
A Maddened Abomination

As Bastion gazed before him, he laid eyes upon a strange entity that could only be described as neither human nor animal. The entity before his eyes possessed an abnormal body, with two unusual growths sprouting from the area between its massive shoulder blades.

It was hunching over a desk, seemingly scribbling away at some unknown papyrus. However, throughout this scribbling, one could hear maddened grunts and disgruntled rambling echo throughout the room.

These grunts weren't loud, yet they borrowed upon some strange energy to become far more clear and distinct, almost resembling a conversation between two humans. 

Aside from the noise and the abnormal growths, Kieran and Bastion both noticed a few more unusual things.

This strange entity before them also wore a tattered lab coat stretched to its limits, which already had many tears in the admittedly stretchy fabric.