
Zach's Flame

"~Ahh-hmph~" she tried to moan but he swallowed it and let it drown in the kiss. The air seemed to become more ambiguous as he turned around and placed her on the counter and tugged at her dress, Zoey was about to show him where the zipper was when he tore the dress off her with a single tug. "The zipper was on the side!" Zoey whisper-yelled, as her eyes grew wide while she glared at him. "Sorry" he says but didn't look the least bit sorry about what he did. His gaze finally settled on her body as he took everything in. Her large doe eyes which were widened as she stared at him, puckered lips which glistened and seemed slightly swollen from his 'passionate' activities, her busty chest heaving up and down as she tried to catch her breath, her flat stomach which emphazised her slim, tiny waist, and finally..... He stared straight at her as he tugged on her panty, taking it off her waist in just that one tug. Tracing his face down her body, his nose made sensual motions on her thighs making her shiver in pleasure and boy-did he love how she reacted to his touch. "Can I?" He asks as he stared at her, waiting for her to give her permission.

Pe_Ju · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Chapters seven

"Hey, you don't really need to know my name, this was a one-time thing, if we're fated to meet again, then we will, and I promise if we meet again I'll treat you to a meal. I have to go now or my best friend will go crazy while looking for me" Zoey says, noticing the light in his eyes dimming but he steeled himself again, completely hiding his emotions, he could find her information anyways if he needed it.

"Okay, goodbye. I hope we'll meet again" Zach says.

"Yeah, it was nice to meet you Zach, you're a great guy and any girl would be lucky to have you" Zoey says putting on his shirt which she found in the drawer, his shorts and some slip-ons she found at the bathroom's doorstep.

"Yeah.... we'll definitely meet again" Zach says sitting up on the bed, giving her a small smile.

"I'm not so sure about that but anyways... goodbye" Zoey says walking out the door. She would be regretting her words in about 4hours.

Zach stared at the door, flashing an evil smile and then chuckled.

'This little woman spiked his interest, he wasn't letting her go just yet' he thought, smiling.