
Adventurer Prestige


An uproar surged through the gaming community following the revelation of Kieran's new feat. Just under two weeks had passed, yet the name Aatrox had appeared in the world announcement several times. In comparison, all other players looked and felt insignificant because they had yet to snag even one of these world announcements.

Of course, like before, the notification withheld the information regarding Kieran's rewards in case envious players in the same kingdom or empire entertained thoughts of targeting him. While Kieran wasn't afraid of such a confrontation, it was different when he was a potential target of thousands or even millions of players.

Afterward, Hugo looked at Kieran silently after closely inspecting the cyclops head before him, 'This monster seemed to have been killed with extreme blunt-force, and considering how messy the cut to its neck is, it's safe to assume that it took multiple tries before he succeeded.'