
A Fiend's Home

Kieran's eyes brimmed with critical power as they gained a mystical depth that sought to uncover what lay hidden from him. 

A dull aching started in his eyes and slowly connected to his mind, which typically happened when using the True Unveiling Eyes and Eyes of Profound Discerning in tandem.

Alone, they were powerful, but together… they were incredible. 

Simultaneous usage went against how Kieran generally used the eyes and how he was advised to approach unknown knowledge, but his current situation was unforgiving. Using his improved eyes to first discern and then unveil wasted too much time — precious time he already sorely lacked.

After suffering the bite of the Bloodwight, he understood how dangerous idling in thought was. Thus, his only foreseeable option was to brave the consequences of concurrent usages of both ocular abilities.