
Antepenultimate, Penultimate, Backlash Propulsion

After a deep inhale and understanding that the final stretch was upon him, Kieran modified each Mystic Cipher, implanting the Fifth Syllable of Eni within its core sequence. 

This caused the sequences to become alike, as if they were one continuous line of less complex information. Because they were now uniform, the activation barriers were now less complex, but in exchange, the process became lengthier.

Once he performed this action, Kieran moved on to quartering his focus, briefly suffering a sharp pain. 

The intensity of the pain was more than double that of when he split his focus, but Kieran gritted his teeth and begrudgingly withstood the pain.

'Ngh! It isn't unbearable, we're so close to the end. Bear with it!'

Kieran continued to scream out within his mind, demanding that it stand firm amidst the pain of his actions.