
Sturdier Bastion

Everyone in the room was deeply moved by Altair's story. 

The cold darkness added a genuine and inimitable quality. That bone-chilling glooming suffusing the room was a testament to the struggles he endured, of the lasting effects he grappled with.

However, Kieran's comment caught everyone's attention, engendering an exchange of looks between everyone.

"You two… Advanced together?" Alice asked, her curious eyes glistening with intrigue. 

Little was known about the Myths, and they were meant to share little about their experiences, but Kieran and Altair were also not beholden to the Decrees of the Myth. Their Oath did not prevent them from sharing what they felt was prudent or classed as general information.

Their personal experiences and what they interpreted fell under the umbrella of shareable information, as did their efforts unrelated to the fate of the Boundary.