
Yours, Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn Caddell was at the mercy of the duke's proposal since her family had set up the marriage without her knowledge until the day before where her parents dropped the news. The eligible duke was a fearsome person with horrid rumors constantly flying around the nobles and commoners which was why despite him having an enticing rank, no woman approached him with the thought of marriage. It posed the question as to why Maximillian Latimer was searching for a bride so intently, and to why he landed on the idea of his teacher's daughter. Gwendolyn truly believes that she isn't suited to become the Duchess of Latimer, however, marriage was not as she had thought it would be. Despite her worries, the marriage will carry beyond her largest dreams and turn to be a true blessing in disguise to take down those who are after her loved ones. **updates every Thursday & Sunday** *cover art sourced from the internet, all credits to the original artist*

Winter_Auden · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
74 Chs

New Face of Late

There was a commotion downstairs, the hushed voices carrying some weight that made Gwen turn back to glance curiously as to what could be happening. The mansion had been overall quiet for the past few days as Gwen got settled in. There was an unknown voice that was rigid and clearly a woman's voice who struggling to get her word across.

Gwen shrugged before continuing her stroll down the corridor since she was doing a walk-through of the mansion again by herself to try and memorize where each room was along with carrying her novels back to her bedroom. The raised voices from below she couldn't recognize, but she did hear Cassian's exasperated tone. What could be the cause of his sharp reaction?

Avery was accompanying her around the hallways, and she lifted her eyebrow at Gwen who suddenly stopped. She leaned to the side to try and pick up what they were saying while at the same time, attempting to keep her pile of books in her arms straight, so that they wouldn't fall out and make an even louder commotion.

She and Avery were transporting some older novels that Cosette was planning to get rid of into her bedroom for more decoration to keep her busy. Gwen flipped through some novels earlier and found them knowledgeable and worth keeping. Cosette had assured her that there was no need to do the labor, but Gwen waved her off since it was only a small load.

"There are people chasing me!" the feminine voice called out.

"You can leave," Cassian calmly said.

"I couldn't see their faces, but I can't go back out."

"Get out."

"What do you mean get out?" the feminine voice seethed in rage.

"Exactly as I said."


"I cannot let you enter without your father's permission," Cassian's voice cut in with a flat tone.

"I am not trespassing. The guards let me in earlier."

"They should have come to me first."

"I'm not a threat. How many times do I have to get that into your thick skull?"

A husky laugh ensued from Cassian that Gwen was sure was not taken well on the receiving end of it. "We have an important guest here."

The woman sighed. "Judging by the number of guards outside, I highly doubt that they are just any important guest."

"You haven't heard the news?"

"Of what?"

"The duke was married as of two weeks ago."


"It is true."

"Who is she?"

"Just go outside for once, and you will figure it out."

"I am outside," the woman retorted. "So you might as well enlighten me."

Avery placed a hand on Gwen's shoulder, but Gwen lifted a finger to her lips. It wasn't a habit of hers to eavesdrop, but she was interested in how Cassian would portray her. Avery rolled her eyes with a silent sigh before taking the books out of Gwen's hands to which Gwen sent her a bright smile in gratitude.

"The duchess is the daughter of the revered Count Caddell, Her Grace Gwendolyn Caddell," Cassian said.

"I have heard of her," the woman murmured. "Her family is wealthy and powerful enough to be their own kingdom. There's not much known of her, and there's yet for her to get offered in a hand of marriage since she tends to stay out of the social pocket. Although, I find it more odd for the duke to marry her when he isn't home."

"It is not your place to question the duke's actions," Cassian said.

The woman paused. "Please let me stay for the evening with Cosette, and I'll leave tomorrow morning."

Gwen ended up pivoting on her foot to go down the grand staircase since her curiosity got the best of her making Avery shake her head in dismay. Who was the woman?

She seemed to be someone of nobility due to her tone and well-chosen words, except for the mention of the thick skull. Gwen almost laughed at that part.

Avery was trying to pull Gwen back, but Gwen gently moved her shirtsleeve away out of reach with a sneaky smile before following the golden railing down gracefully and looking around the first floor to see where they were at.

The entryway was empty, and she peeked her head into the adjourning rooms to see that there were only maids going about their duties, cleaning and dusting. The voices were near, but she couldn't figure out where.

She strode back to the main doors where the stairs were, and she turned back when she saw the front doors ajar, letting the noise outside in.

Gwen pulled the heavy doors open and froze for a second when she saw Cassian and the woman still yelling while jabbing irritated fingers at each other. When he heard Gwen come out of the doors, he shoved the woman behind him.

They were standing to the right of the front door in the shade of the balcony above, and Gwen crossed her ankles while she leaned on the side of the quartz columns.

Her eyes narrowed at Cassian for answers, but he only sighed in response. It was interesting to see Cassian worked up, and Gwen lifted her eyebrow to convey that it was exactly how she was seeing it.

He was there alone with a gorgeous woman whose face was covered by his towering shoulder.

"Good morning, Your Grace," Cassian greeted while he inclined his head.

Gwen grinned. "Hello, Cassian. It is such a clear day is it not?"

Cassian paused. "I suppose so."

"Now, who is the lovely lady behind you?" Gwen asked with a slight smirk.

A woman with a thin blue shawl wrapped around her head with her lips pressed in an irritated line shoved Cassian to the side, making her come out into the sunlight.

Gwen was taken aback with pale hair as white as snow coiled up into a plaited chignon and clear dark eyes that were bright with mischief and intelligence. The woman tilted her chin down just as Gwen dipped her own.

"Hello, Your Grace," the woman greeted with a tired smile.

"What business do you have here?" Gwen asked amiably.

The woman was about to say another word when Cassian pushed the woman further out of the doors, making her stumble. Gwen was about to lift her hand worried about the rough treatment, but Cassian bowed once more. "Please give us a moment."

"Wait a second, Your Grace," the woman called for Gwen before slapping Cassian's arm. "What is wrong with you?"

"Let's speak somewhere else," he muttered.