

The old individual that appeared behind the counter was a hunched-over old lady with wrinkly, liver-spotted skin. Her arms were so thin, not to mention her scraggly fingers and protruding cheekbones.

It was clear the lady suffered from malnutrition.

Despite her state, she still presented a smile. "It's been so long since I've had a visitor. It is nice to have some company, young man. Tell me, did you come here to purchase anything? If so, it hurts my heart to tell you that nothing here is of use anymore."

Small tears pooled in her clouded, aged eyes. 

However, Kieran shook his head slightly. "I'm not interested in any of your items. I've come to deliver a service. It's not much, but perhaps I can make you more comfortable."

The lady's expression changed as she shook her head. 

"No, no. Don't let this old woman here trouble you. You're a strapping young man, so use your time wisely and aspire to be a strong adventurer. Your pure heart will carry you a long way."

'Pure?' Kieran thought to himself silently. 

Kieran knew better than anyone that his heart was far from being pure. The circumstances of his rebirth alone filled him with resentment. However, he was human enough to know when to set aside his resentment to do what was right.

Besides, he appeared in this place to claim an opportunity.

"I'll do that soon enough. For now, I only wish to help you," Kieran said. 

Afterward, he walked around, examining the shop's condition before picking up the cleaning utensils off to the side. If any player saw his action, they'd label Kieran a fool. 

What idiot entered a game to clean?!

Of course, Kieran would ignore such a comment. All his actions possessed a distinct outcome. 

'Seeing as how the state of this shack matches the description mentioned in the past, this is definitely the way.'

After confirming the similarities, Kieran diligently cleaned up the shack.

The items were dusted, the floor was swept, and the shiny yet antique items were polished. Because of the shack's small interior, Kieran finished cleaning in just over an hour.

While far from stellar, the shop experienced a major improvement from its initial condition.

As a result, the old lady appeared extremely grateful for Kieran's actions.

"Young man… I don't know how I should repay you! Although I expressed that it wasn't needed, you did it anyway." 

The old lady's eyes filled with indescribable emotion as she cupped her hand over her mouth. "If it's not too much of an issue, would you mind sharing a cup of tea with me? It isn't much, but I would love to repay your kind gesture."

Suddenly, a notification appeared before Kieran's eyes.

〈System: Your relationship with NPC, Grandma Agatha, has become «Hospitable».〉

Generating favorability with NPCs wasn't easy, much less reaching a Hospitable relationship in a single bound. However, Grandma Agatha's unique situation defied the struggle to acquire favorability.

One benevolent act opened the floodgates of favorability.

However, Hospitable wasn't the highest favor one could have with an NPC, and Kieran intended to max it. Since Altair had yet to contact him. It was clear no one had cleared the dungeon.

Considering the dungeon required mapping and several test runs, it was understandable. It wouldn't be unusual if it took several hours before the first Easy clear occurred. 

"I'll happily join you," Kieran said with an amicable smile.

"Follow me, young man," Grandma Agatha instructed. 

Her aged hand parted the makeshift curtain of beads and bamboo, revealing an area similar to that of a fortune teller's abode. 

Furthermore, this part of the shack was pristine and devoid of the slightest speck of dust. A pleasant aroma consisting of herbs, spices, and fruits permeated the air.

Despite his keen senses and extensive knowledge of materials, the origin of these scents was lost upon Kieran. For that to happen, it'd require a Mythic or above material since he was familiar with most Legendary and below materials.

Kieran looked around, taking in the breathtaking sight and serene atmosphere. 'Although it's unfamiliar to me, this place carries such a pleasant scent.'

Grandma Agatha stood over two small pots, stirring their contents while glancing at Kieran's astonished expression. "Is the fragrance to your liking? If not, I'll find a more agreeable one for you, young man."

As she spoke, Grandma Agatha sprinkled a pouch of sparkling blue dust that made Kieran's nose flare.

Although he wasn't familiar with the scent, the potency of its smell was a testament to how amazing these herbs were. 

'The forum revealed that this lady isn't simple, but it disclosed nothing of her background. How did she come to possess the incredible items?' Kieran wondered. 

After pondering this question, Kieran answered Grandma Agatha. "No, it's fine. Don't inconvenience yourself trying to please me. I'm only here to accompany you."

Unbeknownst to Kieran, Grandma Agatha revealed a joyous smile with her back turned to him. 

It wasn't long before Grandma Agatha turned around while holding two small teacups. After giving one to Kieran, she set the other cup on a small table located in front of Kieran.

"This recipe has been in my family for generations. Sip the one in your grasp before following up with the second cup. Let your body enjoy the pleasant warmth."

Kieran didn't realize that when Grandma Agatha sat across from him, another teacup magically appeared in her hands. He was too busy examining the mystical blue specks swirling in the tea.

As if enthralled by the cup, Kieran brought the cup to his lips and sipped it steadily.

However, once he picked up the second cup a few minutes later and sipped it, Kieran felt the world around him blurring as an ancient language spoken in a strange tone entered his ears.

'W-what… is Grandma Agatha rambling about?'

Eventually, Kieran fell into a trance where none of Grandma Agatha's utterances made sense. Yet, despite his strange state, Kieran continued sipping the tea like a malfunctioning doll stuck in one setting.

〈System: You have consumed «Enriched Mystic Tea».〉

〈System: Your mind is being washed by the mystical chant: «???».〉

〈System: Perception has risen by 1 point.〉

〈System: Perception has risen by 1 point.〉

〈System: Perception has risen by 1 point.〉

〈System: Perception….〉

Kieran wasn't sure how much time had passed, but when he awoke from his trance, he saw Grandma Agatha staring at him with a doting smile.

Aside from Grandma Agatha's smile, Kieran immediately noted the changes he felt. The most important one was his Perception had undergone an unusual change.

Not only did it increase from 30 to 50, but his mind and senses felt incomparably sharp like an unassuming veil was removed. Although he was still a Starter Character, Kieran felt he could utilize his instincts to a deeper extent.

'I don't know what rank that Enriched Mystic Tea was, but given its effects, it's something many Enchanters could only hope to brew,' Kieran thought to himself.

Sadly, Kieran couldn't stay much longer because he noticed Altair sent two messages during the period of his trance.

"Grandma Agatha, I hate to leave so abruptly, but I have others waiting on me," Kieran said.

Grandma Agatha waved her hand with a contented smile. "You're joking. I truly enjoyed your company. I hope the tea helps you on your journey."

"This is for you. Sell the fangs and keep a few pelts to make a nice coat or blanket for the harsh winter."

Kieran suddenly retrieved 5 Silver Coins and the wolf pelts and fangs he picked up.

"I can't accept this! This is your livelihood!" 

"I insist; I won't take it back," Kieran said while shaking his head.

Seeing the adamant nature of the young man before her, Grandma Agatha finally accepted it with a heartwarming smile. 

However, her acceptance of the items was not without a reciprocated act of kindness.

"I'm saddened that everything has lost function, but there is one thing left in my possession that should help you flourish as a young adventurer. I hope you'll be kind enough to accept it."

〈System: Your relationship with Grandma Agatha has increased to «Indebted».〉

Grandma Agatha placed an item in Kieran's palm and patted his shoulder. "Now go. If fate wills it, we will meet again once before I am to leave this enchanting world."

"It'd be my pleasure," Kieran answered before leaving the old shack and rushing towards the Forest of Beast dungeon.

Meanwhile, Grandma Agatha looked at the two cups. "Although I used basic ingredients sprinkled with hints of my dust, he was incredibly receptive to the mystic scripture. His soul is strong."

She then continued after a moment, "What a pleasant young boy. Though his heart leaks vengeance, it still displays kindness. It's unfortunate that he'll face his fair share of troubles along his path. At least it is like Ariadna said; his soul is excellent and extremely robust," Grandma Agatha muttered.

Once Kieran left, her image changed completely. 

Her hunched back straightened, and her cheeks became flush and rosy while her wrinkled skin tightened, revealing bright eyes that contained a vivacious spirit. 

This younger version of Grandma Agatha wore a tight black dress with a long slit down her thigh and indigo lipstick that complemented her plum-colored hair styled into a knotted bun and her sangria-colored eyes that gazed into the distance. 

She seemed to become absentminded while touching a set of mystic jewelry.

However, what was stranger than the change in her appearance was her identity shift.

「NPC Lv. ??? Agatha, ??? (???)

Class: Mystic [Redacted]

Health: ???

Affiliations: ??? 」

Make sure to point out any spelling, grammar, or numbers/information errors.

I'll see to it that they are rectified in a timely manner.

Thank you for reading <3.

ApexPencreators' thoughts