
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-Alternatives

story of a Duelist name Haoryu Z-ARC, after he succeded to destroy his own dimension. Z-ARC already achieved his goal but he feels nothing but empty and regrets. when Z-ARC already fell into despair for eternity, Akaba Ray, his lover who already died because of him appear in the state of a soul, telling Z-ARC he was given a second chance... Tags: FANFIC, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Harem, MC Strong from the start, R18(nolemon) Alternative Dimensions: GX Dimension 5DS Dimension ZeXaL Dimension Vrains Dimension (AU Yu-Gi-Oh! FANFIC just for fun) english not my main language so very sorry for my bad grammars.

HaoryuZARC · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Turn 1

boy 1 :"gaahhhhhh~ i'm late! i'm late! i'm late! i'm late!" said by brown haired boy with unique hairstyle wearing Domino High School uniform while running hastily...

boy 2 :"don't worry Judai, we still have the time, well...it's true that we late tho, hahaha~" replied from another purple haired boy with unique hairstyle too, wearing same Domino High School uniform who running behind Judai without worry...

Judai :"oh c'mon Yuri~, plus why is the train only late on important days like this?"

Yuri :"well~ don't ask me" 

Judai :"wait!, this is exciting!, this is trial that i've been given to overcome. GU~TS just you wait! Duel Academia!"

after Judai screaming with passion he increases his speed, Yuri just smirk looking at his best friend doing his usual thing, then Yuri start increases his speed too to keep up with Judai...

few moments later...

Judai :"HUWAAA!? look out!" 

Judai is too late to reduce his speed then unfortunately he hit the innocent pedestrian, but only Judai that get bounced back and fall, causing his cards and duel disk thrown out of his back, while the one being hitted is fine and standing....

Judai :"ah, sorry!" Judai embarassed and started picking his cards and cleaned it...

Yuri seeing the accident can't help but laugh at his friend misfortune, Yuri surprised seeing the man that Judai had bump...

Yuri :'Muto Yugi' thought Yuri, then Yuri start helping Judai picking his cards...

Yuri :"as expected of Judai-sama" of course Yuri doesn't forget to teased Judai...

Judai :"hehe~" Judai just laugh it off embarassed...

Muto Yugi wearing belt-like choker, black sleeveless shirt, black jean. the man whose been bumped by Judai looking at him interested...

Yugi :"hey...are you Duelist?"

Judai :"Yeah, i'm taking the Duel Academia entrance exam, with my best friend too Yuri" Judai look back and replied to the man, Judai doesn't seem to realize who's the person he bump to...

Yugi smiled, then he taken out a card...

Judai :"thanks for the help Yuri" 

Yuri :"no worry"

after finished collecting the scattered cards Yuri and Judai stand up, Judai just laughing embarrased to the man he bump then suddenly Judai realized who the man is...

Judai :"are you-"

Yugi :"this is lucky card. it want to go where you're going." Yugi offering his card and giving it to Judai...

Judai :"eh?"

Yugi :"do your best. and you too" Yugi doesn't forget to encourage Yuri too...

Judai :"y-yes" Judai still feeling unreal, while Yuri just nodded..

Judai :"a-ano...Thank you very much!" then Judai bowed to Yugi...

women :"Yuuugiii~ sorry for the wait~"

two women appears, a light skin woman wearing a sylish yet sexy outfit and a brown skin woman wearing a one-piece dress and a veil unable hiding her curvy body approached Yugi, both of them holding ice creams, and the women who call Yugi name giving Yugi one of her ice creams...

Judai is awestruck due to his meeting with Yugi and even being given a card by him...

Winged Kuriboh

Yuri just amused seeing the legendary Yugi and his rumored girlfriends....

Yuri :"Judai...you know we late right?" while looking at Judai helplessly...

Winged Kuriboh :"Kuri Kuri~"

Judai :"!?...do you hear that? ah forget it...let's go Yuri!" without waiting Yuri reply Judai start running again full power and he put the card Yugi give him to his deck...

Yuri :"sigh~" Yuri can't help it, with a weak smile he start running and catching up to Judai, actually Yuri heard it that too, but it doesn't matter...


on that day, practical exams for Duel Academia, a Academy for training elite duelist, were being held at Kaiba Land. 

The Duel Academia entrance exam is divided into written and practical tests.

only those approved after the written exam are allowed to proceed to the practical exam. 

-outside of practical tests building, on the registration area-

after a black glasses man in black looking at his wristwatch, he nodded to the two staff woman wearing white and yellow uniform of Duel Academia...


the man in black and the two woman surprised for the sudden yell...

on the fence not that far away from the registration area...

Judai and Yuri showed up from climbing the hill where the practical test being held, Judai appearance a bit dirty due to the result of the climbing the hill, while Yuri appearance is surprisingly clean compared to Judai...

Yuri really never felt bored since Yuri met Judai in High School and become his friend...

Judai :"Exam number 110, Yuki Judai!"

Yuri :"and Exam number 69, Haoryu Yuri"

Judai :"we are safe, right?" Judai grinning and peace-sign hand to the man in black and the two staff woman...


-inside Practical Tests Building-

the Practical Tests Building is really big, in the main area there are four Duel Field for use, currently all of the Duel Field is being used for exam, and there are quite many spectators from either Duel Academy staffs, students of Duel Academia, and examinees....

Yuri and Judai reached to the back area of Audience seats, looking at this sight Yuri suddenly remember some of his good and bad past-memories....

Judai :"ho~ look at them going at it!" Judai can't hold his excitement while looking at the Duel below, causing a light blue haired boy wearing small glasses startled and looking at him wonder, while Yuri just looking at the Duel below uninterested...


-Duel Field A-

Examinee LP:3200

Examiner :"no matter how elite you may be, in the face of my hyper-defense deck, you won't be able to chip may life points any further."

Examinee :"trap card Ring of Destruction activate!"

then a face down card in the spell/trap area rise up, showing a Ring of Destruction trap card...

Examiner :"what!?"

Examinee :"this trap card destroy one face up monster on the field, dealing damage equal to its attack points to both of us, i choose my monster Vorse Raider!"

the neck of the Beast-Warrior Vorse Raider suddenly equiped by ring with several grenades, then not long after that it explodes causing a lot of smokes...

Vorse Raider Atk:1900

Examinee LP:3200>1300

Examiner LP:1900>0

Examiner :"exam duel complete. congratulation you won."

Examinee :"thank you very much." while bowing to the Examiner...

meanwhile on a certain Audiences seats...

mob student 1 :"Exam number 1, Misawa Daichi. he's very good, isn't he?"

mob student 2 :"after hearing the rumors, it was worth coming to see him. right, Manjome-san?" asking beside him a student with standard blue uniform, a light skinned boy with black hair and unique hairstyle...

Manjome :"nonsense. the bar for entrance exam is set very low. leaving campus was a waste of time....only one!, Duel Academia doesn't need two kings." looking down at Misawa Daichi arrogantly...


Judai :"that number 1 there had great combo, huh?" while crossing his arms

light blue haired boy :"of course he did. that's Exam number 1. in other words, the one who placed highest on the written exam. That's Misawa-kun dayo" suddenly explained to Judai

while Yuri almost can't hold his laughter...

Judai :"so that's what the exam numbers mean?"

light blue haired boy :"they determine who gets in based on written exam score and your duel. i managed to win my duel, but i'm exam number 119, so i don't know if they'll let me pass or not..."

Judai :"don't you worry" suddenly Judai slap the light blue haired boy back, causing him taken aback...

Judai :"if you're lucky, you'll pass. look at me, i'm number 110 and he's my best friend is number 69" said to the boy grinning proudly...

light blue haired boy :"you two are examinee too?"

Judai :"yeah" while Yuri nodded...

light blue haired boy :"but the duels for the 100s and 60s already finished."

Judai :"EH!?" 

Yuri :"NANI!?" Yuri genuinely surprised

meanwhile on the other area of Audiences seats...

mob staff 1 :"no deliberation needed for Misawa-kun, he's pass"

mob staff 2 :"yes, so he's the last one?"

suddenly man in black from the outside approached the staff with the most eccentric appearances...

man in black :"excuse me, we have two more examinees that made it just before registration closed." 

eccentric staff :"what is their exam number-wa?"

man in black :"exam number 69 and exam number 110"

eccentric staff :"arriving just before the deadline suggests carelessness-ne. our academy needs no drop out boys."

mob staff 1 :"but they did make it in time, so i think they has the right to take the exam."

mob staff 3 :" and they was late because of a train accident."

mob staff 2 :"it seems not to let them take it..."

eccentric staff :"NON PROBLEMMA! NEVER NON NON NON" his outburst causing the staffs around him surprised...

then suddenly the eccentric staff phone is ringing, then without checking up the id he just immediately picked up the call...

eccentric staff :"scuse, who might this be?...oh mr.Headmaster" his tone suddenly become respectful...

-Duel Academia, Headmaster office-

Headmaster :"i hear you have an examinees who was late due to train accident and made it just before registration closed..." talking to his phone while sitting on his chair...

Eccentric staff :"EH!?"

in Audiences Seats eccentric staff expression become funny...

Headmaster :"be careful not to deprive them of their chances, just because of their written score. remember our goal is to bring together a wide variety of talents in order to cultivate more well-rounded Duelists" after that the Headmaster hang up his call...

back to the Practical Exams building...

Eccentric staff :"nothing slips by him, ne~? old man tanuki-no~..." annoyed because of the Headmaster catch him too fast...

Eccentric staff :'Duel Academia is a school for the Duel Elite. perche? why does Headmaster Sameshima ally himself with a drop-out boys such as them?' thought him...

Eccentric staff :"I shall duel with that examinees personally-simas!"

mob staff 2 :"w-wait a minute...Instructor Cronos take this exam deck with you" he offered the box filled with exam decks...

Cronos :"HMPH! i have no need for such a thing-nanone! i shall use my own deck."

back to Yuri area...

Judai :"you're really good!" said Judai to Misawa after he sit down...

Misawa :"yeah." doesn't take Judai seriously

Judai :"i'd say you're good enough to be number 3 among this year's examinees." Judai saying provoking statements with his genuine positive vibes, making Misawa and the blue haired boy surprised...

Yuri :'ma~n judai really beat me in that departement eh...'

Announcer :"Exam number 69, Haoryu Yuri."

Yuri :"hmm~ sorry Judai, it seem i'll go first" without waiting Judai reply Yuri walked down to the Duel Field...

Judai :"allright. finally, i can watch your duel Yuri." looking at Yuri back...

Misawa :"you...why do you think i'm gonna number 3?"

Judai :"because i'm number 1 and my best friend Yuri is number 2, hehe~"while rubbing his undernose...

Judai :"honestly, eventhough this is the first time i see Yuri duel but i know he's really a strong Duelist!" hearing that the blue haired boy can look at Judai and Yuri and fall into deep in thought

few moments later...

inside the Duel Field

Yuri is being lifted from below arena, then when he arrived Yuri already see Cronos as examiner waiting for him and ready...

Cronos :"Bonjour!"

Yuri :'ugh ugly' that's what Yuri think when he sees Cronos...

Yuri :"exam number 69, Haoryu Yuri"

Cronos :"Signor Yuri, i am Cronos de Medici. i oversee the Academy's Physical Training-des."

Yuri :"hmmm~? is this...an honor for me?"

mob student 1 :"Instructor Cronos facing him personally?"

mob student 2 :"is this Yuri kid really that important?"

Manjome :'he shouldn't be!' Manjome still can't believe what he see...

Cronos :"Duel Coat ON!" then Cronos touch gently his Duel Coat on his breast then start posing some cringe moves...

Yuri :'hmmm ok...'

Yuri :"then...Duel Disk ON!" copying Cronos, Yuri Duel Disk is activated an the divided cards board combined into one and ready to use...

Yuri & Cronos :"DUEL!"

Yuri LP: 4000 hand: 5, deck: 35

Cronos LP: 4000 hand: 5, deck: 35




Yuri :"so who's first?" hearing that Cronos eyes is twitched...

Cronos :"AHEM!...since this is a test-arimas, of course examinee is always first-nanone."

Yuri :"oh that so? then, ore no turn...doro!" Yuri looking at his starter hand...

Yuri :'sigh~ this is really bullying, being a strong is indeed difficult' tought Yuri...

Yuri :"i summon Predaplant Cephalotus Snail in attack position!" 

plant-like monster Cephalotus is appear in front of Yuri surprising many spectator on the scene...

Judai :"predaplant?" Misawa and blue haired boy near Judai is surprised and wonder too...

Manjome :'what kind of archetype is that!?' Manjoume with an expression of disbelief...

somewhere in the back of Audience Seats...

dark blond haired big titty girl :"Ryo, do you know that monster?" she asked to a handsome man beside her...

Ryo :"unfortunately Asuka, even i don't know...i see, this is interesting" before Ryo is bored just like Yuri, but now he's interested in Yuri Duel and curious about that kind of monster...

Asuka :"hmm...to think even you doesn't know that monster, it's impossible if that monster is a fake, since fake cards won't generate a solid vision." Ryo doesn't give any reply...

back to Yuri Duel Field...

Cronos :"Predaplant? never heard of it, don't tell me you are using fake card-desune!?" Cronos deliberately accused Yuri of using illegal cards...

Yuri :"but if i remember correctly...aren't the current Solid Vision can't generate fake cards?" smirked

Cronos :"TCH! anyway you done-nanone?" Cronos attemp to trick Yuri failed...

Yuri :"i set two cards, turn end!"

Yuri LP: 4000, hand: 3, deck: 34, field:3

Cronos :"ORE TURN-nanone!, draw!"

Cronos LP:4000, hand:6, deck: 34