
Darkness Below

By the grace of… the Flame, Kieran clobbered down a set of spiraling steps beyond the citadel's great hall, coming across an area resembling nothing so much as a hallowed sanctuary, likely a converted sept to say a prayer or perform a dirge before stepping out into a gruesome war.

Kieran hadn't learned much about this citadel, but the layout of it spoke to its creation not having a singular purpose. Though it was outwardly a citadel, an edifice of protection, the inside seemed almost religious in layout. 

'Some strange cross between a fortress, cathedral, and maybe… a what? Castle?'

The Flame's strange familiarity unsettled Kieran more than the structure itself. It navigated the extensive, labyrinthine pathways with ease afforded to only those who have walked its corridors countless times. Or, perhaps Kieran was being too critical of the Flame. 

Trusting the Flame came easy to no one, but Kieran was especially mistrustful of its motives.