
Zachary's little mistress

'She was intoxicated by him; too intoxicated that it started to taint her delicate soul' ... Amelia Sunfield, princess of Scrollrealm was faced with a challenge. With her father's deteriorating health, she had to get married in a few weeks. Things could only get worse when she married a total stranger who she believed to be good. Abused and mistreated by her new husband, Amelia had only one person to run to.. Zachary, her guard. ... "Zach, I plead with you. Go from me, please. Darkness can never mix with light," Amelia murmured, looking into his dark eyes. She couldn't fathom the look he carried but it wasn't something she wanted to know. "You've sinned too much. You've killed innocent and guilty, Zachary. It isn't something I can overlook" Zachary's face held no emotion beforehand; hearing her made him smile. "Haven't you heard, Little mistress that darkness follows light? Remind yourself that, without darkness, there would be no more light. No matter how dark things seem right now, stay by my side and I promise to protect you. I was created to do that, Little mistress," he replied and she sighed. His next words made a chill run down her spine and she became frigid instantly. "I only need a cup of your blood daily"

Gray_Titan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Another Inamorato- 2

"Where did you get the eye color?" Richard asked after a minute of silence between them. Amelia replied,

"My mother. She had them too"

Richard smiled at her. The girl was indeed beautiful.

"May I know why you rejected previous suitors?" Richard questioned her and she shook her head as if opposing the idea of him asking. "It's okay if you don't want to reply"

Amelia stared at him for some time before answering,

"Why do you ask? To know what to avoid?"

Richard chuckled before replying,

"Milady, you're indeed very amusing"

Amelia's eyes narrowed.

"Oh, you now find me amusing like I am some pet?" Amelia asked Richard whose face darkened at her question. Seeing his face, Amelia remembered her father's words the last night.

'My fair Amelia, I'm quite astonished that you haven't found any man suitable for yourself. Please, the man who would be coming here in a few days, treat him well. Do you plan to stay single? I don't want that for you, please. I will not hear you speak rashly to him or even reject him rudely. Be polite'

Coming back to the present, Amelia bit her lip. "I'm sorry, Sir Richard. Forgive my manners," she added and the man looked taken aback. It was never heard that royalty apologized. "You see, I have a bad temper. Please forgive me, sir Richard"

The door opened and the parents entered the meeting room. The meeting room was in the King's quarters where he received visitors.

"I hope we gave you both enough time?" Lord Richardson asked immediately after he entered the room.

"Very well, father. We talked about so many things. Including her likes and dislikes," said Richard. Amelia turned to look at Richard. What a deadly liar he was. "I can proudly say, Princess Amelia is lovely to be with"

King Collins clapped his hands joyfully. The man heaved a sigh. He had earlier been scared of what would happen if his daughter refused this one again.

"You're quite a lucky man for my daughter to open up to you. I am not even aware of her likes and dislikes," King Collins said before sitting in his former position. Lord Richardson sat also in his former position with a satisfied smile on his face. "So tell me, how do you find my daughter?"

This question made Amelia's palm turn sweaty.

"Father, I'll like to make use of the powder room. From there, I'll take a rest in my room," Amelia spoke, standing up. Giving her a go-ahead, Amelia bowed and walked away from the meeting room to her own quarters.

Reaching her room, Amelia slumped on her bed. The last thing she wanted was to marry someone she didn't love. Biting her fingernails nervously, Amelia closed her eyes until she caved in to sleep.

Back in the meeting room, Richard replied to the king,

"Milord, as much as I like to know her better, I don't think it calls for marriage yet. If you permit, I'll ask for some time. Just some time to woo her"

Lord Richardson rejoiced inwardly. This was progress. For someone who rejected other men but spoke about herself to his son. It called for a lot of celebration.

Later that day, Amelia sat on a bench close to the fountain in her quarters. She watched how the butterflies danced around the water. It gave her solace. Her mind went back to the men. She knew not what they had discussed. Knowing her father, a little progress could lead to an instant marriage. It was something Amelia dreaded.

"Fairest, Princess Amelia. Do you permit me to sit with you this evening? I am done with every chore I was assigned," Eva said bowing her head. So lost in thought, Amelia didn't know when Eva arrived. Nodding in approval, Eva sat down. They both watched the fountain for some time before Amelia spoke,

"Eva, I hate myself. My father expects a lot from me, I failed and I'm still failing"

Eva smiled warmly, and her wrinkles became evident. The woman had coppery brown hair and looked to be in her 40s. "I am just nineteen, Eva. Why am I presented to suitors every week? A girl of my age should enjoy books, movies, and cookies. Should I regret being a princess?"

"You shouldn't, Milady. Didn't you say you feel something for Tobias, Lord of Sen? How about you invite him for dinner tomorrow and speak to him about your feelings?"

Amelia sighed before biting her nails nervously.

"I should. But I can't. The man sees me as a friend, I doubt he looks at me as something more than that"

Eva turned to the girl at her side. Since the time Queen Yolanda died, Eva was assigned as Amelia's personal maid. Eva could see how Amelia did her best trying not to shed tears. Just like the girl had said, she wasn't enjoying her teenage age.

"Your mother. I knew her, I was there when you were born, Milady," Eva said all of a sudden, making Amelia turn to her. "I served your mother dutifully. She was a lovely woman, though she hated laziness"

Eva smiled, remembering the old days.

"I never knew you knew my mother, Eva. Tell me, how was she?" Amelia's gloomy face suddenly brightened which made Eva chuckle.

"Your mother loved diligence and hated laziness. Once in a while, she would take all the servants for a picnic. She wasn't just a queen, but a good friend to everyone," Eva pursed. "Her death came as a big surprise to the kingdom. Most servants resigned, but I remained. You know why?" Eva asked, but seeing the confused look on Amelia's face, she answered her own question,

"I wanted to be here for you. Though I can never fill the space of your mother, I promise to nurture you"

The tears rolled down Amelia's cheek. She had never heard anyone talk about her mother. It was a sensitive topic for everyone including her father. She was surprised that Eva had been working in the palace even before her birth.

"My.. My mother, how did she die? What caused it?"

Eva suddenly gulped. She somewhere knew the girl would ask. Amelia being Amelia always wanted to know more.

"It was an unfortunate and unforgettable incident, Milady. A ball was held here for the Queen's birthday. Things went well, but then. That night, the queen complained of a severe ache in her abdomen. Patting her to bed, we the servants went our different ways to tidy up the house after the ball," Eva pursed, keeping Amelia in suspense.

"Milady, dinner is served and the King requests your presence," a servant who was passing by said to Amelia before bowing her head in respect.

"Very well. Tell him I'll be there in a few minutes"

The servant gave another slight bow and walked away.

"Milady, you should leave now. When next we have the chance, I'll tell you everything I failed to mention today"