
Chapter 1 Rebirth (I)

The sunlight spilled onto Lin Nuan's face through the carved wooden flower and lacquer diamond lattice, and Lin Nuan was shaken so much that she couldn't go back to sleep. "Why did Ji Yan forget to pull the curtains last night, how annoying." Lin Nuan thought darkly, opened her eyes and prepared to get out of bed to pull the curtains, but she was stunned by the sight in front of her.



Jujube red carved bed, surrounded by pink bed net, a set of red glazed beads of silver hooks hanging on both sides. From the thin bed net to explore out, the bed head right in front of the standing next to a simple bronze mirror, the northwest corner of the standing a multi-baoge, stacked with many books, placed under the bed of an ancient zither, the ancient zither hanging above a bow and arrow, the ground of the arrow basket has a lot of arrows in the feather. The front of the bed was covered by a wooden screen with delicate carvings and a faint purple luster.



Seeing Lin Nuan open her eyes, next to a fourteen or fifteen year old woman wearing a green dress with a double-ringed bun hurriedly probed Lin Nuan's forehead with her hand, the woman, with a face like a silver plate, thick eyebrows, and almond-shaped eyes, said with surprise and joy, "The fever has finally subsided, and it should be harmless, Miss, how do you feel?"



This Miss shouted Lin Nuan confused, Lin Nuan opened her mouth and did not make a sound, because she really did not understand what the situation was.



"Miss, you must be thirsty, quickly drink some water!" A tender and sweet voice rang out, Lin Nuan was about to follow the voice, only to see a twelve or thirteen year old looking woman with a melon-faced face, curved moon brows and phoenix eyes bring a cup of water, wearing the same dress and hairdo as the maidservant from earlier.



Lin Nuan pondered in her heart, from the way these two addressed her and their dress, it was not difficult to guess that they should be two maidservants.



Lin Nuan took this little girl's cup, the cup of water in a drink, Xu is drinking too hastily, or distracted, a cup of water under the abdomen, Lin Nuan actually cough cough.



"Miss, why don't you be more careful? This just woke up and choked again, how can we do it?" The younger maid hurriedly patted Lin Nuan's back.



"Ying He, you're getting more and more unruly, actually lecturing miss." The older one said unhappily.



"The slave girl was also in a momentary hurry, deeply afraid that miss had a good or bad accident." That little girl called Ying He hurriedly defended herself.



"I know you are worried about Miss. But this Hu House has strict rules, and has always emphasized respect, if this statement is heard by others, I'm afraid that Miss will not be able to protect you. You've only just come to the mansion, while taking care of Miss, you still need to carefully learn the rules." The older maid, although her expression is gentle, but her tone is not lacking in the meaning of teaching.



"Many thanks to sister for mentioning it." The little girl called Ying He nodded and left from behind Lin Nuan, retreating towards the bedside.



"Since Miss has woken up, quickly go and inform the Master and Madam!" The older maidservant said.



"Yes." That little girl called Ying He replied under her breath, walking quickly towards the door, her pace was fast and steady, but without any sound. She gently pulled open the door, from the doorway put in a beam of sunlight, but was blocked by the screen, what kind of material was this screen Lin Nuan could not recognize, but the wood was tightly grained, slightly glittering with a light purple luster, at a glance, it was clear that the price was not expensive.



She closed the door and the beam of light was blocked out again. When the door opened, a cold air came in, and when the door closed, the cold air was blocked outside. Lin Nuan couldn't help but wonder a little, although it was already in October, even Wancheng wouldn't be this cold, let alone Hengdian. But Hengdian can't have this kind of temperature, and I haven't heard of any other new movie and TV bases, Lin Nuan began to hesitate where this is.



Before Lin Nuan figured it out, she only heard the maidservant say, "Miss, the days you slept were really scary for the slave girl." The maid covered Lin Nuan's blanket and continued, "Madam has been guarding you for several days and nights, I didn't expect to go back and you woke up, I think it's really blessed by the heavens!"



Lin Nuan was confused by this little girl's words, Lin Nuan wanted to open her mouth and ask, but felt that she should wait and see what happens, Lin Nuan wanted to see where the miniature camera was placed, but was afraid that her eyes would get disoriented and she would have to start all over again, so she could only say perfunctorily, "I've caused you all to worry."



"What are you saying, miss, it is the slave girl's job to worry about you."



This maid in front of Lin Nuan, said she got up and washed a piece of pectin towel and handed it to Lin Nuan. Lin Nuan took the pectic catty and wiped her hands, thinking that in the past when shooting costume dramas it was just like this, if she really wiped her face, she would inevitably wipe off the face of the water powder, and was thinking about it, the door in the bedroom opened with a creak.



As the door creaked open, a cold air followed in, at this time came in two people, a person wearing a light yellow cloak, a person wearing a pink cloak. The temperature inside the room was not low, so the two of them took off their cloaks and cloaks and handed them over to their attendants when they entered the room.



That wearing a yellow cloak is a woman, take off the cloak, revealing the inside of the apricot-colored skirt. She was wearing a high bun, with pearl hair sideburns and a pearl step rocker with red stamens and partial phoenix, and as she moved slightly, the step rocker also swayed with her.



Followed her side is over ten years old woman, the woman took off the cloak, then see a pink jacket over the light pink skirt. She wore a double-ringed bun, with sideburns on her temples, a woman who had not yet reached the age of maturity.



From the dress of this mother and daughter, it was not difficult to guess that they were the masters of this house without a doubt.



Lin Nuan Fang to open his mouth to call, but do not know where to start, she remembered that last month Fang sister - her agent, did give her a costume script, the script only read less than ten pages, not to mention remember when to enter the crew, but also do not know how to shoot on the scene in a confused way.



Before Lin Nuan could open her mouth, the maid next to her bent down again and said, "Greetings, Second Lady, Second Miss."



Lin Nuan suddenly came to understand, this Hu House originally not only a hostess, the hostess mother should be a wife, in front of this should be a concubine, although I do not know how the script in the end how to write, but she is at least a strength actor, large and small costume drama has also received more than a dozen, to see the tricks of the acting, there should not be a big mistake, even if the individual lines have a mistake, as long as the expression is in place to the plot smooth down, and there are The post-production, most of them are not a problem.



So Lin Nuan wanted to struggle to get up, and when the maidservant saw this, she was busy helping her to get up.



This person who was called the Second Lady busily took a step forward and pressed Lin Nuan's hand and said, "Yuan Xi, you are just waking up and your body is still weak, there is no need to give me a salute."



Lin Nuan was shocked, the original is not the agent to give her all that play, that play did not read a few pages, but she also more or less understand the names of the characters, there will never be a call Yuan Xi. But what kind of theater is this? Lin Nuan not quite some confusion.



She withdrew her thoughts, pulled her mouth slightly, and said, "I've caused Erniang to be concerned."



The woman standing beside the woman, seeing that Lin Nuan had been able to get up, said unhappily, "When eldest sister is well, my sister will be relieved, if she misses this year's Emperor's selection then eldest sister will really become a sinner of the Hu House."



"Ming Xi, for once, your eldest sister has only just woken up, what are you saying to make her worry!" The Second Mistress falsely reprimanded.



Lin Nuan glanced at the second lady and the child with a smile in her eyes, thinking that this crew is really good at choosing actors, this second lady looks extremely white skin, extremely beautiful, the narrow phoenix eyes are very exotic style, if not to see her speak Chinese so fluently, would suspect that she is a Korean friend.



This small actor is also good, although I have not seen her acting works, but this child's line skills and look are good, in the future is certainly a new star in the movie world, not only that, but indeed between the eyebrows and their own have many similarities, is indeed suitable for playing sisters.



Thinking of this, Lin Nuan changed into a brighter smile, since she couldn't let a small child compare. Even if she was the rising star of tomorrow, she was still the heroine of this drama.



Since the second mother has reprimanded the second sister, her words are not convenient to say too revealing, so said: "I have been the eldest daughter of the House of Hu, since I will not let Dad disappointed, she day if I really can enter the eyes of the Holy Spirit, to be able to enter the Palace as a consort, to be a younger sister after the adult will let the Holy Spirit to the younger sister to point out a good family."



"You ..." Ming Xi was so exasperated that she was suddenly speechless.



While the two were arguing, the door creaked open, "Nonsense! You two sisters are really at odds with each other, quarreling whenever you meet!" In came a man dressed in a brown suit, with bright eyebrows and a dark beard, and a woman dressed in a dark pink group-patterned suit, with a dignified face.



"Greetings to the master, ma'am." The maidservant beside Lin Nuan bent down again once more.



The lord in the mouth of the servant girl is precisely the owner of this mansion, Hu Gong, the idle prince of the court - Wu Shi Bo; and the lady is Huang Fu Xin, from the scholarly family Huai Lin Huang Fu Clan, the maternal ancestor also served as an official in the court, the family is rich, is a lady of the house, literate, gentle and virtuous.



Duke Hu blanked Mingxi, and went straight to Lin Nuan's bedside, this Duke Hu really loves his daughter, even if his eldest daughter is already at maturity, he still pulled up her hand, and touched her forehead, and said: "Seeing that you just woke up, you can fight with Mingxi, so I know that you don't have anything to worry about! Just hard on your mother, see your mother with a big belly, but also guarded you three days and nights." But although this is said to be a reproach, but the tone is all concern.



Lin Nuan traced the woman next to her eyes, her stomach was already big, it looked like there should be seven or eight months.



Huangfu Xin sat down beside Lin Nuan's bed, took her hand and said, "Why did you fall into the lotus pond on such a cold day? The sound of silk and bamboo strings was in full swing in the front yard, if it wasn't for the Yin family's son and your brother Qi who saw you fall into the water, I'm afraid you'd already be dead."