
Weak in the Knees

Questioning his Path was only one of the many things Kieran found himself doing recently. And though he asked questions, he could not arrive at an answer for any of them.

Though his Path was recently acquired and painfully alien to him, Kieran sincerely believed it could only be unraveled through action by experiencing, noting, and comparing how it influenced both small and large aspects of him. 

He sat, absentmindedly trailing his fingers against the grain of his chair's armrest and gazing at his writhing companions on the ground. Their throes were becoming less intense, and the twitching happened less frequently.

Soon… they would wake up, and when they did, a subject change was in order. There was so much that Kieran was unaware of and required some briefing on how it came to be.

In the meantime, Kieran closed his eyes, willing for his top to vanish.