
Zenith: Last Revenant

A young American teenager, Spencer had an unexpected death by the hands of two men. Due to some unforeseen turn of events, he is transported to a world filled with powerhouses capable of destroying entire worlds. Wielding powers bestowed by a transcendental being, follow Spencer in his journey to the ZENITH. *** DISCORD Community: https://discord.gg/Pd86yBD The story was remade in collaboration with the original author and consent. We would advise you to read it through from the beginning as it was rewritten from the ground up, making it (hopefully) better, while still keeping true to the original vision.

Shaele · TV
Classificações insuficientes
104 Chs

Chapter 48 - Inhabitants

Half the day had gone by in an instant from the moment Spencer had been on the back of his new pet. As of right now, he has been relaxing on its back for some time now and was in the middle of a nap. Even though he did not need rest, it was still an enjoyable pastime that he would do on occasion when left with nothing else.

"Ego, stop for a moment!"

The half-asleep Spencer had called out to his new pet, giving it the name Ego, mainly due to its extremely aggressive and cocky behavior whilst dealing with all of the creatures they had come in contact with so far.

Ego would often one-shot or casually swat away many of the other predators and creatures that would attack them, and then proceed to continue strolling through the many different areas of the landscape as if nothing had happened.

After calling out to Ego to stop, Spencer sat up from the creature's back and jumped off, kicking up a small amount of dust as he landed on the ground. He leisurely walked forward a few steps dusting his black garment. Moments later as he was cleaning himself, a humanoid silhouette flashed from the area in front of him and charged in his direction. The silhouette accelerated until it was before him and abruptly stopped. He went to one knee, looking up at Spencer.

"What did you find, Hex?" He asked the empty shell.

[No major forms of intelligent life forms were detected. An undefined number of the planet's inhabitants are large beasts. However, I have discovered a large, out of place landmass that may be worth investigating.] The empty shell insipidly responded with a robotic, male voice.

Hearing the report, Spencer stood and contemplated for a moment, but he quickly came to a decision.

"Show me where you found this place."

Hex stood from the ground abruptly and levitated towards the sky, promptly followed by Spencer, leaving his pet on the ground floor. Once the two were above the trees, Hex pointed towards a small mountain that was a great distance from where they were currently, surrounded by an array of strange boulders configured into something akin to a wall.

"Is it meant to be that obvious?" He muttered to himself.

Closing his eyes for an instant, a deep purple glow began to escape as he then quickly opened them and returned his focus to the mountain. On the outside, nothing had changed, but through the eyes of Spencer, the large mountain flickered away to reveal a complete civilization within its convincing facade. Clasping his hands together, he rubbed them together and spoke.

"Let us go introduce ourselves to the inhabitants of this place!"

Floating down back to the ground, Spencer walked up to Ego and casually jumped onto its back, pointing it in the direction of the fake mountain and prompted it to move by patting its back. As they began to move, Hex quickly liquefied and returned into the form of mimicking an arm bracelet, attaching itself back unto Spencer's left arm.

For some time, the two traveled closer and closer towards the mountain in the distance, keeping a moderate rate of movement throughout the journey, inevitably, the two had arrived near the outer borders of the wall of boulders. Spencer swiftly jumped from the back of Ego and landed on the terrain beneath him, displacing the soil below him on contact. He casually walked up to the wall obstructing them and placed his hand on the surface.

Gently levitating off from the ground, Spencer abruptly shifted his density to an extreme degree, promptly allowing his hand to phase into the bordering walls protecting whatever was within it. His hand was immediately followed by his elbow, then his shoulder, and eventually, his entire body leaned forward and phased into the wall. As he was within it, no light could reach him, rendering him effectively blind throughout the entire experience of phasing through matter.

Despite his inability to see, he was easily able to breach through and exit into the opposing side of the wall. On the other end, the first thing to appear from the wall was his foot, soon to be followed by the rest of his body. Upon exiting, he began to look around to see if he could find anything in the immediate area.

The first thing to catch his sight was the many buildings that rose from the ground. Many structures were laid out perfectly and settled in a manner allowing for unhindered movement throughout the different apparent zones. Within the openings between the buildings and streets that were laid out, Spencer could see many silhouettes walking about without noticing his presence, wearing many unique forms of clothing, and moving without the slightest hint of worry.

As he paced through the area, making sure to scan every little detail of his surroundings, Spencer quickly sensed multiple life forms surrounding him. In the next moment, three life figures appeared around him, blocking all possible routes to escape. They held no weapons or wore any flashy form of armor or technology, but they gave off an incredibly strange sensation. A sensation that Spencer immediately picked up on.

The three arrivals looked shockingly human if given only a glance, but given closer observation, they had many keen features that caused them to vary. One difference was their tall and imposing frames carrying an intimidating amount of muscle mass. Their bodies were covered in white luminous patterns spreading from their neck to their feet. The most noticeable of these features weren't the difference in build and strange patterns, all of these figures hosted a furry tail-like appendage on their backsides.




While Spencer was examining them like he did everything else, the new appearances began to talk amongst themselves in their native tongue, leaving Spencer completely oblivious to what they were saying. Fortunately, his lack of understanding was brief, as he promptly scanned through the minds of one of the figures and mastered the language in an instant. Now, all he wanted to do at the moment was listen to what they were saying at the moment.

"Tarro, it looks like another one of the creatures from outside managed to get through the barrier again."

The first one to start talking was what looked to be a female member of the group. She was still rather massive when compared to a standard human female, her frame was layered with muscles that would shame anybody back home. Despite that, her feminine charm was also overbearing when compared to a woman on Earth. Her alluring curves were perfectly outlined by the thin armor that she wore on her body, her hair was black and carried an unknown luster that gained Spencer's attention as she spoke.

"It's been happening a lot more frequently recently, maybe we should report this to King Okara. What do you think Ginge?"

The one to respond was one of the male members of the trio, called Tarro by the female of the group. His body was built vastly different from hers, he was roughly 8ft in height, approximately 1ft taller and layered in double the amount of muscle mass that the female carried, exuding an extreme amount of masculinity when compared to the degree that is exuded from a normal Earth male.

"I'm not sure what's been happening with the barrier... We should tell the Elder before it gets worse. Let's just take care of the intruder before we do anything else."

The second male going by the name Ginge responded to Tarro. Ginge was roughly the same in physical appearance when compared to Tarro, except for Ginge being slightly shorter. The only real defining difference between the two was in their facial aspects and general demeanor.

As Ginge finished talking and recommended that they just get rid of the intruder and report to the king immediately, Spencer remained completely motionless throughout the entire discussion between the three. He was still grasping the basic structure of their physiology based on their outer appearance.

"Say, what's the point of those patterns on your bodies? Does it serve a purpose? Why are they like that?"

Spencer thought about it for a moment and questioned perfectly in their native language, immediately prompting them to jump back in shock whilst looking at him with eyes showing pure confusion and disbelief. As they stood there for a few passing instances, the first to speak out to this unexpected anomaly was the female of the group.

"Did this creature just speak our language?"

Tarro immediately added to her question.

"Rather fluently at that. Ginge, are there any records of a creature that looks like this that can speak?!"

Tarro asked, and Ginge quickly responded.

"There's no mention of anything like this in the records. This creature would be the first. Shaya, this must be a new unexplored species."

The female of the trio who was revealed to be named Shaya continued to keep an eye on Spencer, scanning his movements to prevent them from being caught off guard.

"This is unprecedented. We need to restrain it and then have the specialists see what this thing is exactly." She replied.

Not wasting any unnecessary time, Shaya abruptly pounced at Spencer, stomping on the ground whilst she executed a series of martial arts-esque stances as she approached him. Arriving at a close enough distance, Shaya used her hands to form a spiral as she then immediately clenched her fist and sent it towards Spencer.

Spencer calmly stood and watched this all unfold before him while closely analyzing her movements. As her fist made contact with his body, immediately on collision, a small shockwave was discharged as Spencer was sent flying into one of the boulders hiding the city. The boulder caved around his body, effectively burying him under the rubble.

"We're not supposed to kill it! Didn't you just say we should bring it back alive?"

Ginge called out Shaya on her excessive amount of force used on a creature that they knew nothing about.

"That attack shouldn't have killed it! Whatever it is, it should be out cold from an attack like that! Let's just bring it ba..."

Before Shaya could finish speaking, the sound of rubble being pushed aside instantly drew her attention towards the location she had sent Spencer flying.

"Wooaaaah, what were those movements you just did? Is this some martial art style?"

Seeing that the creature she had just hit with one of her attacks was perfectly fine, caused her an even bigger shock than when she heard it speak. She slowly stepped back and turned to her group members. She quickly noticed and came to the realization that they were just as shocked as she was. Thinking that she might have held back too much during the initial strike, she replicated the same move that she had just done, but this time, she was much more serious in its execution.

Launching her fist at Spencer for the second time, she stomped the ground and channeled her energy into the lethal blow. However, contrary to her expectations of completely blowing the being before her away, Spencer stood stagnant and remained standing in the same location without even the slightest hint of discomfort on his face.

Seeing that her attack was ineffective, Shaya was not only in utter disbelief, but a visible amount of fear also began to express itself on her face. Slowly backing away, Shaya then went into a horse stance and placed her arms tightly at her sides, sucking air into her diaphragm and quickly exhaling.

The patterns on Shaya's body suddenly began to shift from their original white hue to a more golden color. Her hair rose from her shoulders and glowed the same golden color as the patterns on her body. The air around her crackled and then quickly settled as she exited the horse stance in her new state.

Spencer was wide-eyed at this predicament, watching as Shaya transformed into this new form surprised him.

'What the hell is this supposed to be?'

Walking forward, her feet sunk into the ground with each step, she approached Spencer and stood before him.

"Let's try this again!"

As Shaya spoke, her body flickered as she commenced her assault.

Just to answer a few questions I see being raised repeatedly at this point:

*This is the last segment that was written by the previous author, those who read the original know that the last chapter was 52, so soon you can see how the story continues.

*So far I tried to stay true to the original only rewriting and editing the unstructured mess of words into a more coherent, better digestible format.

*From 53 everything will be purely me (Although I do have an outline of ideas of what was originally planned before the fanfic was dropped, I am most likely just refer to them as a guide)

*Originally the plan was to return after this planet, however, I will plan to visit one more very iconic place that most of you have already guessed and spend a bit of time there. Don't worry Earth, the Kingdom, Castor, and the Atlantean storyline are not forgotten. :)

*Also and this is for the last note here from me: I do have my own fixed arcs I will 100% include as we move forward, but there's also a lot of optional content that I may or may not use. Look at the pinned message in the Discord Server's "Ideas" channel for more details. We also had a good debate about a future name change that many have also requested.

Shaelecreators' thoughts