
Fiendish Mentor

Kieran and Cardinal Weiss battled for hours without tiring.

In those few short hours, Kieran had countless brushes with death. His chest had been caved in and shattered, his heart had been badly damaged, and his spine had been nearly severed. 

Cardinal Weiss had erupted with wrathful ferocity and punched a ghastly hole through the young Fiend's chest. It was a chilling experience, but Kieran wouldn't trade it for anything.

Once the Flame healed him anew, Kieran dove right back into the madness of their fighting. The land feared them, retreating from their rampaging feet, fearsome blows, and violent outbursts.

Daunting trauma befell the land, its surface soon reflecting Earth's moon in how craters blemished its surface.

Kieran caught Cardinal Weiss' terrifying cross centimeters in front of his face. The backlash of the sudden stop blew Kieran's hair back like he was enduring the wind force of a tornado.