
Aeredale Revival Auction (II)

As soon as Ameena announced the start of the Aeredale Revival Auction, the stands quieted down, ceasing all talks of Ameena's appearance and the air she exuded. 

From their initial fawning state, everyone entered a competitive mindset, viewing everyone around them as a potential competitor.

"We'll be starting with the herbs and material. We've harvested and collected quite a collection—some of which can even be used in a high-level alchemy production. If you're lucky, perhaps you'll even succeed in commissioning an Alchemy Master or Grandmaster from the Alchemist's Circle," Ameena announced.

Following her announcement, Ameena waved her hands, resulting in the large mahogany-colored curtains being drawn back. 

Once opened, several containers revealing one item per container were showcased to the crowd.