
Oblivious Culprit

Kieran clutched his head with an expression of abject horror.

The potential shattering of the Anchor was an outcome Kieran had worked painstakingly to avoid, taking time to shore up his mental defenses by reinforcing the Furthered Scales of Balance, meticulously weaving his disparate soul back to its correct order and avoiding prolonged usages of the Flame's power.

If the Anchor shattered now, it would make all his efforts for naught, and that thought left him feeling incredibly bitter. But while he agonized over the current transgression, the Flame rejoiced.

'All my efforts… moot. This damned Flame, it ruins everything. All my plans, fucking ruined!'

As Kieran cursed the Flame in his mind, becoming incredibly hateful to the point terrifying emotions seeped out of his mind, along with the urge to destroy things, the Flame spoke to him.

It sounded unusual, though.