
Yunata's First Training Session!

Yunata is walking around the HQ of the Star Organization talking to himself about his hair. He then spots Funiki constantly punching the ground in one spot.

Yunata: Yo. What you over there doing man?

Funiki: I said tomorrow.

Yunata: Well I don't see the harm in being early.

Funiki: I said tomorrow.

Yunata: Well why can't we just get to it now?

Funiki: I said tomorrow.

Yunata: Look ma-

Funiki teleports to Yunata and attempts to punch him in the face. Yunata dodges his attack and steps back.

Funiki: I said tomorrow.

Yunata: Whatever man.

Yunata walks away as Funiki watches him. Yunata thinks to himself "What's he so mad about? First he tries to kill me and loses, now he's just being a bitch about it." Staria thinks to herself "Where is this dude? I thought he said he'd be looking around. Don't tell me he ran off."

Yunata: Maybe I should just go back to what I used to do rather than be here and mess up these guys' relationship.

Staria hears Yunata and walks in the direction of his voice.


Yunata: Huh?

Staria bumps into Yunata.

Yunata: What are you doing dumbass? Are you trying to see with your ears?

Staria: What?

Yunata: Well you know you were running. With your eyes closed. But you heard me talking. So you know. It's like you were trying to see with your ears.


Yunata: What?

Staria: What? You didn't hear me?

Yunata: I heard you but what are you talking about?

Staria: Were you not jus-

Yunata falls over face first and lands on the ground.

Staria: Well he did wake up extremely fast earlier. But what do I do?

Staria picks up Yunata and places him in her bed.

Asura: I wonder why he's like that. You think we can fix him?

Qajiri: I don't see how we could. Maybe I can mix my dragons to do something.

Asa: I say we leave him like this. It's very unlikely for him to end up falling asleep. Meaning there's much more things he can do than us.

Asura: Yeah but the problem is he didn't specify how long it is before every time he sleeps. If it is truly 6 times a year that would be looked at as every 2 months. But what if he could fall asleep just 4 hours after waking up again?

Asa: Well then maybe that could be the problem.

Qajiri: Wait, if all he used to do is walk around then maybe him doing that caused him to sleep. Which would take 2 months for it to happen. So maybe it's been I'd say 24 days since he last slept but since he took the trial and followed you here it must've made him tired. He even pushed himself to wake up faster.

Asura: That does make sense… Well I guess we'll just have to find out. But Staria, are you sure you want him sleeping in your bed? I mean he said he hasn't taken a shower. Like ever.

Staria: It's fine with me.

Asura: Ok.

Qajiri: You guys think he can hear us? I mean he was able to move while he was sleeping last time right?

Asura: You're right!

Asa: Move your arm if you can hear us.

Yunata thinks to himself: "I can't move dumbass. I don't know how I was able to last time. But this time I'm barely even conscious."

Qajiri: Guess he can't.

Asura: Yeah.

Asa: Welp, it's getting late. Guess I'm gonna go sleep. What about you guys?

Qajiri: I will too.

Asura: I'm gonna go try to find someone with star magic. I'm sure I can find at least someone.

Staria: Well… I would go to sleep. But I don't have anywhere to sleep.

Asa: What do you mean? I see a bed that looks perfect for you. Don't you guys see it too?

Qajiri: Yeah, I do.

Asura: Me too. Weird. Maybe it's invisible to the eye of a female.

Staria: Get out.

Qajiri and Asa walk to their rooms. Asura exits the HQ and searches for anyone with star magic.

Staria: Well I did let him choose to stay in my room. So I can't just kick him out. Maybe if I just sleep on the opposite end. There's no problem with that right?

Yunata thinks to himself: "Man do what you want. I just want to train already." It is now 4am and everyone is asleep.

Yunata: Welp now that I'm finally awake I can get to training. Well. I have to wait for Funiki. Well in the meantime I guess I'll just lay here. I am pretty comfortable. Always wondered what a bed felt like.

Yunata turns around and faces Staria. Staria is staring at Yunata and blushing very hard.

Staria: H-h-h-h-hey!

Yunata: Hi. Can that Qajiri guy accelerator time?

Staria: Call him Qajiri, not "that Qajiri guy." And yes he can. Why are you asking?

Yunata: It's not my fault he has a weird name. And I'm asking because I'd like to train as soon as possible.

Staria: I could teach you some things until it's time for you to train with Funiki.

Yunata: Really?

Staria: Yeah!

Yunata: Ok. I'll be waiting outside for you.

Yunata teleports outside.

Yunata: Why the rain man.

After 12 minutes Staria comes outside. Yunata thinks to himself: "I'm gonna die from some sickness aren't I."

Staria: You didn't have to stand in the rain! You'll get sick like that!

Yunata: What better do I have to do? Not get sick?

Staria: Well, yes?

Yunata: Oh… Well let's start the training.

Staria: Ok! Did you learn how to sense us through your aura when I told you to yesterday?

Yunata: Of course not. There's so many different auras I see and feel all the time. I don't know how I could ever choose specific ones out of them all to feel.

Staria: Well it's pretty simple really. All you have to do is make their aura take the form of their appearance.

Yunata: Yeah and how the fuck do I do that?

Staria: Ummm. I guess you should… Well, when I do it I just imagine it as if I'm looking directly at that person. Then all the other auras begin to become dull. Then every time I want to sense someone by their aura I look at it and imagine it as if I'm looking at them. Then I can feel the movements of their aura which will allow me to feel their movements. You try it.

Yunata: Sure…

Yunata focuses on Staria's aura. He then imagines it as if he's looking at her directly. Her aura then begins to take an appearance of her.

Yunata: I think I'm doing it. But the other auras are still there.

Staria: Oh, is that so…

Staria condensed her aura to make Yunata think he was doing it. She thought this would allow him to actually do it.

Yunata: Wait… they're going away!

Staria: Really!?

Yunata: Yeah! I did it! But… what was the point of learning this?

Staria: Well you know, you can see people through like buildings and things. Or you could tell what someone is doing without looking at them.

Yunata: Really?

Staria: Really.

Yunata: Ok. I'm gonna turn my back to you and I want you to constantly attack me.

Staria: Why?

Yunata: So I can try to dodge your attacks.

Staria: Ok…

Yunata: Ready when you are.

Staria: Ok.

Staria attacks Yunata in his rib. He dodges by slightly moving out of the way.

Staria: Nice one.

Yunata: Thanks. You can attack more than once you know.

Staria: Ok.

Staria thrusts at Yunata multiple times extremely fast. Yunata keeps dodging her thrusts by sensing which spot she is going to attack. Yunata thinks to himself: "I can dodge them but only because I am faster than her. I can't even feel her movements that well. But I do know when I should dodge. Maybe when I'm better at this I'll be able to sense her movements even before she attacks."

Staria: I'm going to up the speed a bit, ok?

Yunata: Yes ma'am.

Staria coats her rapier in plasma. This will make lightning shock Yunata from raindrops alone. Hitting Yunata would stun him completely. Staria starts attacking Yunata again. Yunata thinks to himself: "Maybe I'm better than I thought I was. I could've sworn I was barely able to sense her before. But it's becoming much easier."

Staria: (breathing heavy)I think, we're done here.

Yunata: Ok. I think I was doing a pretty good job. What about you.

Staria: Oh, I couldn't agree, any more.

Yunata: So, what're you teaching me next?

Staria: I'll teach you how to condense your aura. But that won't be nearly as easy. But it will be much more rewarding.

Yunata: Ok. I'm gonna go steal some food real quick. You want something?

Staria: Don't ste-

Yunata teleports to all fast food restaurants and normal restaurant before stealing two of each breakfast item.

Yunata: Ok I got two of every breakfast item from every fast food restaurant and normal restaurant. Just take what you want.

Staria: We can't eat out here in the rain.

Yunata: You're right.

Yunata takes the food and Staria into the HQ's dining room.

Yunata: I'll ask those guys if they want anything.

Staria: Did you forget how early it is?

Yunata: Oh right. Guess I'll just eat.

The two finish eating and get back to training.

Yunata: So how do I do this?

Staria: Control the energy of your aura. Do not try to suppress it. That will only get rid of it. Our goal is to condense the size.

Yunata: What do you mean control it.

Staria: Think of it as breathing through your nose. You don't often do it but you can when you want or need to. Just imagine it being that easy to control.

Yunata: That literally does not help at all. How do I grasp the feeling of controlling my aura?

Staria: Well usually you need your own special energy. But we don't know yours. And it seems the black holes are only a secondary. So maybe your energy comes from the swords?

Yunata: I'll try to use my black holes energy.

Yunata thinks to himself: "No need to rely on that."

Yunata: Am I supposed to feel this pressure?

Staria: Yes. Now control your aura and condense it to surround only your body in any way you can.

Yunata: Gotchu.

Yunata attempts to condense his aura but only changes it's shape.

Yunata: Umm I don't think I did it right.

Staria: No worries. We can also try again.

Yunata attempts to condense his aura for almost 5 hours before he finally does it.

Yunata: You said this wouldn't be as easy. That is far from an appropriate example.

Staria: Well, at least you can do it now, right?

Yunata: I guess.

This is the end of chapter 3. Bye. Smart intelligent dumbass.