
Parental Guidance

Kieran sat suddenly in the Realm of Self and flicked two extended fingers downward.

"Sit and explain."

He didn't give requests, he commanded. And that came as a pleasant surprise. It even made the Flame grin with delight rather than scowl with scorn.

"Yes. That is the fierce attitude a Firebearer must possess. Now, tell me, my child. What is it that you wish of me?"

Kieran took a moment to gather his thoughts, organize them, and then speak them.

"Your glory. You said you had been feeding it to me. What do you mean?"

Suddenly, against his will, Kieran's head began turning in his Realm until his gaze paused on the blackness in this place, the part that embodied the abyss and the ruin that could precipitate that kind of destruction.