
I: Exorcism of Agatha Saunders

The air is tense as the doctors of St. Peter Medical Center, a premier hospital in the country, finally gave up treatment of poor Agatha Saunders. She's been observed for almost six weeks now and all tests return as normal even with the obvious deterioration of her health. Her parents, business magnate Alejandro and socialite Alessandra, will use all their wealth and will do anything to find a cure for their 14-year-old daughter.

"I guess we have to check our options outside of physical medicine." Alejandro said, "I don't believe in God or the supernatural but if it's the only way to cure our princess then let's do it."

"I think I may have an answer to that. One of the internist wants to talk to us." Alessandra interrupted to give way to a young doctor.

"Please don't report me for relaying this info but I know of a specialist that may know how to cure your daughter. I wrote his info on this paper. I've been following his medical journals that includes explanation of the paranormal."

"A scientist? I now feel better that he's a man of science." Alejandro quipped.

After signing waivers for the unorthodox procedure and negotiations over the phone, the specialist agreed to meet up with the Saunders. It didn't take long before the 'specialist' came to the hospital with a leather slingbag. He approached Alejandro with a legal contract of his services.

"You even had it notarized... "Alejandro said, "I would even double your fee if you are able to bring Agatha back."

"I was actually hoping you'd back out with the million dollar demand. That should be enough. Also, I would like to make sure that my procedure is not recorded. I do not like more attention than the one i am having right now," the specialist said.

"Double the payment for it to be recorded. I need to have proof to implicate you in case you make my daughter's condition worse."

"You'll have to trust me on this. I am your only hope and based on Agatha's condition, she may just have a few days left."

"Tell me honestly, what is really happening to my daughter?" Alejandro started to sound defeated.

"She is suffering from chronic extraphysical assault resulting to diffused physiological deterioration minus the physical signs normally associated with it. In layman's terms, your daughter is possessed by a malevolent spirit."

"That's bull." Alejandro fumed. "And you even pride yourself of being a man of science."

"I am a man of science. Just because you don't believe in something that cannot be explained by conventional science it is already not science. Ever heard of the saying, magic is science that's not yet discovered?"

"You talk too much. This is a huge leap of faith considering I'm an atheist." Alejandro replied, "you make it appear like i have no choice. But let me tell you this, if my daughter dies, your clan will regret you were ever born."

"There's no need for threats, Mr. Saunders. I will make your daughter well. And if I did, then I'd like you to honor everything on the contract including the confidentiality clause. No one's gonna know what i did here."

"Please sign the contract, Alejandro. It's for our daughter's sake!!"

Alejandro signed the contract.

"Now make miracle happen."

The specialist entered the exclusive suite where Agatha lays asleep. The room is void of furnitures aside from those who are affixed to the wall or the floor. He locked the door after him then he took out a water-soluble spray paint and sprayed on the camera inside.

"Just a precaution..." as he sprayed on the camera lens that may be recording.

"I know who you are... " Agatha faintly said as the specialist approached her, "You don't have what it takes to help this little child."

The voice, though coarse and soft, can be heard audibly in the silent room.