
Goblin Hunter III


The deeper Kieran traveled into the Goblin Cave, the sparser the enemies became. Unlike the first room, which was filled with countless goblins, the second room only possessed half that number, roughly 150 or so.

The third decrease in a similar fashion, barely totaling 60. In exchange for the decreased numbers, Normal Goblin Minions no longer spawned as a way to maximize the Experience gain of any party seeking to challenge this Special Zone.

Due to this change, even the weakest Goblin Minion was a Lv.23 Elite, while the Goblin Leaders were elevated to Special Elites. The duration and difficulty of each battle increased accordingly because of this change, yet Kieran found this acceptable since his earlier estimation accounted for Normal monsters in the fray.

Despite being less than 22 hours in before reaching the second room, Kieran was more or less 50% finished with the most tedious part of his quest.