"It's clear that he's a tsundere," Mia said, and Grace asked Mia what a Tsundere was, and they began their dialogue while Zeref dodged Rak attacks

"Not a bad black turtle, but it's not enough" Rak threw a spear that spilled near Zeref's shoulder, which he dodged and blocked Rak's blow, which he struck

In another place of the field after the announcer said to make 2 friends

A green girl of about 14 years old and a guy with two katanas were standing at arm's length with bruises from their battle, and a guy in a tracksuit was standing next to them

"And that's why fate has brought us two together here, if we unite, we will definitely become the strongest team," he said, holding the couple by the shoulders while they looked into each other's eyes

"Anak," the Green Girl said, holding out her hand to the guy with the katanas

"Hatsu," the guy with the katanas said, and they both shook hands

"And I'm Ship Leesoo let's get acquainted", but he was simply ignored

In another place of the same field

A guy with a red horn and long blond hair heard a voice from the sky and looked at the guy in the sleeping bag again, until he heard a rustle from the bushes, from where a woman of about 20 years old came out and stood in front of a strange, in her opinion, two

"Yo !" she said, and they joined together

Back to Zeref Mia Grace and Rak

Zeref kept dodging Rak's punches while Grace and Mia watched them

"Look, maybe we can help him knock him out," Mia said, looking at Grace, but Grace only answered with a smile on her face

"It's not worth it, we will only interfere with Zeref if we interfere," she said, and then a voice came from the sky

"And therefore, there are 10.9 left before the transfer and completion of the test." the announcer began to report

"Sorry, Rak," Zeref apologized, made a bend and hit the Cancer in the neck with the blunt side of the Black March

"Now it's Grace Mia," Zeref said, and both girls ran up to Zeref and the lying Rak

They held hands, and Zeref put his hand on the head of the Rak to heal it and move it together

The entire square shone red, and all 200 test participants were transferred

Residential Area Of The Inner Tower Of The 1st Floor

A huge complex for the elite was placed on a huge floating island, where our heroes were transferred

Zeref started looking around and saw a huge futuristic hall for him, which was full of various humanoid creatures and the like, like Rak

"Well, it looks like your theory about more allies has been confirmed," Mia said, looking around at her team and the Cancer lying next to her

"Zeref is breaking," Grace said, no longer paying attention to the huge mess and turning her gaze to Mia and Zeref

"It's funny to hear, and yes, I was just listening to the announcer," Zeref replied, stroking Grace's head, while Mia watched the two with a smile, and then Rak snoring was heard

"Oooh!!" Rak shouted, standing in front of Zeref

"This time the victory is yours, black turtle, but soon I will surpass you," he shouted to the whole hall, and they paid attention to them

Pov Hatsu Anak and Spike

The trio successfully moved and began to look around at the area where they were

"Amazing, I didn't think there would be so many of us," Spike said in amazement, looking at the many chosen ones who also looked around the large hall in which they found themselves

"If you think about it, it's obvious that the number of 400 was reduced to 200, and out of those 200 we were able to pass 150 or even less, because there was only 5 minutes of time to gather allies," Hatsu said, putting his hand on his swords and looking around the room

Anak was just looking in a certain direction, experiencing a strange feeling from the black-haired guy she had just noticed from the Cry of the big crocadil who was next to him

"Who is this ?"

"I do not know, but why are there 4 of them ?"

"It looks like it was only allowed to have 2 allies and 4 of them at once"

"HEY, YOU GAVE THE COMPENSATION QUICKLY, BOY," the guy with the red mohawk said, turning to the guy with black hair, a red horn behind his head and a sword over his shoulder

"You were the first to attack, so take responsibility for the consequences," he replied, while the Mohawk dragged him by the photoball

"Yes, I will cut you into pieces," the Mohawk began to threaten, but was stopped

"Fighting is strictly prohibited in the Living quarters of the Chosen Ones," the man said in a strong voice, and everyone immediately looked away from the place where a very strong aura was coming from, from which even Zeref was taken aback

"This feeling is exactly the same as that of Yuri and Evan, whom Grace and I have already met," Zeref thought, looking at the person in front of him

He was a blond man about 20 and 2 meters tall, in a special white uniform, an amazing power emanated from him, which only Zeref could feel

"And so let me introduce myself, my name is Le Roro, I will be your administrator in this test that is about to take place," he said in a calm but strong voice

"Adminestrator means official position," the Mohawk was taken aback and immediately moved away from the guy with the sword

"That's right, I am a high-ranking official, one of those who have already climbed the tower," said Le Roro, who immediately attracted Zeref's attention

"I climbed the Tower, but how, in the end, if I climb the tower, I can already become a god, even if he is strong, but still he does not look like the God I met, no, you can't even compare them," Zeref thought

"Before I do anything, I want to tell you something to close a number of possible issues," the Administrator said

"The most important thing when conquering the tower is luck, regardless of whether it was lucky for someone who was born strong or suddenly found it, or for someone who survived by chance, it is luck that you will need to climb the tower, this is the most important thing that a conqueror should have in himself" Le Roro said

"Well, then, let's not delay, let's start the test," Le Roro said and, collecting a Shinsu ball in his hand, shot it directly at all the chosen ones who were offended in the hall that even Zeref did not have time to react to such a surge, but felt nothing

A huge blue wave of Shinsu threw away all the participants, before whom a barrier of blue energies appeared after the refusal

"This is the Shinsu barrier, those who cannot pass through it will forever stop climbing to the top of the tower," Le Roro said

"What?" - everyone was immediately taken aback

"And if one of the comrades did not pass, what then?" one of the chosen ones asked

"Then the whole team will automatically level the test," the Administrator replied

"The essence of this test is to weed out all the weak ones," Le Roro replied, but he was interrupted

"Excuse me, Mr. Le Roro," Grace interrupted

Le Roro turned around and saw that Zeref and Grace were standing calmly where they had been before Le roro released the stream of Shinsu

"Zeref and I were not even touched," the girl said, which caused a stir among the other chosen ones, while Leroro looked at them with a complicated look

"Maybe we should go out ?" now Zeref asked, and Le roro answered

"No, you passed because it was your luck that my attack did not touch you," Leroro replied

"Really phew" Grace breathed a sigh of relief, but she did not stop worrying about Cancer and Mia, she turned her head in their direction and saw how they looked at her as she looked at them

"We were definitely standing next to each other and I saw how the flow of Shinsu touched both Grace and Zeref, while they resisted," Mia asked in her head

"And that female black turtle is not a weakling as I thought," the Cancer replied and immediately caused outrage from Mia

"Hey, have a conscience not to talk about the current in public and in general, what made you think that Grace is a female Zeref" Mia quickly began to shout in a low voice right at Cancer

"She has almost the same smell as from the black turtle, only it doesn't seem to be full-fledged, but I think it's only a matter of time, " Cancer said without a drop of embarrassment, to which Mia blushed thinking about all sorts of obscenities between Zeref and Grace

"Why did he even want him to be with us," Grace screamed in her head while Zeref blushed a little

"He is an exact copy of Natsu," Zeref thought and sat down on the skomey next to Grace, who snuggled up to Zeref and he put his arm around her shoulder

Grace who had seen everything through the barrier blushed again

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