
Keepers of Serenity, A Decision

The moment Kieran passed through the stone gateway, his eyes were opened, and his mind was expanded and astonished by what he saw.

Two massive hills covered in verdant life sandwiched crystalline waters with a light blue mystic glow, stretching as far as Kieran could see.

Glancing below, Kieran felt as if the water wasn't exclusively water. It was hard to describe, but he felt these waters were responsible for the safe haven behind that mysterious stone door.

"Compared to the murkiness on the other side, I can understand why Illiueta claimed the Wykins were content. They have created something truly marvelous. Still, it doesn't detract from the fact they're confined to an area they never move from," Kieran said to himself, picking up a small pebble.

He tossed the pebble into the waters a few meters and watched as it floated at first before passing through the water like liquified jello.