
Yuni fate of Nazhokis

Harshita_Ramasamy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Yuni Zennia SILENCE

Yuni then told her parents she was tired and asked " Where is our house?". Her father replied " Come with me " and and let them to the house .In the house he led her to a golden room and said " Transform here into your humanoid form, Your clothes are in that wardrobe" and closed the door of the room and left. She transformed and saw that her body was like that of an eighteen year old girl only with an extra golden tail. She exclaimed" Wow I look beautiful! But when I transform, I am golden in colour and in my humanoid form I have blue hair". She examined herself and said " I like my new body ". She took some clothes from the wardrobe and wore them. She then got out of the room and saw her parents eating dinner. Her mother called out" Yuni come join us". She joined them and they all ate spaghetti together. She then went to sleep happily in her bed. The next day, she got up and got ready to go the academy. Her dad dropped her by car and left. She entered the academy where she saw a bunch of people bullying a poor an elephant girl. One boy said " Hey you dummy. Your an elephant. A fat one too. " and laughed and left. Yuni went to talk to her when she said " Here to bully me,go on.I don't care". Yuni said " Oh come on ! I don't want to bully you. I want to be your friend. My name is Yuni, Yuni Vallerie. What's your name?". The girl' s eyes lit up as she said" My name is Zennia. Now we are friends". Just then the teacher came and said " Good morning".The teacher went on " Today is the first day and hence I would like to say this. Every day you will be sent to a different area where you shall strive to grow more powerful and evolve. . Today I will send you all to different areas in the forest to find a source for yourself. ". Yuni felt her heartbeat rise as she said " Magic power check". She saw some writing in the air telling her to find a source of power for evolving herself. The teacher led her and Zennia to the most dense part of the forest.