
Yu-Gi-Oh: Fate Of Time

A normal guy transfer to a 21 year old body in the Old Era Of Yu-Gi-Oh World, with his skills from his old world and a 3 Blank cards obtained by the Gods at the Beginning of his journey, He will take this world by storm, challenges from around the world, against friends, foes and the unknown Darkness from all around the world of YUGIOH, will he succeed to help Yugi and his friend? What plans have destiny for him? I suck at writing so if I don’t have a good grammar, i apologies but I try my best. i’m sorry If i update slowly somedays or fast other days, IRL stuff is annoying. I don´t own the Yugioh character except for my OC, I do not own the picture, (Will change picture if needed to.)

Glace · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Vs System!!!

Ryze woke up to a Duel Arena where it looks like where Duelist Kingdom used.

''Urgh My head, Where am i?''

System: [Welcome to the Duel Arena Challenger]

Ryze was suprised at the voice and looked towards him and saw light partical with hand appear.

''Okay that´s creepy, wait? that sound... System, is that you?''

System: [Indeed, You have activate the Relic which mean in order for you to obtain this card, you need to defeat me.]

Ryze was feeling chills, the card that the system is showing made Ryze heart shake and couldn´t look away, the card must be powerful if he needed to win from the system and have a certain item just to do the challenge to obtain it.

''Haha, Okay game on then System.''


System [4000LP] [Hand: 5]

Ryze [4000LP] [Hand: 5]

''Commencing Turn, Draw. I summon *Berserk Gorilla*, In Attack Mode!''

[Berserk Gorilla]

[Effect Monster]

[Attack: 2000]

[Defence: 1000]

''Commencing... Place 2 card facedown, ending turn.''

''My turn then, I Draw! i Start by summoning my *Machine Lord Ur* in Attack Mode.''

[Machine Lord Ur]

[Effect Monster]

[Attack: 1600]

[Defence: 1500]

''I activate my magic card, *Axe Of Despair* This gives my monster 1000 attack points.''

[Attack: 1600 + 1000 = 2600]

''I choose to attack with my monster against your Berserk Gorilla.''

''Commencing... Activating my facedown, Negate Attack, This card end your attack.''

''I place 2 card face down and end my turn''

System [4000LP] [Hand: 3]

Ryze [4000LP] [Hand: 2]

''Commencing... Drawing card... Switching Berserk Gorilla to defence mode, activate Berserk gorilla´s special ability, if he is in defence mode he gets destroyed''

Ryze was confused, Why would he switch his monster to defence mode? was it to save his life points? or is it something else?

''Commencing... Activate special ability in my hand, By paying 1000 Life points i can special summon *Green Baboon, Defender Of The Forest* in Attack Mode!''

System [4000 - 1000 = 3000LP]

Suddenly a giant baboon with a huge club appeared on the opponent side of the field.

[Green Baboon, Defender Of The Forest]

[Effect Monster]

[Attack: 2600]

[Defence: 1800]

''Commencing.... Activating Continiuous spell, *Kishido Spirit* Monsters on my side of the field cannot be destroyed in a battle if the monsters' Attack are equal.''

Ryze was suprised, that´s a card he didn´t expect the system to use, tho to be fair he didn´t know he would fight the system in this trial at all.

''Commencing.... *Green Baboon, Defender Of The Forest*, Attack his Machine Lord Ur.''

''Hold it i activate my facedown card, *Whidespread Ruin* it destroyes the highest attacking monster on yourside of the field!''

''Commencing.... activate facedown card, *Solem Judgment* When a monster´s, OR a Spell/trap card is activated, I can pay half my life points to negate it and destroy it.''

System [3000 - 1500 = 1500LP]

Ryze facedown got destroyed and the Baboon attack his Machine Lord and destroyed his monster.

''Commencing.... placing 2 card face down, Ending turn.''

''Im suprised, You are playing better then i thought system, My turn Draw!!! i summon my *Zombyra The Dark* in attack mode!

[Zombyra The Dark]

[Effect Monster]

[Attack: 2100]

[Defence: 500]

''I then activate my spell card *Riryoku* I take half your monster attack points and then transfer them to my monster!''

''Commencing.... Activate facedown card *Mystik Wok* This card allows me to Sacrifice my monster and gains Life Points of its Attack or Defence points, Selecting Attack Points to Life Points.''

Suddenly a Big appears under the Baboon and started to cook him and was sent to the graveyard.

System [1500 + 2600 = 4100LP]

Ryze was in a predicament, it means his spell card was of no use with no target, what worse is that Zombyra the Dark cannot attack a player directly so all he could do was to end his turn.

System [4100LP] [Hand: 0]

Ryze [4000LP] [Hand: 1]

''Commencing.... Drawing Card.... Activate facedown card *Call Of The Haunted* i can choose one monster from the graveyard and resurrect it to the field, Choosing *Green Baboon, Defender Of The Forest* in attack mode.''

Once again the Baboon appears on the field and was roaring at Ryze.

''Commencing.... *Green Baboon, Defender Of The Forest* Attack *Zombyra The Dark*''

''Looks like you forgot something System, I still have a facedown card, I activate my Facedown, *Rising Energy* by discarding a card, i can choose one monster to gain 1500 attack points for one turn and i choose my Zombyra The Dark! So i discard my Barbaros for him to gain 15000 attack points! making him stronger then your Baboon!!!''

Zombyra [2100 + 1500 = 3600ATK]

The Baboon swings his club at Zombyra but Zombyra jumps at the sky and from the sky made a drob kick at the baboon and destroyed him.

System [2600 - 3600 = 1000LP - 4100 = 3100LP]

''However since Zombyra destroyed a monster in battle his attack points decrese by 200 attack points.''

Zombyra [2100 - 200 = 1900ATK]

''Commencing.... Commencing.... Ending Turn.''

''(I need something to clutch this, I have no hand, all i can do is hoping i draw the card i just got,) My turn then i draw!!!''

Ryze looked at the card he drew and saw the card he needed to win this turn, ''I remove My *Beast King Barbaros* and *Machine Lord Ur* From my Grave yard in order to summon my *Beast Machine King Barbaros Ur*!!!'''

Barbaros appears to the field but had fused with some Machine part and was 2 times bigger then normal.

[Beast Machine King Barbaros Ur]

[Effect Monster]

[Attack: 3800]

[Defence: 1200]

''Finish it Machine King Barbaros, Attack!!!''

The Machine beat roared and charged at the System and defeated the system.

System [3100 - 3800 = 0LP]

System: [Trial Ended, Winner Ryze Minato, Returning to the real world]

Ryze was suprised becase after his monster finished the attack, he returned to his room and woke up with a huge headache, ''Ouch, My head huh?''

In front of Ryze appeard a card floating infront of him and as soon as he took the card, A huge preassure appeared at him and felt a huge being watching over him but as soon as it appeared it was gone, ''What was that! i felt like my heart would expload from the pressure... wait THIS CARD!!!'''

Ryze was terrifed becase the card in his hand was no ordinary card, It was a god card....

A Wicked God!

''....The Wicked Eraser...''


Okay, Second Chapter Complete, 2 more to go, seya soon.