
Zachary's little mistress

'She was intoxicated by him; too intoxicated that it started to taint her delicate soul' ... Amelia Sunfield, princess of Scrollrealm was faced with a challenge. With her father's deteriorating health, she had to get married in a few weeks. Things could only get worse when she married a total stranger who she believed to be good. Abused and mistreated by her new husband, Amelia had only one person to run to.. Zachary, her guard. ... "Zach, I plead with you. Go from me, please. Darkness can never mix with light," Amelia murmured, looking into his dark eyes. She couldn't fathom the look he carried but it wasn't something she wanted to know. "You've sinned too much. You've killed innocent and guilty, Zachary. It isn't something I can overlook" Zachary's face held no emotion beforehand; hearing her made him smile. "Haven't you heard, Little mistress that darkness follows light? Remind yourself that, without darkness, there would be no more light. No matter how dark things seem right now, stay by my side and I promise to protect you. I was created to do that, Little mistress," he replied and she sighed. His next words made a chill run down her spine and she became frigid instantly. "I only need a cup of your blood daily"

Gray_Titan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


The story began to sink into Amelia's brain and she let out a bitter smile. This was the first time she was learning in detail about her mother's death and the information was hard to believe. So many mysteries surrounded her mother's death but what scared her the most was the fact that the crazy maid had said her father would be next to die and in the same pattern. Her hand began to shake involuntarily as her heart was unsettled.

"I'm done with your hair, I'll be applying some powder to your face"

"That would not be needed. We've wasted enough time. Help me with my dress"

Eva noticed Amelia had become somewhat cold and there was a slight tension in the air. Bringing out the purple colored dress, Eva helped Amelia fit into it. After trying the corset, Eva complimented her,

"You look so adorable today, Milady"

The gown had a high neckline and full-length sleeves. The dress was unusually tight in the chest and buttocks area, hence making Amelia appear more busty and seductive.

She knew her father would send her no ordinary gown, and this was his mission. To make her chest and buttocks appear bigger, hence alluring. Rolling her eyes at the thought, Amelia spoke up,

"Forgive me for my behavior earlier. Sometimes, I cannot keep my emotion in check"

Eva chuckled outwardly.

"You did worse as a kid. I am not mad at you, Milady"

Amelia wrapped her arms around Eva and pulled her into a tight hug as she murmured a 'thank you'. Eva helped Amelia wear the pieces of jewelry and a fitting shoe while they chatted casually.

From there, Amelia walked to the dining room to have breakfast. She faked a smile, so her father wouldn't suspect she had been told anything.

Every servant she came across would bow their head in acknowledgment and somewhere, Amelia wondered if she was a person as her mother. Her mother, as told by Eva was a wonderful person and a friend to all. But was she filling that space? Pressing her lips together, she brushed the thoughts away, and finally, she reached the dining room.

The dining room was more filled up today, as her uncle and Aunt were still around, alongside, Lord Richardson and his children- Emily and Richard.

Amelia cursed her luck on why of all people, she would be eating at the same table as Richard; the man who was trying to woo her, and the same man her father thought was a perfect choice for her.

"Greetings Father, the ever-young king of scrollrealm," Amelia greeted her father before the rest. After that, she took a seat next to her father. She was glad it was Emily who sat opposite her and not Richard. Right! Emily had dressed like she was the princess and not Amelia.

The gold-colored dress with full sleeves had pearls embedded in it. Emily's cheeks were a light shade of pink as she had applied some makeup to her face.

"I was worried if you would reach home safely yesterday night," Emily spoke with a smile when in truth she had a hard time with the man Lord Tobias ordered to accompany her.

When she arrived at the palace last night, she scrubbed her body in her bath to get rid of every trace of the peasant.

"I appreciate your concern. With the help of Lord Tobias, I was able to reach home safely"

The others in the room became surprised as they didn't know the princess and the Lord was acquainted that he would even help her get home safely. Deciding to keep their thoughts to themselves, they began to eat in silence.

Lady Shirley and Ernest were the first to leave the room before others followed until it was King Collins and his daughter present in the room.

"How is your health now, Father?" Amelia inquired now looking at her father. Beforehand, she had concentrated on her meal, not wanting to meet eyes with Richard. A thin dark line was evident in King Collins' eyes that Amelia failed to catch.

"I'm doing great and no more spitting blood," the man seemed happy as he offered his daughter a genuine smile.

Amelia heaved a sigh of relief hearing he wasn't spitting blood anymore.

"Meet me at the field, daughter"

King Collins added before leaving the room. Taking a series of sigh, Amelia finally walked out of the room, leaving it for the servants to clean. She had not walked far from the dining room when a voice called out to her.

"Lady Amelia," Emily called out with a smile on her face.

Amelia saw Emily approach her and she offered a smile in return.

"Yes? I thought you would be in the colosseum now. Changed your mind?"

"I did. I forgot this wasn't my mansion and also, this palace is so big. I didn't want to get lost, so, I decided to come looking for you"

Amelia let out an 'oh' sound. They both walked together to the Colosseum located in the palace. It was large enough to contain thousands of people and by now, it was full already. On one side were about 50 soldiers who were going to contest and on the other were those who came to watch. The soldiers were easily recognizable as they were dressed in a black bearskin cap and a scarlet tunic with a white collar. Shoulders strips pipped in white, dark blue trousers with a white stripe down the seam of each leg.

A special stage was designed for the royals which included the king, his daughter, and his wife's siblings. By sheer luck, Lord Richardson and his two children were opportune to sit there.

Amelia plastered a tight smile on her face.

She could feel the heavy air already and it was almost choking her. The amount of gore that would be displayed made Amelia's stomach churn. Emily's eyes searched for Lord Tobias who had caught her fancy. Though the man had sent her away with his subordinate, her heart couldn't deny what it felt for him. If he were around, he would have come to pay encomium to the king, but he did not. Giving herself a little hope, she continued her search.

"Is there anyone in particular you are searching for, sister?" Richard asked his sister who had been nervous in her seat and stretching her neck occasionally to get a glimpse of something he didn't know.

"And since when did you start to care about me? Besides, I was searching for nothing," Emily clarified as she regained her composure on the chair she sat on.

King Collins and Lord Richardson chatted casually, and so did Lady Shirley and Ernest.

Somewhere amid people, a lady made her way among the commoners and eventually, sat in the midst of them. She was dressed in a long green dress which she adjusted occasionally. A kerchief was tied around her hard covering most of her face. Her black eyes searched for someone until they rested on Amelia who clasped her hand in fear. Though the princess held a soft expression and a smile on her face, her body movement suggested something else. When she had been told by Zachary that she would meet the princess here, she never thought it would be a fight. Agatha's eyes moved from the princess as she searched for someone else.

"He isn't here yet.. Not like he'd come anyway," she mumbled and took her eyes back to the princess.

The sound of a horn followed by drum rolls made everyone alert as the fight would begin..soon.