
Distribution and Enticement (I)

A few minutes later…

Kieran descended the flight of stairs leading from the top floor and continued until he arrived on the floor meant for production. Before returning to Zenith Online, Kieran had explained to Aspaira that the area meant to accommodate all Alchemists should be nearing its final stages of renovations.

So, if she had formed any relationships with the Alchemist within the Alchemists' Circle, she could use her authority as the Chief Alchemist of the Godhand Consortium to allow any willing Alchemists to join their Union by signing a modified Zenith Covenant.

Naturally, as these individuals had not earned Kieran's trust, the guidelines of the Zenith Covenant would be strict and inflexible. So strict many would turn it down without a moment's consideration.

However, Kieran understood something about these kinds of people who turned down such contracts—they weren't interested in contributing anything great.