
It's fate

"You'll have to follow me, it's at home."

Unsettled by the dangerous glimmer in Zen's eye, Lithe didn't waste any time leaving the room with Zed fast on his heels.

They walked together ignoring the curious looks from the servant class; it was very rare for them to see Lithe with anyone on the compound outside of the Maximillian family. 

As they passed the sculpture garden Lithe blushed, the vivid colors and the naked Greek statues reminded him all too well that last night had happened.

Embarrassed, Lithe wondered how he managed to get himself into such a predicament. 

Just being alone with Zen who seemed to be mad at him made his anxiety go off the charts.

No one was more relieved than Lithe when his villa came into view.

"Aren't you going to invite me inside?" prodded Zen.