
Zenith Gym

Beneath the bustling streets of Seoul, where the city's vibrant pulse thrives, an enigmatic subterranean arena exists—one that goes by the three-letter name "Zen." In this concealed world, raw talent and unbridled ambition converge in battles that transcend the limits of ordinary competition. The story begins with Suho Seong, the reigning champion of Zen, whose formidable reputation precedes him. The tranquility of his life is shattered when a group of students from Seongbuk High School recklessly provokes him and his friends, unaware of the immense power lurking within Suho. Amid the neon-lit alleyways and dimly lit tunnels, a street brawl ensues, drawing a curious crowd into the shadows. Suho Seong showcases his unparalleled prowess, swiftly defeating his adversaries and leaving them humbled in his wake. Yet, among the fallen, one figure stands resolute—Jin-ho, a young high school student, driven by an unspoken determination to prove himself. What begins as an unexpected clash between rivals soon takes a fateful turn. Suho's martial prowess and precise strikes overpower Jin-ho, culminating in Jin-ho's unconsciousness on the cold, unforgiving ground. It is at this vulnerable juncture that the mysterious CEO of Zen intervenes, placing a cryptic card on Jin-ho's forehead—an unspoken invitation into a world veiled in secrecy, strength, and ambition.

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7 Chs

The Unyielding Spirit

The battle between Jin-ho and Diablo raged on, an unrelenting storm of fists and fury. With each passing minute, the crowd's excitement grew, their roars shaking the arena. Diablo continued his calculated assault, his punches like thunderbolts crashing into Jin-ho's defenses.

Jin-ho, battered and bruised, had endured rounds of punishment. His body ached, his vision blurred, and his spirit was tested like never before. Diablo's unyielding aggression had brought him to the brink of exhaustion, but he refused to give in.

In the corner of the ring, the Zenith Gym's CEO watched with a curious gleam in his eyes. He had seen fighters pushed to their limits before, but there was something different about Jin-ho's unwavering determination.

As Diablo closed in for another barrage of punches, Jin-ho's vision tunneled. He felt a surge of pain as Diablo's hook connected with his ribs. The crowd erupted in cheers, sensing that the end was near.

But then, something changed.

Jin-ho, bloodied and battered, let out a guttural laugh—a laugh that echoed through the arena like a beacon of defiance. His body, driven by an indomitable will and resolve, shuddered as if awakening from a slumber.

Diablo, taken aback by the sudden shift, hesitated for a fraction of a second. It was all Jin-ho needed.

With newfound strength, Jin-ho launched a series of lightning-fast kicks, his legs a blur of motion. He was no longer confined to traditional boxing techniques. Instead, he drew upon a different well of knowledge—the ancient art of ITF Taekwondo.

His first kick, a powerful front kick, caught Diablo off guard, sending him staggering backward. The crowd gasped as Jin-ho followed up with a precise roundhouse kick that landed squarely on Diablo's jaw. The impact was like a thunderclap.

"Unbelievable!" the commentator exclaimed. "Jin-ho has unleashed a new arsenal of kicks. Where did this come from?"

Jin-ho's movements were fluid and graceful, a stark contrast to the brutal intensity of the earlier rounds. He weaved between Diablo's attacks, delivering a series of high and low kicks that left his opponent reeling.

As Diablo struggled to regain his footing, Jin-ho executed a spinning hook kick, the heel of his foot connecting with the side of Diablo's head. The force of the blow sent Diablo crashing to the canvas.

The arena fell silent for a moment, as if time itself had paused. Then, a thunderous eruption of applause and cheers filled the air. Jin-ho had turned the tide of the battle, and he stood over his fallen opponent, breathing heavily but triumphant.

The Zenith Gym's CEO leaned forward, his eyes locked on Jin-ho. "There's more to this young fighter than meets the eye," he muttered to himself.

As Diablo struggled to rise, his face twisted with a mixture of anger and disbelief, Jin-ho extended a hand. "It's not over," he said, his voice filled with a newfound determination. "Let's finish this."

Diablo, his ego wounded but his fighting spirit unbroken, accepted the offer of sportsmanship. With a nod, they returned to the center of the ring, ready to continue their battle.

Jin-ho had tapped into a wellspring of inner strength, and the fight had reached a new level of intensity. With ITF Taekwondo as his ally, he was determined to prove that he could not only survive in the world of Zen fighting but thrive, rising above the challenges that had once seemed insurmountable.