
Yu Bin. Immortal Of Water Land

When everything resumes to love, there is no space for more. We need love to be born, we need love to grow up... We need love to win against fate. The story that I will tell you is not just about love though. Because it starts with the desire for vengeance, with manipulation and betrayal. When the king of the Heaven Realm is killed by the royals of the Fire Realm, two kids are brought together in the Water Realm and raised by the royals there. The Water Realm's royals are killed by one of them letting the princess's kingdom live in despair. When her soulmate dies by her soul sword's hand, Princess Yu Bin will kill herself after losing her last strong of hope thinking that her soulmate was the killer. One thousand years later, she, her master, and her soulmate are reborn and meet the killer. What will happen now that everyone is put together in the same place?

Niyuniyu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
102 Chs

The Unrecognizable Feeling

"Don't be afraid, I will never let you fall, " Xan Chen said, holding her tight from behind.

"That's good to know, I will never let you fall either. I will always protect you, I will protect our master, Ming Fang, mom, dad, our people…"

"You are not alone Yu Bin, don't try to protect everyone alone. I am strong enough and I'll become stronger, I'll always be by your side, I'll help you protect everyone. "

"Hm, thank you," Yu Bin said, letting herself fall on Xian Chen's chest watching the stars.

"The stars are looking more beautiful up here, " she added looking up.

"Indeed, " Xian Chen answered, smiling tenderly.

His heart was so relaxed tonight. Truth be told, his heart started to heal the day Yu Bin cried for him. Every time he is close to Yu Bin he will feel so calm. She was his cure and he will always remember that. But between this feeling of calm and gratitude, he has a strange feeling inside his heart and however he thinks he can't recognize it, he never felt this. Every time he is away from her, he misses her, he wants to see her, to be with her always. When he sees her, his heart beats harder, he wants to hug her and stay like that forever.

He still doesn't recognize this feeling and it is annoying to not know something about yourself.

That's why when he saw that his master didn't come back, he left the castle to look for them thinking that something bad happened to Yu Bin and that's why she didn't come. Finding out that they left to train Yu Bin, he felt relieved but at the same time troubled because somehow, he missed her, somehow he missed Yu Bin so much, and somehow he felt alone without her.

Trying to go after them, the queen stopped him and told him that once he is cured they will go together, and there they are.

"Yu Bin…I missed you " Xian Chen said but he didn't receive any answer.

Looking at her she was sleeping soundly.

Xian Chen smiled and asked Longwei to bring them down.

After reaching down Xian Chen carried her and put her in her bed.

"I missed you too" Yu Bin murmured slowly but Xian Chen heard it.

"Are you awake?" He asked but didn't get any answer. Looking at her closely Xian Chen found himself kissing Yu Bin's forehead. Started by his own actions, Xian Chen got up, and turning around he left Yu Bin's room in a rush.

"Where were you ?" Bao Fang asks Xian Chen when he got out of Yu Bin's room, frightening him.

"Having a stroll around the mountain, " he answered honestly.

"Oh, did you miss her? I heard the queen saying that you wanted to follow us being hurt."

"Hm, I missed her. I just wanted to see her face to make sure she is ok "

"She is with me …"

" I know, that's why I agreed with the queen when she said to wait till my wound will heal.

" Just for you to know, she missed you too. She didn't say anything but I could see. When she woke up in the morning she was looking lost in space. Even today, when we were in the city she wanted you to be with us "

"Can I stay here? I can cultivate here too. Here are lots of elements that I need ."

"You can do it. But don't stay too close to her, even if you see her troubled, don't help her ."

"What are you planning "

"From tomorrow she will start physical training"

"Are you serious, isn't it too early? She just managed to cultivate a bit and …"

"You don't know anything, " Master said laughing.


"She has become stronger, she made a contract with water, she is faster, really faster. She is using water to jump, fly, and even generate weapons. Yu Bin changed Xian Chen. Even if just two weeks have passed she changes much, didn't you notice today? So now she needs to strengthen her body. Her power grew, but now we need to strengthen her body too. She can fly using water but what about using a sword? She needs balance. She can't always make the sword bigger because she doesn't have balance, that will require too much spiritual energy, and what if she is in a fight? How will she be able to fight ?"

"Oh, I understand, but, please let me stay by her side "

"You can stay by her side if that's what you want but don't interfere with her training "

"I will not …I just want her to know that I'm here "

"Good morning, your highness," Bao Fang said when she saw the queen getting out of the old house.

"Good morning master, what are you doing so early in the morning "

" Oh, I thought of painting the gate, it was already two weeks from the time we got here and I didn't have the time but now I made a bit of time and did it, see, now it's looking better." Bao Fang said closing and opening the gate.

" Looks good, " the queen said, smiling.

" You should've seen Yu Bin's face when we first came, ha ha ha, she was dumbfounded. The gate fell just in front of her" Bao fang said laughing, recalling how Yu Bin wanted to leave after she saw the condition of the house they would live in.

"It was not funny, " Yu Bin said sharply.

"Yu Bin, you wake up, " the queen said, smiling at her daughter.

"Yes, where are the other ones?" Yu Bin asked, looking around.

"Sleeping….is just five in the morning " the queen answered

"Ah, yes, it is really early. Why are you not sleeping, mom ?"

"Oh, I just woke up and wanted to breathe a mouth of cleaner air, then I saw your master, and I thought of keeping her company. If you are sleepy you should go and sleep more darling " the queen answered her daughter's question.

"Ah no, I don't have time for sleeping, I need to train, master said that today I will start the physical training. "

"Ah, yes, about that, we should go if you are ready "

"I'm ready "

"Isn't it too early ? '' the queen questioned her daughter and Bao Fang.

"No it's not mom, it's already late, I overslept," Yu Bin said and the queen got stunned.

Her daughter just said that she "overslept" at five in the morning. Is this the same Yu Bin?

"Oh yes mom, when I'll be back will I still find you all here ?"

"Are you curious if I'll be here or do you just want to know if Xian Chen will still be here ?" Her mother teased her and Yu Bin blushed, not knowing how to react to her mother's teasing.


" We will leave because your father has an important meeting with the leader of Fire land. "

"Oh, ok mom, then I'll see you all in two weeks, say bye to everyone on my part, " Yu Bin said, hugging her mother. Turning around she walked a few steps and using her spiritual energy summoned the water then using it she flew up in the sky.