
Yukino is mentally retarded!

Chapter 18 - Yukino is mentally retarded! When Utaha was leaning on the sofa, her phone suddenly shooked twice. She took it out of her bag and saw that it was indeed the Line message sent to her by that Sawamura-san. "Ah?! Utaha-san please come to my house, I need you to be model for my manga. The editor will kill me, if I didn't provide the manuscript for the manga." Utaha slowly asked a question, "What does it have to do with me?" It's so funny. Eriri-san, a girl who waste time before the deadline of manuscript submission, asks herself to help in the manuscript. Eriri Sawamura and Utaha Kasumigaoka were supposed to be love rivals. However, without the fuse of Tomoya Aki, the relationship between them slowly began to soften. After thinking about it for a while, Utaha still gave her reasonable advice, "Ask the editor to give you some time, and don't make excuses like I cought the cold or the computer was not working properly. You should make excuses like you lost your mobile phone." "I was caught by the editor the day before yesterday when I opened an account to play games, so I can no longer use the excuse that I lost my mobile phone when I went abroad. Come on, Utaha-san help me..." Utaha immediately pouted, "What are you drawing? And why are you crazy for asking me to be your model?" "...The doll can't pose the way I want." Spherical dolls are essential props for color cartoonists. They can be put into many poses and provide realistic templates for cartoonists. "No!" "Don't worry I would pin your new book on Twitter and recommend it to my fans." "Deal, I'll go to your house after my tutoring job is over." Eriri just hugged her pillow and typed, "Wow, Utaha, you became a tutor! Is the student opposite a boy or a girl? You abandoned Aki-kun so quickly, you are such a heartless girl! Utaha sneered coldly, "Did you draw hentai manga until your brain was damaged? Your brain is full of hentai stuffs." "The student is a girl, and I'm here to get experience about the tutoring profession for my next novel." She dismissed the topic lightly. For some reason, Utaha didn't want to mention Yukino in front of Eriri. Probably because when Yukino succeeded in confessing her love to Aki-kun , Eriri at that time seemed to be in depression where she had to either kill Yukino or commit suicide. While she and Eriri were chatting in the Line, Yukino came back. She was holding a store bag in one hand and taking a call on her mobile phone on the other. They were little far apart, and Utaha could only hear words such as "Don't worry" and "I'm sorry for causing trouble." After Yukino finished speaking, she hung up the phone and came over to take out several cartons of milk one by one and arrange them neatly, "I don't know which one you like, but I bought all the milk flavors of several brands." Utaha asked casually while inserting the straw: "Did you talk with the school teacher?" Such a strange and respectful tone must be for the teacher. "It was my mother." Yukino piled all the remaining milk in front of Utaha with a calm expression, "She asked me about the class transfer, and I explained it to her." "Wait a minute, wasn't it more than two weeks ago that you changed classes? Your mother only knows now?" How little attention do your family pay to you... Yukino tilted her head and looked at her, "Do you know when I changed classes?" The smile on Utaha's face froze. Since she came here to teach last weekend, she went home to search on the Sobu High School campus forum for the latest news about Yukino. Utaha coughed lightly, "I can't finish all milk by myself. You should put the rest in the refrigerator." Yukino shook her head, "I don't use the refrigerator and kitchen very often. These things will only expire if I put them in the refrigerator. You'd better take them you." Yukino is like purest girl, who hasn't been contaminated by the dark nature of human beings. While Utaha was thinking about this. Yukino, on the other hand, was scratching her head. After doing this, the task was not triggered! Really, Utaha-san clearly hates herself. At the end of today's session, Utaha couldn't help but ask about something other than the class topic, "Can I ask you a question?" Yukino doesn't want to answer any questions. It's just, she really had no idea what had happened over the past year or so. And Yukino even could think that the question Utaha wanted to ask must be about the so-called Tomoya Aki. Now she is still at risk of being possessed by someone. And she doesn't want to wake up to find that one more year has passed, and she married someone. That would be hell for her. Tomoya Aki, on the surface, is an otaku, but in fact, he is a handsome guy as soon as he takes off his glasses. He was once the favorite of two major beauties of Toyogasaki High School. Yes, He was the person who Utaha-san and Sawamura Eriri liked. Utaha lightly touched her lips. She smiled and said, "How about this? I'll ask you a question and in exchange you can also ask me a question." Yukino replied instantly, "Yes." Utaha laughed. Yukino was really amazed that this girl is so beautiful when she smiles. "I have never seen Aki-kun so addicted to a person, as if he is addicted to a simulated Dating game." Utaha smiled slightly, "So, why did Yukino leave the game without interfering with the ending ." Yukino: "…" Please ask that hateful body possessor this kind of question. How could she possibly understand the heart of the gyaru Yukino. But she had to answer. Yukino thought about the behavior pattern of the gyaru Yukino, with a serious face she said, "Because Yukino is mentally retarded."