
The Name Resounds Throughout


Due to the inconvenience of Kieran's current condition, returning to Aeredale City took over ten hours. This was almost triple the amount of time it took to reach the Forest of Marshullum, to begin with, but there was nothing the party could do about it.

The party's pace remained slow even after Kieran's Stamina started to return naturally. After all, it wasn't a simple jump from 50% back to full potency once those first 3 hours passed; it was a gradual return to Kieran's former condition.

Perhaps if Abhorrent Paroxysm were used alone, it would be a different story, but that wasn't the course of Kieran's action. His Constitution was overworked and required time to recuperate. Naturally, this meant Kieran had no intentions of returning to combat until he was fully healed.