
Surrounded, Enhanced Creatures

Upon reaching this part of the dungeon, Kieran's sense of danger increased considerably, which meant a few things. The first was that they were in the presence of enemies that could pose a considerable challenge.

Considering his actions throughout this entire dungeon, the enemy would have to be quite strong for this reasoning to be true. At the very least, it should be reasonably stronger than Moribun.

However, because he no longer had access to Abhorrent Paroxysm, Kieran had to be precautious in terms of going toe-to-toe with an opponent of unknown power. Of course, this didn't mean Kieran had any reservations about doing such a thing.

After all, there was still Deranged Spirit, which was admittedly far stronger than Abhorrent Paroxysm. But unfortunately, there was an issue with that skill. 

It relied upon the direct stimulation of Argexes' Blood, which Hekaina had placed a layered mystical seal on.